
Confident, Assertive
Sep 14, 2022
I find myself willing to explore a voyeurism fetish I have been suppressing, as I was fearful it would be perceived as "creepy" etc.
This seems like it might be the right place to find open minded types (of women, hopefully) that can help me.....
It's a fine line between being a voyeur and a peeping Tom.
I think that all of us watching porn, whether it be pics or clips or full on movies, are voyeurs. I mean, really just watching and not joining in? what else can you be but a voyeur? :LOL::LOL::LOL:

On the other hand if you skulk around the neighborhood, or the house, in hope to see some action, then you are a peeping tom.

I don't think that there can be voyeurs without exhibitionists, because they are doing it, usually, with the whole idea that someone will see them. Unless it's a heat of the moment thing like in the back of the bus, out on the picnic table in the park, in the back seat of a car in a secluded part of the parking lot, the changing room at the mall, you know? like that.

Now, I think that I, as much as the next person, like to see a flash of tit or pussy now and then, preferably intentional, but if not, I don't really mind. As long as it is a woman of appropriate age, stature, ass, tits...🤩🤩🤩
I have to admit to being a voyeur I always got turned on by watching my wife having sex with another guy 😁
I have been that other guy for couples in the past - it's a VERY hot dynamic. Without all that "cuckold" shaming the husband as inferior etc.... never got into that part. Seems silly to me. He's just an unfit man with a small cock who likes to watch his hot wife have intense sex with a bigger, stronger, fit, well endowed man. No need to shame him or make him feel inferior.
I have been that other guy for couples in the past - it's a VERY hot dynamic. Without all that "cuckold" shaming the husband as inferior etc.... never got into that part. Seems silly to me. He's just an unfit man with a small cock who likes to watch his hot wife have intense sex with a bigger, stronger, fit, well endowed man. No need to shame him or make him feel inferior.
Exactly, that is how I felt when I was invited to join a couple. Had 1 husband that like to talk to the wife as we were going at it, which I was ok with it but to me personally, i'm not into shaming the husband.
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... I'm not into shaming the husband.
I simply do not 'get' the whole shame and humiliation thing. If one of you seeks the pleasure of doing it with someone else - or both of you seek the pleasure of doing it with someone else - get on with it. If you can only get pleasure by harming someone else, you need to seek professional help.
I see what you are saying CockSparrow, but it is different strokes for different folks. I don't know that I would shame someone unless they were into it. But sometimes the other person has a need, and if that is what they are after, why not be kind enough to accommodate? Who knows where our deep secret desires originate? I would love to have my girlfriend paddle my ass a bit with a paint stir, not too hard but give it a good once over. Nope. Not happening though I have asked many many times. She said she just doesn't get it. But does she need to? I don't get it myself.....but it would be quite lovely if she were to accommodate me. Yep, would never want to shame anyone, but there are those who have that unfulfilled need.
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I have been that other guy for couples in the past - it's a VERY hot dynamic. Without all that "cuckold" shaming the husband as inferior etc.... never got into that part. Seems silly to me. He's just an unfit man with a small cock who likes to watch his hot wife have intense sex with a bigger, stronger, fit, well endowed man. No need to shame him or make him feel inferior.
Never said I was a cuckold just got off watching my wife with other guys an entirely different kettle of fish 😂😂
Have been the recipient of a voyeur. On honeymoon in Phuket we made love on the deck at night. Our neighbour came out on his deck to smoke and watched us.
That is hot!
How was he able to not play with himself?
I would be so horny seeing a couple have sex 😬

Did you feel extra horny while having that experience?
The only time I was ever a voyeur was about 15 years ago. I was sick with the flu so I was banished to the spare bedroom. I was ready for bed and heard a loud noise outside and with the lights off I just happened to look at an open window to an apartment across the street from our house. I watched as a man walked behind a woman and he pulled her top off revealing a nice pair of titties. I watched as he kissed her neck and rubbed her breasts. Then she got on her knees and I could tell that she was giving him head. He pulled her up and he took her from behind and she was leaning on the window as he fucked her. I don't know if they knew that they were being watched, but I enjoyed the show.
To me this is a voyeur. Unexpectedly catching someone doing something sexually where they don't know it. I love being a voyeur and yes you do need to set yourself up to find some of your subjects. If a couple loves being watched and has sex out in the open, well they are exhibitionists and you are lucky. But if you happen to be painting your house on a ladder and see a couple having sex in their backyard when they thought they were hidden and you stroke yourself watching you are a voyeur. I have been fortunate to voyeur people in certain situations. One time I am fixing a window on my second floor, I see my neighbors daughter in an area of their fenced in pool where she thought she was totally hidden, she has a bikini on. She is rubbing sunscreen on, I grab my binoculars, she gets to the inside of her thighs and then starts rubbing her crotch, she can't see me, she pulls her bottoms off and proceeds to masturbate, happened twice. I have always paid attention to people around me in bars especially and have caught a number of couples trying to be sneaky and rubbing each other, it's great fun. The only peeping Tom stuff I have done is in Vegas, with my binoculars and have caught many people having sex
The only time I was ever a voyeur was about 15 years ago. I was sick with the flu so I was banished to the spare bedroom. I was ready for bed and heard a loud noise outside and with the lights off I just happened to look at an open window to an apartment across the street from our house. I watched as a man walked behind a woman and he pulled her top off revealing a nice pair of titties. I watched as he kissed her neck and rubbed her breasts. Then she got on her knees and I could tell that she was giving him head. He pulled her up and he took her from behind and she was leaning on the window as he fucked her. I don't know if they knew that they were being watched, but I enjoyed the show.
I bet that cured your flu !!
I see what you are saying CockSparrow, but it is different strokes for different folks. I don't know that I would shame someone unless they were into it. But sometimes the other person has a need, and if that is what they are after, why not be kind enough to accommodate? Who knows where our deep secret desires originate? I would love to have my girlfriend paddle my ass a bit with a paint stir, not too hard but give it a good once over. Nope. Not happening though I have asked many many times. She said she just doesn't get it. But does she need to? I don't get it myself.....but it would be quite lovely if she were to accommodate me. Yep, would never want to shame anyone, but there are those who have that unfulfilled need.
This is a very thoughtful response. There are many different types of need out there, including a need to be humiliated/shamed/embarrassed and it’s not for others to judge that.
I’ve played with a number of women over the years (one on one) who’ve needed it for full arousal and a cuckold couple where the husband craved it. He needed both his wife and her lover to humiliate him in order to get off. It really does take all sorts…….
I love both watching and being watched - by people who consent to it. For example, going to a nudist resort and people doing the minimal showing off and watching that happens there. Just a small undercurrent of eroticism in an otherwise non-erotic situation. Or going to a swingers' party and having people watch me doing whatever with others and me being able to watch them. That is a major part of the event for me.

If someone is clearly showing off - bending over while wearing a loose top, extra-large armholes so a glimpse of breast is visible...or bending over when wearing a short skirt with or without panties - these are deliberate acts for the most part, and I am happy to watch, although being as discreet as possible about it as well.

Walking through the neighborhood and getting a glimpse through a bedroom window, or an inadvertently left open fence gate - sure, but keep on walking. Or if like in Grumpy Old Men she asks "why do you think I left the curtains partway open?" Consent.

Binoculars? Well if arranged ahead maybe. Otherwise it's pretty damn close to being a peeping tom.

It gets down to consent - at both ends. Wanting to be seen, wanting to see - whether in person, on the internet, or some other way.