Urgent - need a program!

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
Ok, so I have Microsoft Office 2010 on my laptop.
Unfortunately, it won't recognise my printer, and my desktop died today.
So what I urgently need is a program that will both recognise my Word documents and my printer.
I have 48 hours to get this stuff printed for the accountant.
What's a good, free program that I can download?
Accountant? I thought you lived and worked on a farm in the middle of nowhere in Australia?
It's my favorite, but it won't recognize both Word and a printer.
In Tasmania, "the middle of nowhere" means you're five miles from the nearest town.

Actually, my nearest town is 15 mins drive away, but only has a deli, a newsagent, a tiny hardware store, a fuel station, a tiny chemist and a post office.
The nearest real town is 45 mins drive away.
My accountant is an hour and a half in the other direction.
Fine. Fuck you lot.
I'll go ask some people who might actually know what they're talking about :rolleyes:
So much for intelligent, computer-literate braggers on lit.
Ok, so I have Microsoft Office 2010 on my laptop.
Unfortunately, it won't recognise my printer, and my desktop died today.
So what I urgently need is a program that will both recognise my Word documents and my printer.
I have 48 hours to get this stuff printed for the accountant.
What's a good, free program that I can download?

Ah, why don't you save the documents (assume you have) and send to your accountant as email attachments? Surely, they can download and print.

Alternatively, put them onto a USB and print them somewhere nearby like a photo shop.

If your accountant doesn't have a computer or printer I'd fine another one.
In Tasmania, "the middle of nowhere" means you're five miles from the nearest town.

Oh. The nearest town to me is 5 minutes, but shuts down about 6 PM. I mean, the whole town, not just parts of it. 2 service stations close around 9 or 10 pm. Everything is closed on weekends, except those 2 service stations. Almost heaven for me. The next town I just moved from last month is about 20 miles away w/a 24 hr Walmart and Waffle House. Not one damn bar anywhere near me. No shortage of churches for the hypocrites though.
Fine. Fuck you lot.
I'll go ask some people who might actually know what they're talking about :rolleyes:
So much for intelligent, computer-literate braggers on lit.

Not computer literate, but I would save it to file (or create a new one), then send it to your accountant via email attachment. They'll know what to do w/it. Or at least pick up the phone and call them.
Ah, why don't you save the documents (assume you have) and send to your accountant as email attachments? Surely, they can download and print.

Alternatively, put them onto a USB and print them somewhere nearby like a photo shop.

If your accountant doesn't have a computer or printer I'd fine another one.

If it were that easy, I would do that.
But I have to print these documents and attach all my receipts (we're being audited this year).
If it were that easy, I would do that.
But I have to print these documents and attach all my receipts (we're being audited this year).

Have the accountant print the documents and courier the receipts for them attach.

How else were you going to get the receipts to the accountant?

You're more clever than this. Christ.
Oh. The nearest town to me is 5 minutes, but shuts down about 6 PM. I mean, the whole town, not just parts of it. 2 service stations close around 9 or 10 pm. Everything is closed on weekends, except those 2 service stations. Almost heaven for me. The next town I just moved from last month is about 20 miles away w/a 24 hr Walmart and Waffle House. Not one damn bar anywhere near me. No shortage of churches for the hypocrites though.

Yeah, everything shuts in my nearest town at 5pm.
Everything except the little pub (which I forgot to mention)... that closes at 6 Mon - Thurs, and 10 on Fri and Sat. Not open Sundays.
Have the accountant print the documents and courier the receipts for them attach.

How else were you going to get the receipts to the accountant?

You're more clever than this. Christ.

I have around 800 receipts to put to monthly statements (which I want to print, dammit).
If I give this to my accountant to do, all of a sudden my $350 fee becomes $1350 :(

Forgot to add..... no courier comes here. Hell, I don't even have a regular mail delivery!
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Well, a USB and a friend nearby with a computer and printer is a friend indeed.;)
Well, a USB and a friend nearby with a computer and printer is a friend indeed.;)

Honestly, if I had time to go gallivanting around looking for a friend with a printer - most of whom live a long way away - I would do so.
But I don't.
The next few days are pretty fucking hectic here.... bad enough I have to take time out to go the accountant on Thursday :(
Because WQ's life is SO BUSY AND IMPORTANT that she can't possibly drive however long it would take to her nearest "friend THAT REALLY EXISTS because people totally like her IRL!"

Google Docs will work.
She's like Dollparts but less sympathetic as a character. 101 excuses and 100% bullshit.

That is a very apt description.

I keep wondering if I deal with someone as dense in real life. I don't think so.
You guys are so mean.

None of you understand the cruel deprivations of life in Australia.

Well, alright... half of you, then. Whatever.
That is a very apt description.

I keep wondering if I deal with someone as dense in real life. I don't think so.

I don't 'deal', but I know someone just like WQ.

Dense she is not. Troubled, sure.