Valentine's Day RP Challenge


Literotica Guru
Mar 31, 2012

Valentine's Day is the holiday dedicated to romance. As much as we all love the heavy eroticism of the threads but sometimes a nice romance is nice to read. Not that it has to be PG though. I hereby challenge the RPers of Literotica to a romance thread challenge.


All threads entered have to be new from this point on and have VDC for Valentine's Day Challenge in the title somewhere. Once thread is begun simple reply to this thread with the link and a small summary for the plot line of the thread. Each member can enter only 1 thread.


An index of all the threads involved will be listed in this post later on. Once the day before Valentine's Day comes, a judge will be appointed to pick the winners. The judge cannot be someone who is involved in the challenge as a writer. If interested in being a judge, please contact me.


There will be four winners picked. The grand winner, first, second and third place. The winners will get top billing in the index listed below.

Winners will also receive a special graphic that can be added to their signature

:heart:Valentine's Day RP Challenge Threads:heart:

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