Use of Point of View


Sexy fun
Feb 22, 2023
Curious question:
When you read erotic stories while masturbating, do you prefer to read stories written in the first person, second, or third? And can you say why?
No preference in first or third. Will not read second person POV.

Don't get hung up on the POV. Write the way that works for the story and what you prefer.
Second point of view is, thankfully, very rare.

Personally, it doesn't matter as long as the POV is consistent and written with some skill. When you come down to it, close third person limited and first person offer a similar experience to the reader.

That said, the writing guides say first person offers more intimacy since it's told directly from one person's experience. That can be true, and lets a writer do the "unreliable narrator" thing, but I don't find it matters that much.
Just this morning, I was trying to advance a story I've been struggling with on and off for months.

Then I realized: the wrong character was the PoV. If I just switched it from her to him ...

I've accomplished more on that story today than in all that time. All that work wasn't wasted, I can keep the plot and even most of the dialogue. It's just more fun if the other person is the one we follow.

-Eddie (of the Writing Group)