Voyeur or Exhibitionist?


Literotica Guru
Sep 24, 2001
Do your tendencies lay in one direction more than another?

Do you encourage these "feelings"? If so, I want some details.;)


more of an exhibitionist than a voyeur......... if i'm being voyeuristic, I just want to join in!
I'm a voyuer, through and through but I'm working really hard on letting my inner-exhibitionist come out to play once in awhile.
Both have interests for me. To watch and not be able to participate gives one an erotic feling.

To expose your feelings conveys confidence in who you are and were you're going. A very powerful stimulus.
Ugh. If I had to choose one or the other, I'd go for voyeur, but in general I'm a participatory kinda gal.
PepperminTrish said:
I'm a voyuer, through and through but I'm working really hard on letting my inner-exhibitionist come out to play once in awhile.


One word for you: CAM ;)
Always an exhibitionist, but, with voyeur tendencies. You knew that already.:D
A little of both...after all...I have posted my pics on LIT before... :D
I think both but

I tend to go with the exhibition. Not sure what details you need but let's leave it at that.

PepperminTrish said:
My first victi ........ errr, ummmmm........ I mean volunteer!
Yeah, that's what I meant. Volunteer.
;) :D
We all have an inner exhibitionist, some are just shyer than others. Lucky for you I have a coaching certificate.
LukkyKnight said:
We all have an inner exhibitionist, some are just shyer than others. Lucky for you I have a coaching certificate.

So, my inner exhibitionist is safe in your certified hands then, Coach?
PepperminTrish said:
So, my inner exhibitionist is safe in your certified hands then, Coach?
nothing is safe in his hands.
too much wine
I am ready to catch your inner exhibitionist
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Safe is such a subjective term.

I'm thinking more in terms of helping you realize your potential - flourish - that sort of thing.
Both. However, Voyeurism is easy. Exhibitionism is a little different. It doesn't come as naturally to me. I love being shown off by my S/O. Being told not to wear panties with a skirt...to bend over in front of someone, in a public place...that sort of thing. The thrill is in being told to do it...and doing it...LOL.
Definately more of a voyeur.

I'm too shy to be much of an exhibitionist. :eek:
Voyeur here

Most definatly a voyeur, am not as comfortable with my body as to be an exhibishionist.

Would love to watch a lady alone pleasing herself!
