Wait. I must be missing something here.

Interesting. AJ posited a few months back that President Obama broke his promise not to raise taxes on the middle class, because everybody knows that $250,000.00 per year is "middle class".

Which came first then? The chickenshit or the egghead?

In an interview with “Good Morning America’s” George Stephanopoulos, Mitt Romney was asked: “Is $100,000 middle income?” “Middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less,” Romney replied.

Is this being horribly spun? Is there some context missing? Earning a million dollars every four or five years is "middle income?"

So there's no such thing as poverty? There's only middle income and wealthy?
I haven't made that much in my entire working life, I don't think, let alone in a year.

From the link:

According to a 2009 Tax Policy Center study of income distributions, earners making $180,000 and more are in the top 5 percent of the population.

The study: http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxfacts/displayafact.cfm?Docid=330

I am the sole provider for my family and am in that bracket. I can tell you with 100% honesty I am not rich. I am upper middle class, but middle class none the less.
I am the sole provider for my family and am in that bracket. I can tell you with 100% honesty I am not rich. I am upper middle class, but middle class none the less.

I believe you, and I don't think of that as insanely wealthy. But it's still in the top five percent. No reasonable definition of "middle" anything includes the five percent at either end of the spectrum. That's like saying that if you earned $5 000 this year, you'd still be middle class.
You are logically stupid. He was asked about yearly income, you spin in 4 orr 5 year income. Lame, even for a lib like you.

Sometimes "view post" just makes me laugh my ass off.

If you think that 200 - 250K per year is "middle income" then you're as out of touch and moronic as Romney. This was Pereg's point.
Sometimes "view post" just makes me laugh my ass off.

If you think that 200 - 250K per year is "middle income" then you're as out of touch and moronic as Romney. This was Pereg's point.

That explains the vibrations, there was no earthquake after all. A janitor like you would not make $250,000. ;)
Cripes. If $200,000 per year is middle class, then we really need to raise taxes on the middle class.
You are logically stupid. He was asked about yearly income, you spin in 4 orr 5 year income. Lame, even for a lib like you.

1 million every 4 years = spin

250k/yr = not spin

and perg is the logically stupid one? :confused:

You ok KB? You worry me sometimes bro :cool:

Cripes. If $200,000 per year is middle class, then we really need to raise taxes on the middle class.

No shit.....got bills to pay, lot's of Chinese ppl want their money back.
1 million every 4 years = spin

250k/yr = not spin

and perg is the logically stupid one? :confused:

You ok KB? You worry me sometimes bro :cool:

He only paddles on the left side of his boat. I think it's genetic. And he's really scared of logic. He's said so before. Sean Renaud used to have me quoted in his sigline on that topic.