Waging war on peace


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
Now that the anti-war movement has grown too large to ignore, the attacks have begun. Rush Limbaugh and the Fox News Channel gang have been the most strident, but even the Washington Post's Michael Kelly has red-baited the anti-war movement. Meanwhile, the oh so "liberal" New York Times takes a little more subtle tact, urging the anti-war movement to purge its more left wing elements, and be more "respectable" and "mainstream."

In fact, the anti-war movement needs to become more radical and militant, even revolutionary. It should call for, and try to organize, political strikes against the war and massive civil disobedience. Demonstrations are good for getting your message out, but demonstrations alone will never stop the war.
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Now that the anit-war movement has grown too large to ignore, the attacks have begun. Rush Limbaugh and the Fox News Network gang have been the most strident, but even the Washington Post's Michael Kelly has red-baited the anti-war movement. Meanwhile, the oh so "liberal" New York Times takes a little more subtle tact, urging the anti-war movement to purge its more left wing elements, and be more "respectable" and "mainstream."

In fact, the anti-war movement needs to become more radical and militant, even revolutionary. It should call for, and try to organize, political strikes against the war and massive civil disobedience. Demonstrations are good for getting your message out, but demonstrations alone will never stop the war.
And, you'll notice, there is never an explanation why 'liberals' are wrong...the Right doesn't need facts or information, all they need is to say 'damned liberals' as thugh that were a well thought out-answer. Why is Bush right? The Republicans would tell you that the Bush plan is correct because Nancy Pelosi is from San Francisco, or because John Kerry plays guitar.
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I could with far more justice ask the same thing about you. But then, I know you don't really believe the stuff you post-- you're being paid by The Man to do it. If you really think the anti-war movement encompasses only .01% of the American public, you're totally out of touch with reality. Also, every military planner in the world knows the decision to go to war was made months ago. The U.S. wouldn't be so many troops and equipment to the Middle East if it wasn't going to attack.
Re: I'm wondering...

Lost Cause said:
Do you actually believe this stuff you post? That less the .01% of the American population is a large movement? They're protesting a war that hasn't happened, may not happen, and using it as a platform for their Communist/Socialist agenda. Who really is profiting from this war hype?

Your real benefactors: http://www.muslimthai.com/talibanonline/index.php

Oh, look...more simplistic thinking. As though if you don't support Bush 100%, you are a terrorist supporter. Did you ever hear the phrase 'loyal opposition'? Even some of the conservative media shouters agree with some of the points of the anti-war crowd...although they pretend that they don't.

Did anyone see Bill O'Reilly on the FNN ("We distort-- you deride") lambast a young guy representing the Not In Our Name group? He was positively vicious, but the young peacenik stood his ground pretty well.
Made simple...

Anyone that promotes violence in my town hiding behind the constitution to conduct such operations, is my advisary, and worth my retaliation. Peaceful protests are a right here, keep it that way. You can't just sit up and advocate the violent overthrow of the US, you've got to hid behind school children, and the ignorant that have no clue but hysteria induced by your rhetoric to press your agendas.
Anything else I have to say is waste of the keyboard on you.
Re: Made simple...

Lost Cause said:
Anyone that promotes violence in my town hiding behind the constitution to conduct such operations, is my advisary, and worth my retaliation. Peaceful protests are a right here, keep it that way. You can't just sit up and advocate the violent overthrow of the US, you've got to hid behind school children, and the ignorant that have no clue but hysteria induced by your rhetoric to press your agendas.
Anything else I have to say is waste of the keyboard on you.

Is that English? Your teachers must be furious!
Johnny May(head)buried

You are one of the real sick guys around

DIE a hideous DEATH!
Re: Made simple...

Lost Cause said:
<Snip>Anyone that promotes violence in my town hiding behind the constitution to conduct such operations, is my advisary, and worth my retaliation. Peaceful protests are a right here, keep it that way.

I have to agree with LC here.
To on one hand claim you want peace,love and understanding then advocate what is needed to achieve peace is a civil war is so stupid t goes beyond the pale.

You wish to keep the moral high ground then do it peacefully and with the democratic means at your disposal,if you don't then I hope you get rubber bulletts and tear gas for creating a riot.
Are you guys pissed about...

political strikes against the war and massive civil disobedience

If that means sit-ins and massive email campaigns to politicians, I'm for it. If that means violence, then...fuck you twice, redwave, once for suggesting violence, and again for putting me on the same side as BB and Hanns....
Re: I'm wondering...

Lost Cause said:
They're protesting a war that hasn't happened, may not happen

and hoping to stop it happening before it starts...

What's wrong with that?

You love blood and gore that much?

Re: Made simple...

Lost Cause said:
Anyone that promotes violence in my town hiding behind the constitution to conduct such operations, is my advisary, and worth my retaliation. Peaceful protests are a right here, keep it that way. You can't just sit up and advocate the violent overthrow of the US, you've got to hid behind school children, and the ignorant that have no clue but hysteria induced by your rhetoric to press your agendas.
Anything else I have to say is waste of the keyboard on you.

I ditto this. I would say they are traitors, in fact.
Re: Made simple...

Lost Cause said:
You can't just sit up and advocate the violent overthrow of the US, you've got to hid behind school children,

Not an option in Iraq when Bush's America blows them all to smithereens...

Who said anything about violence?

Neither strikes nor civil disobedience involve any violence. On the other hand, the U.S. government is incredibly violent and brutal, both here at home and abroad . . .
Re: Re: Made simple...

p_p_man said:
Not an option in Iraq when Bush's America blows them all to smithereens...


Just like the Palestinians don't care about who they homicide bomb in Isreal.... right?

And of course the Iraqi's are well known for hiding in places that civilians will be found in. Have you forgotten his tactics during the Gulf war?

Yes, obviously you have.
Re: Re: Re: Made simple...

A Desert Rose said:
Just like the Palestinians don't care about who they homicide bomb in Isreal.... right?

And of course the Iraqi's are well known for hiding in places that civilians will be found in. Have you forgotten his tactics during the Gulf war?

Yes, obviously you have.

My post is based on the massive amount of firepower the US and UK are going to unleash on Baghdad in the first two days of the invasion.

A far cry from suicide bombers in Israel, or even Israeli murders of Palestinian children...

And certainly a long way from protecting places with civilians in Baghdad...

With that amount of destructive firepower there will be no place to hide...

One dies they all die...

Women and children and Old Uncle Tom Cobbley and all...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Made simple...

p_p_man said:
My post is based on the massive amount of firepower the US and UK are going to unleash on Baghdad in the first two days of the invasion.

A far cry from suicide bombers in Israel, or even Israeli murders of Palestinian children...

And certainly a long way from protecting places with civilians in Baghdad...

With that amount of destructive firepower there will be no place to hide...

One dies they all die...

Women and children and Old Uncle Tom Cobbley and all...


And I love how you ignored my statement about the cowardly Iraqi's....

You just address what you want to in a post and disregard the rest. That's ok with me.

At least you acknowledged my post which is more than anyone else in here has done. Thank you for that.
Re: Re: Re: Made simple...

Hanns_Schmidt said:
And Britains Blair.

Oh they are no threat. I thought they were just providing butlers for the Officers Mess.
Now that the anti-war movement has grown too large to ignore, the attacks have begun. Rush Limbaugh and the Fox News Network gang have been the most strident, but even the Washington Post's Michael Kelly has red-baited the anti-war movement. Meanwhile, the oh so "liberal" New York Times takes a little more subtle tact, urging the anti-war movement to purge its more left wing elements, and be more "respectable" and "mainstream."

In fact, the anti-war movement needs to become more radical and militant, even revolutionary. It should call for, and try to organize, political strikes against the war and massive civil disobedience. Demonstrations are good for getting your message out, but demonstrations alone will never stop the war.

JUST where were you guys in the 1990-1 Gulf war...???

(...who has a right to know, since he manned protest lines alone then.)
20 terror commandos
unleashed on Europe
Al-Qaida plans attacks before
U.S. invades Iraq

Posted: January 28, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

At least 20 "terror commandos" have been unleashed by Osama bin Laden to attack Britain and other European countries in the run-up to war with Iraq, a leading German newspaper claims in a story that confirms earlier WorldNetDaily reports.

Germany's popular daily Bild Zeitung reported that the Federal Intelligence Agency has issued a warning that a group of Afghan extremists, traveling on false Pakistani passports, are on their way to Europe.

The newspaper cites intelligence sources as saying that at least 20 of al-Qaida's "terror commandos" had set out for the continent via Bahrain as part of an all-out effort to attack targets in the UK, Germany, Britain, France and the Czech Republic.

The terrorists are reportedly followers of Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

WorldNetDaily reported in December that U.S. military and intelligence sources expect Iran to launch major terrorist attacks against Western targets in anticipation of or in response to a U.S.-led attack on Iraq.

All Iranian-sponsored terrorist groups, including Hezbollah, which is increasingly seen as more potent and more dangerous than Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network by many U.S. analysts, will be unleashed simultaneously on U.S. and allied targets around the world, according to WorldNetDaily intelligence sources.

Complicating the detection and prevention of such attacks, those sources say, is a breakdown in the National Security Agency's ability to collect information on activities in Iran.

While some officials in Washington have downplayed Shiite Iran's interest in "defending" Sunni Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the motivation for Tehran goes beyond the theological or an interest in preserving the current Baghdad regime, say the intelligence sources. For more than a decade, Iran and Iraq have backed many of the same anti-U.S. terror groups, including al-Qaida, because of their mutual interest in keeping U.S. military forces out of the Persian Gulf. Tehran is also wary U.S. forces might seek to destabilize its government, which is increasingly losing popular support.

As WND reports today, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer has confirmed that terrorist detainees from Afghanistan have implicated Iraq in providing training and support to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network.

Meanwhile, the Scotsman reports steps to expose the network of terrorist cells that are believed to be spread throughout Europe have brought about dramatic and disturbing results lately.

Spanish anti-terror forces arrested 16 suspected extremists last week, claiming the men had links to al-Qaida and were allegedly preparing to launch chemical attacks.

Yesterday, a Spanish judge jailed the 16 suspects, arrested on Friday in Barcelona and other cities in northeast Spain, pending further investigation and a possible extradition request from French authorities. The 15 Algerians and a Moroccan deny any links to al-Qaida, and none of them has been formally charged. France has 40 days to request their extradition.

Italian police descended on the homes of three Muslims in the northern city of Rovigo, southwest of Venice, after discovering explosives and maps marking the route to a NATO installation and a detailed plan of central London in a separate raid earlier in the week.

Five Moroccans were detained after a kilogram of explosives was found in the building where the men were staying.

The heightened level of activity follows numerous raids in Britain after the discovery of the chemical ricin in a house in north London.

As WorldNetDaily has reported earlier, Saddam Hussein's defense against an imminent attack by the U.S. will be a strong offense – including terrorist operations coordinated with Yasser Arafat and Osama bin Laden. That's what top terrorism expert Yossef Bodansky, author of "The High Cost of Peace," says in his new book. He writes about joint preparations by Hussein, Arafat and al-Qaida for a new wave of anti-U.S. terror. The model for the terrorism campaign is Arafat's Black September Organization of the 1970s.

The initiative for the alliance came from Palestinian Islamists based in Lebanon and Syria, according to Bodansky, the U.S. Congress' top terrorism adviser. The response from al-Qaida came April 2, says Bodansky.

The anti-U.S. coalition also includes Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

A communique issued on April 2 from the Unified Leadership of the Intifadah – an umbrella organization representing Arafat's Fatah groups, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other members of the Palestine Liberation Organization – called for attacks on U.S. interests.

Unit 999 of Iraqi intelligence has helped train both Arafat's shock troops and bin Laden's Islamists for suicide operations utilizing weapons of mass destruction. According to Bodansky's book, some of these terrorists have already "succeeded in infiltrating several Arab countries. They are provided with instructions, secret codes and advanced weapons."