

Head Fish
May 14, 2002
Regime Change Begins At Home...

Vote for the Democratic candidates of your choice.
I vote for the Southpark over Beavis and Butthead for the funniest Democrats.
CV, as long as you whatever version of reality you choose to call home.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I vote for Bush to stamp his American made boot on all the arabs

You talk big but I bet when it comes down to push and shove you'd run off crying like the little cunt you are.
I vote with common sense, not like a sheep....

I don't vote for a candidate because they have a (L)(R)(D) by their name. I have my own code I live by, and my own concept of freedom to me. If a candidate comes the closest to my beliefs, they're it regardless of party. I really do my own investigation of the candidate, because I don't need lies from the spin doctors. It's the way I've voted all my life, for the rest of you, "Baaaabaaa! :D
Voting is what matters. This country has gone through so much from it's start and so many people have died to protect the our right to vote. The sad part is that each year less and less people vote.
Carp said:
Regime Change Begins At Home...

Vote for the Democratic candidates of your choice.

So you like the fact that everything stalls out in the Senate? Okay then.
Re: Re: Vote

RawHumor said:
So you like the fact that everything stalls out in the Senate? Okay then.

So you'd rather have a bad bill then no bill at all? Okay then.
I'm so excited! I love to vote.

And of course, I vote Republican. I make no appologies for voting a straight ticket. Among the candidates I know, I always perfer the Republican candidates. If I don't know the candidate, then I can be sure that if the candidate is Republican, I will be more likely to share common views with that candidate.

The initiatives on the ballott are about the only thing I study much before the election.

It's supposed to rain here again tomorrow, but that's ok, Republicans own umbrellas.
Oh, I almost made this a thread of its own, but decided to post it here where it will probably not be read.

I predict that we won't know who controlls the Senate for several days after the election. There are just too many Democrat lawyers with suits ready to file if the results don't turn out the way they want them. I think we can expect some of the results to go to court for resolution. I hope and pray that doesn't happen, but that's my prediction.