USA debate

How hard do you need to be?

I'm so hard I could have sex with a republican, is a common saying.
None of the republicans I know are hesitant or reluctant to speak of sex in general and I am in the midwest where republicans are even more conservative.
That is new

I'm so hard I could have sex with a republican, is a common saying.

I didn't want to politicized this but I don't think a Romney platform is sexual equality

Is there a difference?
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If we can cum together we can work together...

OK can I make it with a republican woman?
I prefer Democratic sex. I don't want to have another child every single time I fuck
socialists like to do it in public
republicans prefer to do it in private
democrats like doing it on the platform
libertarians like doing it nowhere
Party affiliation and sexual performance have absolutely zero correlation.
Republicans like to talk about sex -sex others shouldn't have: no contraceptives, sex between gay or lesbian partners....then they talk about "liberty" when they really mean is their "liberty", not the "liberty" of others.
Party affiliation and sexual performance have absolutely zero correlation.

That may be true. But given today's political climate my personal preference is for those whose political leanings are similar to mine, and I doubt men on the right are going to appreciate a woman on the left who cares enough about women's rights to wave an Uncle Sam sign at a protest at her state capitol. :)
As much as I despise their jingoistic, xenophobic creationist lunacy, I sure would love to bend a tea partier over her desk and do her properly... One of my fantasies these days!

test how "legitimate" it might, or might not be...
That may be true. But given today's political climate my personal preference is for those whose political leanings are similar to mine, and I doubt men on the right are going to appreciate a woman on the left who cares enough about women's rights to wave an Uncle Sam sign at a protest at her state capitol. :)

Hi LadyVer--if I may inquire, which "women's rights" are you referencing?
Hi LadyVer--if I may inquire, which "women's rights" are you referencing?

which??? as in:

her right to be barefoot, pregnant, cooking dinner, and have her choices in life controlled by a bunch of self-styled moralizing hypocrites who conflate patriarchy with "natural" and "God-given"


her "unalienable" rights (even though, ultimately, such things don't really exist), that are hers?

Just wondering... :rolleyes: