Wakey, wakey!


Jun 29, 2001
Okay, who else is out there at this ungodly hour? I keep refreshing the board and nothing new pops up. Surely I'm not the only one up and lurking....?
These late hours are weird...it creeps me out when I see I am actually the person who posted last.

Actually, I love this time on the board.... I can go back and check up on things...and I dont get lost in the shuffle as badly.
foxinsox said:
Nope, you're not. All these fine people are here, too. Plus a few invisibles :)

AfterHours, allniter, badapple919, Batgirloz, Belindab30, bigjacknyc, BlueDaisy, Brandewyn, bully, dicku, DrHenryMiller, ero, Gord, GrittyRingo, Gusty Wind, hongluobo, hoot4u2c, hypatia, JennyOmanHill, Jester90RS, jhastings828, JLP68, juicylips, kendahl6969, Lauren.Hynde, lickboxer, lipscum, llanelli, LordLucan74, Madame Manga, Mad_Jack_Rabbit, matlock, Mstrskey, nostress, notnowjohnny, Onethree, OzSteamer, PassionKeeper, PaulUK, PolythenePam, RoamingFree, rosco rathbone, scout3272, Shadwann2, ShyGuy68, slavegurl, Smiley777, soonerfan, sweetaspeaches, Tatiana0706, tedy61, Terrorabbleone, Tomfriday, Tungwagger, vincent17, waverlysgirl, wildrose70, zeropaxx

Hey fox--they might be here, but they're a quiet bunch...must be lots of serious PM'ing going on this early/late.;)
Smiley777 said:

Actually, I love this time on the board.... I can go back and check up on things...and I dont get lost in the shuffle as badly.

What he said.
Smiley777 said:
These late hours are weird...it creeps me out when I see I am actually the person who posted last.

Actually, I love this time on the board.... I can go back and check up on things...and I dont get lost in the shuffle as badly.

I like it too--but I usually end up dredging up some post from page 11 to reply to, so I dunno if that's a good or bad thing!:(
PolythenePam said:
I like it too--but I usually end up dredging up some post from page 11 to reply to, so I dunno if that's a good or bad thing!:(

Lol, I do that too. I get a kick out of reading some arguement that happened like 5 hours ago...just my sick sense of humor I suppose.

I like seeing where the late night crew goes with those older threads though....some of them get really funny.
PolythenePam said:
Okay, who else is out there at this ungodly hour? I keep refreshing the board and nothing new pops up. Surely I'm not the only one up and lurking....?

Hey Pammy!:D
Smiley777 said:
Lol, I do that too. I get a kick out of reading some arguement that happened like 5 hours ago...just my sick sense of humor I suppose.

I like seeing where the late night crew goes with those older threads though....some of them get really funny.

I can relate to that--I like to live the drama here vicariously--it's like Jerry Springer without the sound.:rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: Wakey, wakey!

PolythenePam said:
Hey sugar--how's your Friday going so far? ~hugs~

I'm doing damn good dear, and I'm missing you STILL.

lol, it's been so long since anyone called me sugar...we need to start us a new eye candy thread!:D
I'm up. My internal clock seems to keep getting stuck on Tokyo time, even though I live in the midwest US.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Wakey, wakey!

intrigued said:
I'm doing damn good dear, and I'm missing you STILL.

lol, it's been so long since anyone called me sugar...we need to start us a new eye candy thread!:D

Oh, sugar, you are so right--new eye candy would be a treat. I wish I had the time to devote to it, though--work is as wild as I've ever seen it these days, but job security is a good thing, right?:(
Star of Penumbra said:
I'm up. My internal clock seems to keep getting stuck on Tokyo time, even though I live in the midwest US.

So you lived in Tokyo? It's definitely on my places to go list--I want to see Purin Land and buy all the Sanrio stuff I can carry....not to mention the bikes!:D
Shadwann2 said:
Sadly, I'm here too. I should be sleeping! Argggg!:(

I should be making some sort of effort to get ready for the day ahead, but here I sit.:rolleyes:

Cool av, Shadwann:)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wakey, wakey!

PolythenePam said:
Oh, sugar, you are so right--new eye candy would be a treat. I wish I had the time to devote to it, though--work is as wild as I've ever seen it these days, but job security is a good thing, right?:(

Yes it is...but it sure would be fun to share my porn store with someone else...it's just not the same saying all my responses to myself. :rolleyes:

You're still teaching, right? Oh well, I can wait til Summer, I suppose.:)
I'm off now to get myself decent for work:p
Hope everyone has a wonderful day--bye y'all:D
PolythenePam said:
So you lived in Tokyo?

*SNORT* I wish. At least stuff happens there. Nothing ever happens here, and there's nothing to do. There's the bowling alley and the mall, and that's it.
ok, its 5 am here....i did sleep all night but i come and there is still no one on....sad when i see some of my posts from last night are only one or two away from the top....now what am i supposed to do? lol