
I thought so. I will have to fight for the right to watch here at home.

i don't have cable, so i'll be watching it a day or two late. still. it looks like a good show worth watching.
Yeah, I'll watch, being one half Viking. I hope they let them win the Super Bowl.

What might I see, when I look through this window into the past ? Mayhem and murder, I expect. *interested*
You know that when the Swedes were away their little boats, the Norwegians walked over and fucked their wives.
I think you have tht backasswards, fjord-boy.
I've seen that one before!


I know, but it seemed apropos. I look so young in that pic! That was back in 2000 or something. God, 13 years ago. What the hell.
I look so young in that pic!

It has a distinctly Monty Python Gumby look to it....

I think the whole Viking thing will become the next "Sons of Anarchy" type thing...overtly rugged masculinity on TV is good to see, I suppose, as chixdiggit.
Got a friend recording it for me...nothing like watching us blue eyed devils doing what we do best...
I think the whole Viking thing will become the next "Sons of Anarchy" type thing...overtly rugged masculinity on TV is good to see, I suppose, as chixdiggit.

This one does.

I love the History Channel

Me too! I just wish they would air some of these shows before 10pm. I'm frigging tired by that time, and have two wee ones that wake me at ungodly hours.
Is this about Bud Grant?:cool:

Considering I don't have a clue who that, that's wrong. I will make the assumption he has something to do with a sports team named "Vikings"...and then I will say, no, it is NOT.
