want a smoke?


Just me
Dec 26, 2002
Anyone want to step outside and have a cigarette with me? I want one but dont like to smoke alone.
Oh my God, we must be twins. I don't mind going out to smoke except for when I have to do it alone.

When I can't find anyone to go with me I'll usually call somebody so I atleast have someone to talk to.
lol sounds like a plan let me pack up the kids and I will be on my way.
Ok I am going to have my smoke now cant take it anymore. bbl
seXieleXie said:

in that av you look like you're about 10 years old

Well shit, behold my excellent typing skills.

It's crazy what us kids can do these days.
I quit smoking, but has an oral fixation still....have to keep my mouth busy somehow...what to do, what to do....
Mellon Collie

seXieleXie said:

in that av you look like you're about 10 years old
If that other one made you look about ten, this one really shows the familial resembelance between you and the big grin guy.

:D <--MC's baby brother.