Unrest In Vesperia


Jan 21, 2013
OOC Unrest In Vesperia

War is brewing, a battle between sibling threatens to tear the land her ancestors built apart.

Vesperia has been ruled by the Darqoven Clan for nearly 200 years. The eldest siblings from the first marriage are heirs to the kingdom. However when the king dies mysteriously the Queen and her children begin a battle for the throne. A power struggle that will send ripples throughout the Noble houses of the land.

This world is going to be in a medieval style setting, with a loose caste system. There are several parts to play including the Darqoven Clan. There are a few characters I would like to see played, however almost everything is open. I have a very loose story line, open for ideas. Looking for interested parties. If you are interested or have any questions feel free to msg me.
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Still looking for interested people. I have a few male and female characters to play, as well as plenty of room for you to customize your own player. Let me know if you would like to know more about the storyline and players :)
Reserved for map and general outline of country/neighboring Kingdoms.

Draft of map: http://forum.literotica.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1168903&stc=1&d=1360032786

I can change the names of countries, and add in where cities are etc.

Let me know if this will suit the thread.

Overall there are only the four Kingdoms represented on this map. The Darqoven Clan, ruling Vesperia, the most fertile and central land. Another Clan ruling Dunedil, think more along the line of nomadic traders and desert dwelling sheiks perhaps. Another Clan ruling Colrayne, a place of fertile soul but often raining. They have a few marshes and bogs, but its probably the second best Kingdom in the region. And Marinis, a more merchant and sea faring Clan, I sort of imagined the bountiful port city, spice trades and bustling markets.

However, since the mountains are not fit for larger cities and Kingdoms, I would think it quite likely for smaller clans/tribes to inhabit those two regions. I'm thinking the Alarac Clan, and Vispi Clan would hold the most power there though.

All details can be altered to fit with what you already have made up though, that's just my brainstorming so far.


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You can pencil me in for brawler/tank character. Would typically be around 7 foot and powerful. Have a lot of threads going, but seems like some have died down again.

The continent of Amarath was founded in what is to be considered the 2nd era, year 946. The mighty Emperor Aventius sends his loyal General Atrydis across the sea to conquer a new land. When the battle with the local tribes had ended, anyone who was left either took a knee in honor of The General, or was killed. When Hericidine Atrydis was declared king of Amarath, just a mere 7 years after the initial invasion, no one objected.

The Atrydis family ruled over Amarath unhindered for nearly 8 centuries. Yet throughout the years, tribes held onto their culture. When drought and famine started to wipe through the land, the locals started to rebel. Driven by the need to reclaim the lost land their ancestors recanted tales of. What seemed like endless wars depleted the riches of the Atrydis kingdom.

By the year 879 of the 3rd era (approx 80 years later), King Mankar Atrydis had declared a treaty with 3 tribal leaders and restored their lands. He ensured his kingdom held onto the most fertile land, where he hoped his family could prosper after the troubled times they had endured. The land was called Vesperia.

more to come later!

The downfall of the Atrydis family was set into motion long ago, however it wasn't until the "mad King" Pelagious Atrydis, that things got so much worse. When he wasn't throwing lavish parties he was with one of many consorts he kept. It is he who we believe lead to the Clan Atrydis curse.

No one is sure of how it came about, some believe a sorcer cursed him for his behavior. Others believe that the curse is just the Great Devines way of ending the line of a terrible family. Either way in the course of a generation very few babies survived the first year, the winters were especially difficult, and the harvests were less than half of what they should have been.

Ellawyn Darqoven married into the Atrydis family in the year 212 in the 4th era. Her Clan pulled Vesperia out of despair, for no small price. The Darqovens were the new ruling family. In return the Atrydis bloodline did live on, but under a new name.
SO, after a hardrive crash and my bf tinkering with my laptop, I'm back. If any of you guys are still interested in continuing the story let me know and we can get started :)
Dusk, the sun to her back nothing but emptiness ahead.

Elisif had been traveling for weeks, she was making her way to the capitol. At least there was a familiar face there. Once she left her Sisters behind... no that wasn't what happened, I abandoned them. They should hate me... They would seek her out, she had to go someplace they wouldn't.

It won't be so bad, I've got money and technically I am Nobility. Not even she could think it without giggling to herself. Hundreds of years had passed since an Atrydis sat upon the throne. While the curse took care of the family fortune and thinned the ranks of the family. By no means was her name taken seriously anymore, but there a few strings to play with.

Elisif Atrydis was a very tall and slender women, light on her feet. Long, deep red hair flowed with lite waves. Pale skin and dark eyes, people often said they were haunted. She was trained in close combat, being incredibly gifted with knives. Every village had the one guy... they see a women who they think is weak and something snaps... hopefully I don't have to hurt anyone here. She was still a good ten minutes away from the tavern she was calling home the next few nights. With the political mess taking place in the city, it could be dangerous for her to be here too. Bath, bed, and a stiff drink is worth the risk. A nice cock to ride wouldn't be so terrible either. Now that's a laugh.

I have had a few interested parties, but nothing solid. I'm still here, and looking :)
Let interested parties post profiles in the OOC and then start an IC where the story can be told
I'm still having laptop issues. I'm waiting on a new fan in the mail. But it shouldn't be much longer and ill be able to post again regularly :)
Ok let get things started!

Finally situated with a working laptop again! I had begun to loose my mind, if it hadn't been for box I probably would have. Anyway I got the thread started. Anyone who would like to join, please send a pm my way as well as posting a introduction to your character here. If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know. I also have started the IC thread.
Send me a pm and let me know if you are interested.

Elisif Atrydis, she is 5”10 slender, but very athletic physique. She wore dark red hair, pale skin, and deep green eyes. All signature traits of her bloodline. Raised in a convent and trained for close combat, making her deadly with any bladed weapon. At the convent they rigorously trained in their particular style of combat. Intense training of every muscle in the body, allowing them to complete great feats of agility and acrobatics. Her preferred weapons of choice were a pair of twin daggers and her bare hands.

When she fled the sisterhood a few years ago, she didn't stay in any place for too long. Constantly on the move, never stopping to make friends. Her name was unwelcome is some areas, and those wise enough to recognize her features usually kept quiet. It had been less of a burden on her back at the convent. Everyone already knew who she was, and people were above such petty things. The Atrydis family once brutally ruled Vesperia, until a curse was placed upon them. Although many generations have passed since the last Atrydis sat on the throne, many still remember the dark days.

After King Charles Darqoven's passing, and the disturbance in the succession of the throne, most every person inhabiting the kingdom knew Vesperia was on the verge of war. The ruling family clan Darqoven, against the clan that bought their way into the crown. The late wife of the king, second wife, and current Queen of Vespesia, had her sights set of the crown sitting atop * her * first born son's head. As brutal as as they are wealthy, she would stop at nothing to rule the lands and return Vespesia to it's former glory.