War of the Foxes


Six String Shinobi
Apr 11, 2002
Ooc:This is an anime style thread I thought an while ago after I saw an movie.
In the days long ago, not too long after the begining of mankind. There consisted a war between two clans. These clans took human shape although they were really foxes, but we now call these beast Kitsunes, or As others call them, Were-foxes. These clans were the Ho (Fire) Fox Clan, and the Kage (Shadow) Fox clan. These two clans raged the war for hundreds of years, using powerful magic against each other. This magic also brung the end of the clans.

Today there are still Ho clan decendents and Kage clan decendents are around today, most living in peace not knowing that they not only have the powers to destroy the earth, but the old war that nearly killed them... Rages on.

My Chara: Kai Inferno
Race: Kitsune of the Ho clan
age: just turned 18
Hair: Flaming orange, short and slightly wild
Build: slightly above average teenager build
Weapon: Not know as of yet.

Bio: Kai is an Extreamly quick, slightly hot headed teen that had just turned 18. Being the youngest child of five and raised by an single mother (his dad died when he was15-16), Kai has the pressure of being the responsible one for his family. But on his 18'th, birthday, his life changed forever
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Info on the two clans:

This is basic info on the two clans, both have extreamly powerful, yet equal magic. Both can turn into giant foxes that are the size of an adult wolf.

Ho Clan: This clan has the abliaty of changing forms like the Kumiho (Nine tailed fox) They are usauly calm and kind torwards people, but when it comes to fighting its enemy, the fire fox can be very vicious and powerful. Although their main speaciality is speed and flame type and revival type magic, they sometimes are able to learn other light type magic. When these people change into foxes, they usauly have an orange or White color.

Kage Clan: This clan is much more devious than the Ho clan, because they could melt into shadows, or teleport when they are in dark areas. Unlike the Ho clan however the Kage foxes are extreamly powerful in both light and dark magic. Mainly Black magic, and blue magic, which give the Ho clan an major disadvantage. When these shodow people change into their fox forms, it is said that they could change into either Black or grey foxes, yet it is not sure because most people do not live long enough to see them change into foxes.

Hokage foxes: Nothing is realy know about the foxes, but it is said that the Ho and the Kage originate from these foxes.

Why these two clans fight, is uknown, the reason was held secretly with the original warriors, and they are now dead...



Kai ran the streets panting "Some... birthday... This is!" Kai slid to an stop and turned the sharp corner, and dove behind a few crates "Shit! What the hell do those guys want with me?!" Kai muttered as he saw two shadows slowly walking past the crates.

"Are you sure you saw him running this way?!" One of the shadows muttered, making sure nobody else could hear, "Yes I'm sure! That little pink ran this way!"

"To think an Fox from the Ho clan running away from an fight!" Laughed the first one as they both left the ally way, laughing."

Kai looked out from the crates,confused "Ho clan? The hell is an 'Ho Clan' ?!"
Sara Oshino, Kage clan, grey fox
Long black hair, grey eyes
19 years old, still learning about her abilities. Rebelling against the war.

Sara gunned her motorcycle down the alley, leaning sharply around the hairpin turns. That Ho clan idiot was about to get himeslf killed, and all for this stupid, ancient war. She knew it would make her an outlaw to her own people, but she had to help him.

Quickly gaining on the running boy, Sara reached out a gloved hand and grabbed his arm. She pulled him roughly onto the back of the bike. They crashed through a large pile of trash blocking the alleyway, and sped out onto a brightly lit main street.

Sara silently hoped that those two Kage back there couldn't shadow-step yet, but she had a sinking feeling that the night was only just beginning.
ooc:pretty good chara Swam Thing

IC: Kai gave an happy sigh as he heard the two thugs leave "That... That was a close one!" Little did the young flame knew that another Kage clan member was heading torwards him at that moment since she was riding an motor cycle. Kai's hearing didn't develop that well just yet.)

Kai began to stand up. But as soon as he began to brush himself off, he felt an hand grab him and throw him on the back of the bike. "Whoa! Hey! Wait a minute!" Kai had never been on an motorcycle before, (Well, not being the passenger at least,) and held on tightly as they crashed through an thing of trash.

As the bike came to an slowing stop, kai felt an dark pressence surround them What now?
Dumar Oshino (sara's older brother)
Kage clan, Black fox
Age: 25
Long Black hair, dark blue eyes
Knows most of the Kage powers.

Dumar wondered where his sister could be, he knew she left after he sent out his 2 men to find the newest member of the Ho Clan, the boy was going to be a thorn in Dumar's side for a very long time, if he lived.

Dumar walked over to the window and looked out to the streets below. "Your down there somewhere aren't you Sara, most likely helping some poor sap, HA. fool you are Sara, a fool you are."

He just smiled.......
Sara Oshino

Sara stopped the bike next to a well-lit boulevard. They wouldn't try anything in this public a place, would they? She wished she knew what her damn brother had up his sleeve. Then she saw the gathering dark around them. The darkness could hide an attack from any onlookers on the road. Damn, her brother had sent someone with shadow-cloaking powers! Was this Ho kid really that important?

"Hey, kid," she said, pulling a weighted chain out of her jacket, and looking all around into the darkness. "You do know how to fight, don't you?" Turning around, Sara saw the look in his eyes. "Then you'll have to try and change. It'll be some kind of fire thing for you. Just take your fear and anger and think of them as burning flames. And fast, kid, we don't have much time!"
Ooc: Welcome Cemocable

Ic: "What the hell are you talking about? I can't tranform! I don't even know what you're talking about!" Kai said franticly as he relized that somebody was gaining on them. 'Just take your fear and anger and think of them as burning flames. And fast, kid, we don't have much time!'

"I got fear down!" An Shadow suddenly shot up and went flying at Kai. Kai closed his eyes and awaited the strike, but nothing happened. "Stupid Kid! what did I tell you about walking in the streets alone at night!?" Kai knew that scolding from any where, it was harsh and sarcastic at the same time.


Name: Gunther Inferno (Kai's older brother)
Ho clan, Flaming blue fox
Age: 22
Long dark orange hair, slightly wild
Extreamly powerful ligh and fire user.

Ic: Gunther didn't look back at Kai, he just stood there holding an Kage clan member by the neck. "I see now why you guys were following my little brother for the past few weeks, you knew he didn't have any powers like the other Ho clan members! Well get this, who ever messes with him, messes with me! Now get!" Gunther pulled his arm back and sent the Kage clan member flying into an set of trash cans "Any other Kage clan members better leave before I start making fur coats out of ya!"
Sara Oshino

Sara looked relieved, but not much. She started her bike up again. "Take my advice, kid. Stay clear of this whole thing. This guy," she jerked her thumb at Gunther, "He's only going to get you in trouble. I'll see you around."
"Sadly, I already know that, he my brother..." Kain said as he got of the bike, Gunther only snorted at the remark "Keep talking runt!"

Kai sighed "Mind telling me what the hell is going on here?"

Gunther grew silent as he turned his head away from the look in Kai's eyes "I should have told you sooner..."

"Tell me what!" Kai said in an now serious tone, "What the fuck are you hiding!?"

Gunther sighed and looked at Kai. "Those guys where chasing you bewcause you're an Ho clan member."

"Ho clan..." Kai remember that the two thugs that were chasing him called him an Ho also, he also remembered that ho is translated into fire. "Fire clan member? But... but what exactly is going on? Why did those guys attack me, thers got to be more than clan!"

"Much more, especaily when you have the power to turn into an blue fox!"

"What!? What are you talking about!?"

"I'll explain later, first we better get the hell out of here!"

Dumar still stodd in the window when his men returned, from the way they sounded it would seem teh young Ho Clansman gave them a better fight then he expected. "Did you kill him?" Dumar asked turning around.

Chan spoke first "I'm sorry sir, but it would seem he had help from other people."

Dumar growled "Who helped him?"

Chan grunted in pain " A man know as Gunther and.." He lowered his head and remained quite. Dumar rashed over and grabed Chan be the thought, shifting into his Wolf form at the same time. He roared in a deep voice "WHO WAS THE OTHER!!!!!"

Chan tried to talk, but passed out from Dumar's grip, he looked over to Jahn, Chan's brother "Who was it Jahn?" Jahn gulped "It was Sara sir, your sister" Dumer droped Chan and moved over to the window, he shifted back into human form and sighed. "Oh sara, why now, why now" He said to himself. Jahn picked Chan up off the ground and left Dumar to his thoughts.....
Sara Oshino

Sara returned to her grimy apartment aabove the bike shop. What had she been thinking, trying to help that Ho? Now he would be pulled into the war as well, and more people would be needlessly killed. She stripped off her motorcycle leathers and took a hot shower. Well, at least Dumar didn't know where her knew place was. She hoped. Sara didn't really know what the limits of Dumar's powers were. Wearing training pants and a tank top, she toweled off her long, black hair and slumped on her bed. She plugged in her guitar and started to practice. The band finally had a gig, and she wanted to sound good. As she played, the image of that Ho boy kept creeping into her mind. She had never even learned his name.
Kai pushed back his hair as gunther set down an cup of tea for him, then sat down an taken a sip from his cup. " Are you telling me that you had been fighting this war for 3, 4 years now?"


"And now I'm aparently in this war now?"

"Aparently they found out that you have 'powers' that most Kitsunes lost over the years, and now they want your hide because they know if you have proper training, you can be an powerful foe to them!"

Kai gave an low growl "You mean to tell me that there is such a thing called were-wolfs, and we have been fighting an war for hundreds, thousands of years now?"

Gunther broke out laughing, almost tipping out of his chair. "Listen, Kai, Were-wolfs, aint got shit on kitsunes!" Gunther noticed the blank stare on Kai's face, which ment he had no idea what Gunther was saying "An were-fox Kai, thats what you are, thats what I am, thats what mom and dad were."

"Theres one thing I know and its that I'm not fighting!"

"You'll find out soon enough you won't have an choice!"

"Yeah yeah!" With that, Kai got up and left the room, still trying to figure out how this war was going to affect his life.
The next day Kai's life seemed normal, school, a little time to hang out with his friends, and then his jobs at the repair shop "Hey Kai, you're almost late!"

"Sorry boss! Just a little *yawns* tired, thats all!"

"Well I want you to take an look at this" Kai's boss led Kai to an old dusty cover

"Oooooooooh, How lovely! Must have cost ya alot!"

"Ha ha ya little smart ass! Its whats under the sheet!" Kai's boss taken the cover off showing an old bike "Its still good, just need a few repairs!"

Kai whistled and taken an good look at the bike "Kawasaki Ninja, an rare one at that! How much you gonna sell it for?"

"Well, since yester day was your birthday, its yours if you work over time today!"

"What? really!? thanks alot!"

"You're welcome, now go and open the shop, its going to be an busy day today!"
Sara Oshino

Sara woke around 3:00. She went out for a coffee, bag of take-out sushi, and a music magazine. On her way back to her small apartment, she took the shortcut through the bike shop, and stopped dead in her tracks. It was that kid from last night! (working on a really sweet bike too, and it looked like he knew what he was doing)

"Hey! Don't tell me they've got you following me already? Forget it, I don't want any part of your stupid war!"
Kai finished most of the repairs given to him, it was an awkwardly slow day, and he did promiss to stay over time, so what better way to waist time but to fix up his new bike? "Its pretty trashed... Oh well! Probaly will take me a day or two!" Kai set to work on the bike, about an hour or so, it was starting to get dark, and Kai was begining to wonder if any customers would come in! "Hey boss! It seems like nobodys comming in today!"

"Yeah, it seems so, I'll let you off in an hour if things don't pick up!"

Thats good, all of my good tools are at my house! Kai thought as he went back to his bike, but as soon as he started to work, Kai's powerful hearing kicked in telling him some body was watching him. Kai looked up from the bike and saw the same girl from the night before!

'Hey! Don't tell me they've got you following me already? Forget it, I don't want any part of your stupid war!'

For an moment Kai said nothing, he then went back to working on his bike "I have no intension on fighting in the war, the only way somebody will get me to fight is if I have to protect myself!"
Sara Oshino

Sara softened at the boy's words. She crouched down beside him and looked at his work on the bike.

"Sorry, I'm just tired of being hassled by thugs. Your people and mine. My name's Sara, by the way. What's yours?"
Kai looked up from the bike and smiled "My name is Kai, Sara nice to meet you, where its safe that is!" Kai got up and wiped his hands off "Its going to take a few more hours before I can fix this thing! Whoever had it last must of goten into one hell of an acident!" Kai put down his rag and turned his head to Sara with an smile "So, what can I do for you?"


Gunther ran in a ally way swiftly and not looking back "Shit! I can't belive they would attack at sheer day light!" Gunther pulled out an dagger and slid to an stop, letting the dust pick up, so he could wait for his chaser to show himself.

"There are not any shadows around... So, he would have t show himsef very soon to strike!" Gunther mutered very carefully to himself making sure his stalker could only hear him mutter, teling him that Gunther was in the dust cloud. Gunther suddenly heard an small sound, "To my left!" Gunther jumped up and swung his foot in the Kage clansmember in the jaw almost perfectly.

The dust cloud quickly cleared and Guther quickly struck at the Kage fox again, even before he could even get up, Gunther kicked him in te gut and sent him flying into a set of tras cans. "Stupid fuck! Thats what you get for attack me in the day light!" Gunther walked overto the trash can and grabbed the fox by an handful of hair and pulled him up. "You're, you're just an kid!"
Sara Oshino

"Do for me?" Sara smiled. "Well, aside from thanking me for risking my neck for you last night, and not telling anyone where you saw me, you could come see my band play." She handed him a flyer for the Cold Reign show.

Sara looked around, making sure the other mechanics were all gone for the night. "Look, I know this is a lot to adjust to right away. If you want, I could teach you some stuff. About foxes . . . and magic."
Sre Tsaoc

It is an important mission, Sre reasons to himself. If I catch him and bring him to Dumar, then he'll let me date his little sister, Sara.

With all of his potential, Sre still lacks a few of the finer points of observation and as that menacing Ho kicks up dust, Sre continues to follow, hoping to catch up with him.

Sre hears a slight mutter ahead of him and starts toward it. A fresh bit of dust catches in the back of his mouth and he instinctively clears his throat. The boot on his chin sends him wheeling.

As the cloud of dust settles, Sre gets up to his hands and knees as a blow to his gut knocks him into some cans. The force and his fear change him into the black Kage fox that he is.

Sre feels the Ho's grip on the scruff of his neck as he is pulled off the ground. The Ho points at his face and laughs, saying "You're, you're just an kid!"


Sre bites the other hand and lands deftly on all fours. He backs away from the Ho and the trash cans, changing back into his human form. As furry as he is a fox, he is bald as a man. His shiny black scalp has beads of sweat and his muscular arms defy his youthful face.

"A kid. Yes, I suppose so. But this kid may prove to be a thorn in your side, Gunther."

Without proving his statement, Sre disappears in the direction of a darker side-alley.
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Gunther sneered and stood silent as he looked straight into the shadows, "I'm not going to toy with you damn it! I'm not in the mood for your bull shit. So insted of fighting you, I'm gonna go home, see ya!" With that, Gunther turned around and left.


Ka chuckled at Sara's request. "Well I do thank you, and of course I will not tell anybody where you were last night, all I have to do is keep Gunther silent!" Gunther taken the flyer Sara had given to him and taken a look "I think I could make it if I don't get any more over time!"

Sara looked arond making sure of something 'Look, I know this is a lot to adjust to right away. If you want, I could teach you some stuff. About foxes . . . and magic'

Kai thought about it for an momet "Well, thank you for the offer, but I rather ifI learned these things from family" Kai suddenly heard an loud clang hit the ground near them "Uh-oh..."
Sara Oshino

Sara shook her dark head. "No, not where I was last night. Those Kage already saw me there with you. They know I tried to help you! I don't want you to tell anyone you saw me here. My brother, Dumar, I don't want him to find out I live here.

She spun around at the loud clang, reaching instinctively for a large wrench. "What was that?"
"Hopefuly just a rat..." Kai said cautiously as he went over to check it out, for the first few moments Kai found nothing, but as soon as he looked away, Kai felt a powers blown to his jaw line, sending him into the bije he was working on "Ow... So much for rats!"
Dumar stood on the roof of his office waiting for the heloicoter to come in, he was meeting with some american besiness men on a few real estate deals in america.

Dumar smiled when he thougt about what he did, having his men attack in pure daylight would throw Gunther off his trail and maybe get to his little brother Kai also. Dumar was still in shock that his own sister betrayed him last night.

Dumar looked up as the copter came in, he now waited for his team to come back with thier news....
Sre Tsaoc

Leaving down the shady alley, Sre doesn't even hear the cowardly comments from Gunther. Instead, he is intent on getting back to Dumar and reporting the incident formally. Dumar is a stickler for rules of engagement and one of the facets of any conflict is the neccessary reporting to superiors.

When Sre gets to Dumar's office, he knows better than to even try the front door. Long ago, one of his kin taught him that a Shadowwalker never uses the front door. Indeed, for reporting his kills in the past, he always used the west side of the building where the stucco is coarse enough to climb.

This day is no different and Sre calmly pulls himself over the parapet and lands on the rooftop. On the opposite corner, Sre sees Dumar leaning on the parapet. Before he starts across the rooftop, Sre stops himself because of the helicopter landing. Sre decides to wait by this wall until Dumar dismisses the men exiting the helicopter.

Sre's loyalty outweighs his impatience and Sre commits to waiting--even if it's for hours.
Dumar still leaning on the parapet notices Sre climb up on the roof and smiles Sre is his best man right now and that was good for him.

Dumar nods to Sre and waits for the helicopter to land, he stands up more and walks over to the helicopter as it lands inside is his american partners. Comming out first is John Talbos, CEO of Dumar enterprises North America.

John smiles as he exits the helicopter to see Dumar, "Dumar, old friend how are you?" Dumar chuckled to himself "I'm fine john and you?" John and the rest of the CEO's step off and follow Duamr away from the helicopter. "same here." All 5 men stop at the door as Dumar enters his key code to open the door, he looks back and agian nods to Sre to wait, they head inside to complete thier deal.....