Unrequited love


Literotica Guru
Jul 4, 2012
Figured this was as good as any place to post. I have strong feelings for a female mate of mine. We flirt and share a laugh and a joke. She, however, does not have the same level of love for me as I do for her. And no she is not the sort to post or read Lit.
If you have only learned one thing from Lit in your time here, it should be that there is no such thing as 'not the sort to post or read Lit'.

I am not sure if you are simply venting, asking for advice or if others have had experience with your chosen topic.
Thank you for replying. A little bit of all three. And she is rather modest and will wait until marriage to sleep with me.
What exactly is the point of this thread? What are we discussing? And you feel this deserves a whole thread rather than post something in the millions of threads that ask how your day is going,How are you feeling?, What is crossing your mind, etc?

Or why not just start a thread and put all your "ideas" :rolleyes: in there like a lot of people have done rather than create two whole new pointless threads everyday.
Figured this was as good as any place to post. I have strong feelings for a female mate of mine. We flirt and share a laugh and a joke. She, however, does not have the same level of love for me as I do for her. And no she is not the sort to post or read Lit.

Thank you for replying. A little bit of all three. And she is rather modest and will wait until marriage to sleep with me.

So you two are getting married? :confused:
Oh. No. I wish. Was just using that an an example of how modest my love interest is and why she would never post on a sex website like Lit. Sorry for any confusion.
One thing I learned over the last 20 years is modesty is overrated in so many ways.
Lol. Goodness I would not go that far. My Lamb as I call her affectionately and I have joked about some things using silken scarves but I really doubt when it came to it either of us would actually do it. Haha.
Lol. Goodness I would not go that far. My Lamb as I call her affectionately and I have joked about some things using silken scarves but I really doubt when it came to it either of us would actually do it. Haha.

Does she like being called your little Lamb?
As far as I know she does. She will call me "hunny bunny" and "Sexy Bexy" in return.
Figured this was as good as any place to post. I have strong feelings for a female mate of mine. We flirt and share a laugh and a joke. She, however, does not have the same level of love for me as I do for her. And no she is not the sort to post or read Lit.

Have you tried chloroform?
Personally if someone called me Hunny Buny of Sexy Bexy she is getting a penis inside her whether she wants it or not.
If I see a post by IHC on a thread like this I have to scroll down to read it! I am never disappointed!!!
I tend to find unrequited love much less often that unrequited lust. But I really don't try that hard that often.
On a serious note. What the hell is this thread about????? It sounds like you are married or engaged but you aren't. You have pet names for each other, yet there is no petting going on.

I have female friends, and one of my closest longest friends is a female named Nicole. If I called Nicole my little lamb not only would she slap me but probably do it twice.

If you want more ask for more. If she says no then I can assure you that the last thing coming out of you mouth will be little lamb.