Vodka--it's what's for dinner. (Risia's Drinking thread, Take 2)


May 1, 2000
I'm so tired of seriousness. I do serious for a living.

I don't care enough to keep up with the current who's fucking who dramas around here, so that can't keep me busy either.

After ten hours of conferences with students, I demand there be vodka and frivolity.

Luckily, I live near the beach. Liquor stores are easy to find.
Gods bless vanilla vodka.

Anybody else drinking away their brain cells tonight?
Let's kill some time while we're at it...
Vanilla Vodka and Fresca

Most refreshing beverage combo I have yet to experience in mass quantities. I introduced it to my drinking buddies for those long nights of "Drinking Uno" Made the games last so much longer! It was refreshing and you had no idea how much alcohol you had consumed until the big ass bottle was gone and you suddenly realise only 4 people were drinking...
Nice to see you again also, christophe. Good to know I can get medical attention if I drink myself stupid.

Hi, Chesire. Isn't vanilla vodka a god-send? Love that stuff. Fresca's vile, but I appreciate your spirit. :)
Not drinking tonight

as I have to do work tomorrow, but... I can tell so-so gross jokes once you are all inebriated enough to embrace them.
Okay. I better run out for another bottle, then.
Back in five.

Just in case, you know, somebody starts paying attention.

Hey, it could happen.
Hi RisiaSkye. It is lovely to see you around here more often. :)
I have never partaken of vanilla vodka. What variety would you recommend?

Absolut vanilla vodka IS a godsend...and so smooth you can drink it like scotch. No shots necessary. After a hard day I used to swig from the bottle.
Hi, debs. Good to see you too, you sexy minx you. The Long Kiss is yum. A martini bar I like makes a version of it with cappucino liquer also. Ultra-yum.

tortoise: Personally, I like Smirnoff's just fine. Most times, I'm with Chesire--a better brand tastes better. For straight vodka, I like Grey Goose or Ketel One. But the 'nilla vodka tastes about the same, so there's no reason to pay the extra bucks for the tonier label. IMO, of course. Try it, you'll be pleasantly surprised.
See, this just goes to show that people don't show up unless there's drama or boobies.

And everyone turns up if there's even a *hint* of a possibility that they'll see both.

Fine. More for me.

I think I'll use this thread to post to myself.
That should be entertaining.

For me.

Of course, if nobody else is looking, I can call it an experiment in Zen philosophy.

At least, I can call it that *later.* Like tomorrow.
Actually, I like plain vodka with a spash of Kaluha - not quite enough to make it a black russian.

zen schmen. Alcohol is for solving the problems of the world. Now if they only made another elixer that could help you remember what the solutions were the next day.
You had me hooked at the first mention of vodka...first hard liquor I consumed and it has been mother's milk ever since. If you hate Fresca try squirt, OR another fav combo Lemon Lime Absolut twist with Sprite. Very tangy. (Also makes a great marinade for the barbeque!)
RisiaSkye said:
See, this just goes to show that people don't show up unless there's drama or boobies.

And everyone turns up if there's even a *hint* of a possibility that they'll see both.

Fine. More for me.

I think I'll use this thread to post to myself.
That should be entertaining.

someone say drama and boobies
Hi Risia!

I've never had vanilla vodka. I think I'd probably like the citrus ones better, but one never knows. Maybe I'll try that tomorrow night if I go out.

How have you been?

Chesire--yes, vodka is king.

monster--you and lex have got me wanting a black russian now.

chris--thank you, thank you, I'm here all night.

Ruby--hiya, hon. Vanilla vodka is good. I didn't expect to like it, either, but it's nice. Smirnoff has a green apple variety now, also, which makes a killer martini with a little Green Apple pucker in the mix. Good if you like tart. And I know you like tart, you bad girl.

In fact, with you all got up like that, I'm tempted to turn you over my knee, you little tart. :)
Russians and Germans always seem surprised when they find out I like vodka. Maybe I look too little to hold it!?! Respect comes in strange ways....
TheCheshireCat said:
Russians and Germans always seem surprised when they find out I like vodka. Maybe I look too little to hold it!?! Respect comes in strange ways....
That it does.
I typically drink whiskeys, which always garners a raised eyebrow or two. I drink it straight, which seems to confuse people. I like that.

monster--Goon. :D :kiss:
red wine is nice to sip on at home but when i want to tie one on...canadian club and seven up or if i really really want to tie one on...scotch....a friend here recently recommended glenmorangie....smooooooooooth
RisiaSkye said:
In fact, with you all got up like that, I'm tempted to turn you over my knee, you little tart. :)

You know I love it when you talk to me like that. :)

Hi Chris! Say hi to the Mrs. for me.
who loves ya, R?

here is my bribe:


