Vampire Searching (closed for LordUsagi)


Literotica Guru
Aug 19, 2011
Oh well you see she is quite beautiful and young. She is over 200 years old but doesn't look a day over 18 since that is when she was turned by her sire. She was on her death bed when he turned her wanting to preserve her for himself since he was so very lonely being the only in his house.

She was his lover for many many decades but he chose to leave her and walk into the eternal light of the sun and left her behind. She was devastated when he did this without even telling her. She spent three decades getting over him and she thought she had found the perfect one to help her finally get over her loss and she stalked her prey feeling his heart beating the closer she got to him.

While she was quite pale of course her long black hair cascaded down her back. Her blue orbs were like crystals and would pierce anyone's soul as she stared into them. She stood 5'3 weighing only 100 lbs and her breasts were 36C cups ones that she was quite happy with even in her life and now in her afterlife.

Lets see he is a middle aged man (nearing 40) who is a struggling artist. Though far from stunning he does have a kind of good natured attractiveness about him.

He was married to a girl who was a bit younger than him, but as they got older she realized she wanted someone more her age. She is in her late 20s. They are divorced now though still very amicable and still meet to catch up occasionally (and even had one or two moments in the past) Although they both care for each other they realize that they are not really suited.

Recently he (seeking a muse) he is both a painter and writer, he went to a coffee shop one evening and saw her. They never spoke although she could sense him admiring her.
He kept on going back to that shop but never saw her again (during the day)

Emelia Rose was her name and she enjoyed going to the little coffee shop but had no idea that she had someone watching her when she was there. She had still be watching her prey from a far.

It was one days he ventured out during the day with the aid of a special ring that was given to her by a very old and wise witch and this ring allowed her the ability to go out in the day time without fear of getting harmed.

It was on this day she decided to go to the coffee shop in hopes of being able to get closer to what she has been after for so long now.
The meeting

After finishing the last bitter taste of coffee, Rob put the mug down and indicated to the pretty young woman who was attending to his table that he was ready to pay the bill.
She looked up at him from where she was taking orders smiled and nodded.
Rob had been since lunch time hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman again. Now as night fell he resigned himself to returning to his loft and trying to find the inspiration he so desperately needed. The gentle patter of rain on the window next to him sparked him from his thoughts and he once again concentrated his attention on the large drawing pad in front of him, to put the finishing touches to the same sketch he had been working on for hours.
"Here you go," Mary said eagerly breaking his concentration, and handing him the relatively small bill for someone who had spent so much time sitting at a table.
"Thanks, keep the change."
He handed her a hundred , "and this is also for you."
Mary took the thick piece of sketch paper with its beautiful rendition of her.
"Oh Rob it is fantastic, but this is too much," she indicated by shaking the note in her hand.
"Of course it isn't . You served me for hours without anything but a smile, consider it payment for you modeling for me."
She was going to say something when the ring of the bell hanging over the door alerted her to a new customer.
"I will be right back," she said looking over her shoulder, "you are always welcome to stay as long as you want."
Robe nodded and looked out the window, watching the steady fall of rain as the early evening began to take hold.

Mary approached the stunning woman that had just entered, her sketch and large bank note still in hand.
She was side tracked for the moment until the girl made her way over to her. Emelia noticed the pretty picture in her hand and smiled softly her eyes staring a hole into the picture.

"That is quite a pretty picture you have there."

Mary smiled to her and nodded as she spoke.

*Oh yes it is. A customer was so very generous to paint it of me while he was here.*

Mary pointed him out in case the woman wanted to see about getting one done for herself at some point.

Emelia smiled and nodded as she saw where the woman was pointing. Mary then led her to a table and left her with a menu and told her she would be right back to her.

Emelia nodded and began to look over the menu not that she needed it but more so not to draw attention to herself and waited for Mary to come back over.

After a few moments Mary came back and Emelia ordered a coffee and a piece of apple pie. Sitting there staring around the room Emelia smiled over to the man but not making too much of a fuss that she was curious about him.
Rob could not shake the feeling that he was being observed.
He turned from the window and his suspicions were correct when he saw the gorgeous woman smile slightly at him.
He wondered if she had actually been watching him or if it was one of those moments when two strangers happened upon each others gaze and then smiled to not seem impolite.
Whatever the circumstances, Rob's heart began to beat slightly faster, he flushed and that deep feeling inside hi stirred. It was her, the woman he had seen all those weeks ago, the one he had been so desperate to meet.
He was draw in again by her beauty, her eyes, they held him, drew him close, willed him to stand and to walk hypnotically over to her.
'This is ridiculous' Rob thought to himself.
'I can't just walk over there.'
"This is Robert," Mary said snapping Rob from his dream, "he is by far my nicest customer."
Rob looked around, noticing for the first time he was standing before the woman he had dreamed of for so many nights. As much as he wanted to look at her to savour her beauty, all he could do was stare into the cold pools of her eyes.
Emelia smiled as her coffee and pie were set down in front of her and she was being introduced to the man she had been observing. Sensing his confusion she smiled even more and pushed the chair out across from her.

"Pleasure to meet you Robert please do have a seat.

She waited to see if he was going to take a seat and in the mean time she put some cream and sugar in her coffee and took a sit before taking a bite of her pie.
Rob only hesitated for an instant before seating himself down.
It was as if the presence of Mary drew him away from the memories of the erotic thoughts he had had about the beautiful lady who had just invited him to join her.

He looked up at Mary to see her also staring with a similar wanton expression like he had.
'So her beauty is universal' he thought.
Mary finally managed to draw her attention away from the girl.
"So what can I get you?"
"I will have the same," Rob indicated to the coffee and pie.
Mary scooted off and Rob returned his attention to the object of his immediate desire.
"I am not sure if you gave me your name."
Emelia smiled at them both realizing what was going on and couldn't help but enjoy herself knowing she could have either of them she chose for lunch. She wiggled her finger to Mary and as the waitress came closer she smiled and stared into her eyes speaking slowly and clearly.

"Go tend to your other customers now and leave us be."

With that Mary smiled and happily went to tend to any other customers that were around at that point. Emelia smiled and turned back to Robert and shook her head a little.

"That is because I have yet to give it to you but at any rate I'm Emelia pleasure to meet you."

She stuck out her hand to allow him to take hold of it and shake it lightly.
Rob was about release her hand after giving it a gentle shake. He held it a little longer and bent down slowly and planted a soft kiss on the back, all the while his eyes looked up, absorbed by her very own mesmerizing orbs.
"I am sorry...I....that was rude," he stuttered as he quickly released her hand and sat back.
The artery in his neck pulsed rapidly to those who were perceptive enough to notice it.
'I have to paint her' he thought to himself, 'such beauty can not be passed up'
He managed to draw himself away from his thoughts and her eyes.
"Emelia, I apologise for my manners...what do you do?"
Emelia smiled at how he kissed her hand and stared up at her. It would be so easy she thought to will him to do what she wanted but she refrained from doing that for now anyway. She wanted to see how willing he was to do what she wanted without having to be compelled.

"Oh you're quite alright."

She almost started to salivate at the pulsing his artery was doing and it was making her want to take a bite and see how good he tasted. She almost had trouble controlling herself and felt the change come over her but she fought it back and licked her lips removing her hand from his.

"You are quite alright Robert....what do you mean what do I do?"

She smiled to him and stared at him curiously.
"Well I mean what do you do for a living, I myself am a painter mostly, portraits mainly."
He smiled at her.
"So how does such a beautiful woman occupy her days?"
She smiled brightly and her eyes lit up when he said he was a painter as she had always wanted to have her portrait taken.

"Oh that sounds just delightful. I will have to come by soon and get you to do my portrait."

She smiled even more to him and stared into his eyes as she thought of how to describe her days.

"Oh I just do a little of this and that nothing to labor intensive."
"I see, sounds a bit cagey, perhaps you are a professional hitwoman."
He smiled.
"I tell you what Emelia, if you are not waiting for a target, why don't you come by my loft and I will start on that portrait."
"Oh you must, Rob paints so well."
Mary had returned to the table to check if they needed anything and just got the end of the conversation.
"He even painted me once, I never thought I would pose nude but it was actually quite fun."
Rob gulped.
"You won't ... I.mean not always nudes...."
She grinned and laughed a bit and shook her head.

"Oh nothing that sinister but I'd love have you paint me."

She smiled even more and looked up to Mary and tried her best not to want to snap the little twit's neck for coming back over. That is one she thought to herself will make a tasty snack. Hearing him gulp she smiled seeing him trying to back track what Mary had seemed to have gotten him into.

"Oh I'm sure we will be just fine if I have to be nude most of the time."
He stood immediately and tossed a few bills onto the table.
"Come then Emelia my easel awaits."
She grinned and laid some more money on the table hoping it would cover her bill and what she was about to say to Mary. Walking up behind Mary she laid a hand on her waist and whispered seductively in her ear as she squeezed playfully on her waist.

"I will see you later my dear."

With that she inhaled deeply before turning around and walking out with Robert taking his arm with a smile.

"Lead the way."

A smile was given as she walked out into the sunlight and sighed softly feeling the heat on her face loving how it felt and realizing how much she missed it.
When she took his arm Robert felt his heart begin to beat faster. His thoughts began to race as he imagined her naked, posing for him, her beauty be savoured.
Then his doubts crept in, did she really mean she would pose nude, or was it just to show up Mary. It didn't really make sense, most women who had posed, whether nude or not had either been professional models or people he knew for a while at least.
Now a stranger was agreeing to come to his apartment.
They had walked a block before he decided to speak up.
"My place isn't too far, just a block more."
He paused a bit.
"By the way you don't have to pose naked?"
Emelia smiled knowing the affect she was having on him and continued on enjoying the walk. She continued to breath in his scent and could tell he seemed nervous about her which she enjoyed of course. When he spoke up she looked up at him.

"Oh it's quite alright and I don't mind being nude at all. I enjoy it actually."

Her eyes never left his as they continued to walk to his home.
Her answer and the seriousness with which she said it made his heart pulse quicker again, enough that she would have been aware of it through the contact with his arm.
He looked at her and grinned.
"That is good to know, I can't wait to see you naked as well...."
He realised how bad that sounded and stopped walking and turned her to face him.
"Look Emelia I have to come clean with you."
Why did he have this sudden urge to be honest.
"I saw you the other day in the coffee shop...and since then I had hoped to bump into you again."
He tried a disarming smile.
"Not in a creepy way, but just to paint your beauty."
He thought it best not to mention the erotic dreams he had had since seeing her.
"I know this sounds funny but I would do anything to get that chance, but if you ... you know feel uncomfortable is okay."
He tried to smile again knowing he was making a fool of himself.
She smiled and tried to hide the lust she was feeling at this very moment, as well as, the urge to push him into an ally and taste the blood that was pulsing through those veins at this very moment. Something about him made her take it slow knowing he would be like so many others and let her have her way if she was just patient enough for it.

"That is very sweet of you. And I'm still going to pose for you even if you have been wishing for it."

A soft squeeze to his arm as they continued to walk and she looked around.

"Are we almost there?"
"Yes we are there," he tries to keep the excitement out of his voice.
He leads her up some stairs into an apartment block.
Pressing the button for the elevator he smiles and turns to her, "I have some accessories in the loft, scarves and the like."
The elevator arrived and he ushered her in.
Pressing the button to the top floor he looked her up and down.
"But I think it is best if you decide on the pose and how your beauty should be portrayed."
He heart was pumping now as he thoughts about her got more erotic and the blood started to swell his nether region.
She followed him into the elevator and she laughed a little at how he tried to offer accessories too. It was sweet that he didn't want her to feel odd about posing for him. Not that she hadn't posed before for an artist when she was quite young but sadly her will power back then was nonexistent and she fed upon him not allowing him the time to finish her portrait.

"Thank you and I think I have a pose that will work quite well for us both."
He nodded, eager to see her naked.
It was odd he thought, never before had he been so excited about seeing a woman naked. He felt like a young boy again, making out for the first time. He was as excited as the first time he was about to make love. The anticipation was strange because it wasn't the first time he had planned to use this type of scenario to his advantage. In fact he almost always wanted the women who posed for him, sometimes it happened, sometimes not, more often with the people he knew than the hired strangers.
His thoughts had occupied his mind so much that he hadn't realised that they were already in the apartment and he had begun to show her around.
"....there's the bathroom if you need it and here is the studio."
He looked at her and smiled nervously, his thoughts about the various times this same situation had turned into wild passion had taken their toll.
His penis was almost fully erect now and pressing uncomfortably against his underwear and jeans.
Emelia walked through his house as he showed her things and grinned knowing he was lost in a trance at this moment. She knew she could easily have her fun and will him to do what she wanted for a very long time but she wanted him to want her. One thing she was longing for was a companion to fill the aching hole in her heart. Most in her circle thought she was acting too human until she showed them otherwise. She was just never good at turning off her human emotions but that is what made her sire fall in love with her so many years ago.

She smiled up at him trying not to get lost in her own thoughts and feelings at the moment and started to speak up as she slowly started to slip out of her clothes.

"Would you like to get started now?"

She laid her clothes on an empty stool and was standing there in a matching purple silk bra and panties. Her toes and fingers were done in the same shade of purple as her bra and panties. Standing there not shy at all about how well her body looked as she stared at him waiting for his answer before she stripped down to nothing.
He stared at her and finally nodded slowly.
"Yes please let's start right away."
He adjusted his jean (that had become uncomfortable) without realising it.
She smiled to him and finished getting undressed as she stared at him. Noticing how she was having an affect on him and it almost made her giggle.

"Where would you like me to be?"

She moved closer to him waiting for him show her where he would want to take her to start painting her portrait.
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