Vampires, Hunters, and wearwolves oh my


Literotica Guru
Jun 17, 2002
Basicly a small town during an Eclipse

Unkown to the town this place is sacred for Vampire and Wearwolves. Every 1000 years they come to do battle or feed because the day is blacken for 3 days. Promble is the wearwolve don't get along and currenly having a war with each other.

Vampire hunter are also showing up to take down the wearwolve and Vamps

The people who happen to be in town are just stuck in the middle and have to choose sides

Pick a side

My Stats

Name - Chris
Age- 20
Job- Rookie Cop
Race- Black
Personaily- Naive. Charming good old boy. Don't know about the world underneath. He pretty by the book and noble. Doesnt like to break the rules allways played it straight untill everthing goes to hell. Never really shot anyone and done anything bad

Appernec- Cute in a Taye Digg Type of way (hey not going to make myself ugly). Has a nice body

Age: Lost track but was turned as a slave back in egyptian times.

Long dark hair and agless green eyes. Slender and tall. Was a pleasure slave to the pharoh before one of the evils turned her into her preasent form.
(O.c.c Figure I start thing off and maybe people can jump on. So anybody who wants in come in)

Dayight. It is the calm befor the storm. The new reports tells of an eclips that going to happen in some remote town. The people are having a litte festivill to celbrate it. You don't get many interesting thing happen in this town. Today Pie's will going to be half off and the Beer will flow

It called the 3 long night. For 3 night that place will be darken and due to the placement of the planets the moon will be out all 3 days. It only happen every 1000 years. I walk into an eartery

Sweet Betty: Apple Pie

It really is the world best Apple Pie. That what the sign says at least. Not sure if it is. it not like she went around the world from country to country doing epic battles with pie makers.

"It is going to be a wild night tonight be carefull" Betty says

"I will" I say

"You look cute in your Uniform. In fact if I was a little younger"

"Oh come now Betty"

"Oh come on don't be so prudish"

"Who says I say know to you now" I smile. I finish eating the pie. "Thanks Betty"

"Your welcome"

I leave the place and feel a breeze on me. It feel weird. Colder them normal. The shawdow is cast over the city as the place darken

"Well it starting" I say to myself

People are watching if from there rooftops with speacial glasses. The crowd in the street cheer and bang their cups together

There is dancing in the street

Minuts later

Someone speaks in my walkie Talkie.

"Hello this the Captain. Old man Peterson wife called. Says he knocked out. It may just be beer again. You know how the old lady overacts. Can you go there and check it out"

"Sure thing" I say

I get on the horse. Most of the cars I use to watch the fair or at the Police chairity function. So I'm stuck with a horse. That the bad part about being in a small town.

I go to the house and the horse start to freak out. "Calm down boy" I say. I walk in the house

"I came in and he was just laying there. I couldn't get him up" The wife said

"He just had to much to drink" I say trying to wak him up. I then see he has no pulse. There is two puncture wound in his neck. I see something moving in the other room. I take out my gun

"Ms Peterson get out NOW!!!"

The eclipese had driven my hunger wild as I stalked thought the sewerees waiting for a time to surface. The tunnel emerged in a darkeded corner and a lighted house stood where I could get to it. I snuck in and grabbed the man drinking him in deep. Then I heard the wife come in. I slank into the other room out of sight and headed for the basement where I might be safe for a bit
"Ok whoever in here. You can't hide for long. This is to small of a town" I Say. I open the closet pointing my gun. My heart is beeping fast and my hand or sweaty. I try to sound tough. "come out and nobody will be hurt"

"Look in the basement or the back" Me Peterson says

I open the basement. It dark down there.

"Sorry the light doesnt work" Ms perterson said

"Ms Peterson Get out of here all ready. This is just great. " I say as I go down the steps with a ligther. Damm this aint good

I sneak out through a hole in the window silently. Damn, still hungry. I didn't even get to finish the old guy. I saw his wife run from the house and to the truck. I grab her quickly hefore she has the chance to scream. I dig my fangs into her throat and drank what I could in a hurr leaving her corpse in the still running truck as I slip back into the large concreat sewer pipes
I looked around and saw the window open I went out of it and looked around with my gun drawn. I saw the truck running. I saw ms Peterson body hanging out. I nearly fainted wasn't the most manly thing I ever did

I called the captain. "We have a sligh promblem". I coverd my neck out of fear. This was normaly a scene where the cops got killed but I was getting prepare. Who ever this Phyco was they were going down. I figure it some Goth geek who watch one to many vamp flicks and read a little to much Ann Rice. Probally was a virgin a Scoff. I got my gun ready and waited for the ambulance

I watched as the lights flashed and a commotion started. I smiled to myself but I knew I could not help it. the moon was driving my blood cravings crazy. Everything for the last 200 years since I was turned it always happened during the eclipse. I sometimes could take out a village if I didn't hold myself back.
I sit by the sirens. People pretedning to be vampire. Odd. I had to admite the idea of vampirisim was erotic. I use to read Vampira as the kid and idea of a woman that powerfull, the darkness was erotic. The idea of losing yourself to them was intoxicating. The fear and attraction. I imagine have one legs wrap around me as the fed

But this was real life it was no such thing as Vampire. I was a man of reason. I would take them down with reason

There were news of Wolves and people getting bitten going around the town. Supestetious nonsense. These people were going down.

I saw dog smelling the near the sewars

"Think he went down there" I said

"What make you think it a he" Another cop said

"Only a guy could do something this insane. Here come down with me" I say

I saw the dog and knew my hiding spot was no longer a secret. I watched as the cops came closer to the sewers. Quickly I wraped myself into a ball and brought up he fake tears and started to repeat "They're after me, the're after me" hoping they woulf just pass me by as one of the other crazies that lived down here
The dog start barking at you. I pull him back as the dog goes crazy showing his teeth. "Woe calm down" I say

I take your hand and help you out of the sewars. "It will be ok. Where do you live." I say

the warmth from the blood now gone. my hand was cold as death as he helped me up. "Really I live nowhere. I just wander from place to place, but somthing in there was going to get me and so I hid." I looked up at him. My eyes luring him to believe my story
I jump back at your cold hand. It feels like death. "ummm maybe we should take you to the hospital" I say and me and O-reily helps you up. O-riely is one of the top cops. Ammazinly handsome and down homish.

"The ambulance outside if you want. We can get someone to ride with you"

"No...No hospitals. I have feared them all my life.....I'll be fine." I back up against the cold concrete. "I should go. Theiy are coming to get me." I hurry down the corridor and around a corner. With lightning speed I rush into the darkness and out of view. I stop and listen.
"So what you think we should do. You watch a lot of these horror movies" The captain says

"If these guys playing vampires we should leave them some bait" I say

"What you mean"

"What I suggest going to seem disgusting" I say

"Hey I would try anything"

We went to the blood bank and came back. We soak and area and blood and put a little on ourselve. There were 4 other cops with me

"This is sick" The captain said

"Just trust me for a minut ok. Who ever down there will be attracted to the bait" I said

There was a giant fan that sent the scent down the alley

"Where you get all this blood anyway surprise they let you have it" I said

"Some sorroity house had a blood drive. They had more then they needed. Hey least the blood virgin" One of the cop laughs

"Get ready guys and have your guns ready" The captain said "You up for some shooting chris"

"Guess so" I said

"Can't belave we doing this but desperate times" The captain

I heard a howl of what seem like a wolf but it seemed human

"What was that"

"Probally some dogs"

(o.c.c unknow to me at the time. Wearwolve had enterd the town and was running through the sewars)

I bolted though the streets when the scent hit me. It was sewwt but not fresh. I headed down the ally following my hunger. It was stong and my pace quickened. i wandered thought only to be faced by the cops from earlier. 'Damn they are onto me' I thought to myself. I tried to hide myself in the shadows
The dogs start to bark loudly. The bark in a far direction. I point my guns at the shawdows

"Come out now. There is no escape" I say poing my gun. Trembling a little.

I steped out accepting their challenge. My body shilloetted my the street lights I sauntered slowly though the ally and stopped. I could feel the pull of the moon. My eyes flased a bit of red and silver uncontrollably. "Why don't you come and get me?" my voice deep and suductive.
I point my gun. She seem differnt now uneartly and seductive. I kick myself fo not checking her out befor. I fail for to woman in danger trick. I should of known better. Should of check her prints, her Id

Shawdow cast over us as the moonlight shine in the sewars. A mist cover us and howls of wolves fille the air. The sound of dancing and singing in a city echoes through the sewars.alot of the people above have know idea of the murders. They are just enjoying the 3 nights

She seem sexy like something from a magazine. My head beats fast and my palm is sweaty. I don't know why she scares me. I could notice bulges in the men pants.

"What the hell are you guys waiting for. Grab her" O'reily said

"She may have a gun" I say

"WE ALL HAVE GUNS!!" he shouts "Plus where exactly is he hiding it. Quick having your little wet dreams and get her. Screw this" He take his nitestick and come towards you. "Normaly I wouldnt hit a lady but I will make an acception"

He gives a wicked grin checking out your body.He swing the nightstick

I watch as he comes hurling towards me with the nightstick and quickly deflect it throwing him to the side. "And I'm no lady" Looking down at him. "Do not mess with forces you know not of." I walk towards the rest of the men as they stand in disbelief. I hear the shots ring thought the ally as I dodge each and everyone on them with my speed.

"Anyways, you think that is going to hurt me" I laugh as I move closer.
I watch as the men back up. My partner is on the ground in pain. You look sexy and amimalistic as you walk. it...intoxticatiing

I see you come close. I take my a fist and punch you. "take that you phycotic bitch"

I look at you as it doesnt seem to hurt. "Listen...ummm I just like to applogize. It was wrong..on called for and dammit it was rude sooo ummm I will just be back up now." I say dropping my gun

I back up and put my hand behind my back. I go into my back pocket and pull out a second peice. I point the new gun at you.

"d...d..dont move"

I laugh almost pitying him at his attempts. I reach out and take the gun from him without much force smiling slightly and flashing the tips of my pointed teeth. I watch as the rest of the cops run in fear and terror. I take the gun and put the barrel up to te palm of my hand pulling the trigger. I winced at the pain as a bullet went through my hand. I hold it up showing it is still functionable as the would slowly closes on it's own.

"Your mortal weapons can not harm me. Why do you try? Now I will make you mine." I move behind him letting my cold fingers trail along his shoulder as I go. "Do I intrigue you officer?" Now wispering in his ear "Do you fear death?" I listened to his breathing as he stood still like a frozen statue. "Do you want and need what I have to offer?"
I tremble a little. My heart beat faster. My blood is flowing trough me due the speed of my heart. "You killed those people i'm suspose to stop you.. I'll...fight you" I say trying to sound tough. I wave my fist

Looking at you make me excited. You smell so good. I try to hide my exictment by crossing my legs. "are you going to kill me... what are you offering miss" I say pushing you away and backing againt the wall

"I'm offering you more than one lifetime. I'm offering life without the fear of death."

I move up to where he had backed against the wall. My hands are placed on either side of his not allowing him any escape.

" I know you are intrigued by my kind. I can tell." I move my hips into him rubbing gently aganst his growing buldge.

My lips move to his neck letting seductive kisses trail up and down his neck. I could smell what I wanted. I wanted it badly. I let one of my fangs run gently along his neck making a cut so slight he could not fell. My tounge trailed along the pinprick of a would as I taste the sweetness.

"Do you want my offer. It's that or and eternal death."