The island was meant to be a paradise.
It’s jungles were stretches of lushness shot through with flora of such staggering color they were said to make a man weep. The valleys that stretched across the inland held a breathtaking grandeur, seemingly untouched in all of human history. The small farms of rich tobacco, the stands of breadfruit, the ubiquitous palms with their ponderous coconuts… it all filled the air with a fragrance of life, and newness.
Except for the taverns by the docks. They stank of pigs.
Erik’s eyes lulled open. He was stretched sideways across a straw-stuffed mattress, with homespun linen sheets tangled around his feet. he felt weight across his back, and he turned, discovering a slender brown leg draped over him. Pushing himself up, he found the leg attached to a person; the girl from the tavern was still sleeping off all the drinks they had shared the night before. They had been celebrating; the dice tables had been good to him, and he had been able to afford the finest spirits that hole-in-the-wall had to offer, and the finest company to drink them with.
Looking down at the girl, she was quite naked, but Erik didn’t seem to be able to drudge up any memories that might explain why. One obvious explanation presented itself… but if he had engaged her, he very much doubted that she would still be here in the morning. He managed to slip from her, and grabbed up his clothes, carefully stepping out of the door still naked.
He stood on a wooden balcony of split janka logs, the morning air dense in the island’s constant heat. He made sure he had his coinpurse as he tugged on his trousers. The girl would have stolen from him, obviously, but whatever they had done last night was probably worth it. Once his boots were on, he looked about, figuring out where he was. The treeline wasn’t far, and the trails that led inland, away from the stink of the docks. The flowery, loamy scent of the jungle taunted him, reminding him only briefly of the rich earth that had filled his nostrils when he was a boy. He shook his head, rejecting that smell, reaching through the pigstink to find the familiar air of the ocean, even now not so very far away. He started down the rickety stairs, heading in that direction, when he felt a hand grip his shoulder and spin him.
“Be wanting that coin back, Freeman”
Saul was a beast of a man. Erik would have pegged him for a spaniard, but he was such a poor sailor, it seemed unlikely. He stood almost a shoulder again over Erik, and ever higher over Desler and Ritig, the two following him. They had been at the dice tables the night before, and had been clearly upset watching him drink away their coppers in the company of a sweet brown bar wench.
Erik scratched the back of his head, shrugging in apology. “Afraid I don’t have much left, boys… that young lass had a trick or two up her sleeve…”
Ritig leered at him down his pockmarked, broken nose. “You been spending all our money on drink and whores.”
He rested his hands on his hips. “Well.. one whore. And it wasn’t exactly your money… that’s how gambling works.”
Saul scowled at him. “Then we’re taking what you spent from your hide, bilgeslave.”
Erik smiled at that. He looked between them with a grin, rolled his shoulders, and rocked his head back and forth with a stretch. “alright then…”
He jammed his foot down onto Saul’s, making the huge man howl, and then ducked down and drove his shoulder forward, ramming into his stomach and pushing him back, making him fall into a pig trough. Before Ritig or Desler could react, he grabbed a loose plank of janka wood and broke it in two across Ritig’s face, breaking his nose yet again, making him collapse and grab at the blood gushing from his face. Erik tried to swing at Desler, but the smaller man was too quick, moving back out of the punch and countering with his own, cracking Erik across the jaw and knocking him off his feet. He fell into the mud, but managed to kick Desler in the ankle from the ground, making him howl… Saul was starting to get up from the pig trough, so Erik pushed his feet downward, shoving his weight against the trough. It spilled backward, making the big man tumble down into the mud with him. Scrambling through the spilled pig slop, Erik flung himself at Saul, nearly breaking his own hand against his face…
One of the others… Ritig or Desler, he wasn’t sure… they put their hands on him, and dragged him off of Saul, smearing him from head to toe in mud. They lifted him to his knees, holding his arms out to the sides. Ritig’s nose was still bleeding. Saul got to his feet, and came over to them. He leaned down, and grabbed Erik’s coinpurse from his belt. He then stood, and aimed a careful blow, striking Erik cleanly in the face. His head rocked, and his vision blurred for a second. Saul hit him again, and again… he could taste the metal of his own blood. Saul said something, but he couldn’t quite make it out through the pain… they hoisted him into the pigpen, and he flopped down into the filth.
He lay there for a second, basking in the glorious sensation of not being hit anymore.
He sensed them walking away, and knew he should get up… he just needed a moment to be certain he hadn’t been killed. Arms… legs.. everything seemed to be fine but for his head, which he was absolutely certain had exploded…
“You certainly can pick your fights.”
He reached up groggily, wiping the mud from his eyes. The captain stood back from the low railing of the pigpen, exhibiting the good sense not to get too close. He was a thin, middle-aged man that walked with a cane carved of whalebone. Erik pushed against the ground to lift himself, feeling the mud squish between his fingers.
“They were going to rob me.”
“They weren’t going rob you and beat you near death… that part was your own idea.” The captain said, confirming that he had seen the whole thing. Erik gritted his teeth, wincing at the feeling of blood in his mouth.
“We have a bird,” The captain said, offering Erik no hand of support as he eased himself up. “Ships from King Harold. We’re to carry cargo of his to the Dutch Throne.”
Erik pushed himself to his feet, wiping his hands on his ruined trousers. “Why is Harold sending cargo all the way out here just to send it back to the Netherlands ?”
“The cargo in question is his oldest daughter. She’s already here surveying the farm holdings with her mother.”
Erik started at that. “Princess Adne?”
The captain nodded. He reached into his own pocket, and took out three copper coins, placing them on the post of a fence next to him, not bothering to approach Erik. “You’ll need to clean up, and a new set of clothes… and I doubt your pretty bar wench would lend much of a hand with you suddenly a pauper. I’ll expect four back at the end of the journey. And for the love of god, do something about your face, you’re bleeding everywhere.”
He turned, and started back toward the ship. Erik pulled his shirt up over his head and wiped at his mouth with the relatively clean inside of the linen, and then stopped, looking after the captain, who had stopped at the end of the alley.
“Was it because he called you a bilgeslave?”
Erick flung the shirt down into the mudd. “Yea.”
The captain nodded. “I don’t ask where my crew came from. We’re traders, not navy.” He said, still not facing Erik. “But you know what you were. whether they say it or not.”
He started walking again, leaving Erik standing in the mud.
It’s jungles were stretches of lushness shot through with flora of such staggering color they were said to make a man weep. The valleys that stretched across the inland held a breathtaking grandeur, seemingly untouched in all of human history. The small farms of rich tobacco, the stands of breadfruit, the ubiquitous palms with their ponderous coconuts… it all filled the air with a fragrance of life, and newness.
Except for the taverns by the docks. They stank of pigs.
Erik’s eyes lulled open. He was stretched sideways across a straw-stuffed mattress, with homespun linen sheets tangled around his feet. he felt weight across his back, and he turned, discovering a slender brown leg draped over him. Pushing himself up, he found the leg attached to a person; the girl from the tavern was still sleeping off all the drinks they had shared the night before. They had been celebrating; the dice tables had been good to him, and he had been able to afford the finest spirits that hole-in-the-wall had to offer, and the finest company to drink them with.
Looking down at the girl, she was quite naked, but Erik didn’t seem to be able to drudge up any memories that might explain why. One obvious explanation presented itself… but if he had engaged her, he very much doubted that she would still be here in the morning. He managed to slip from her, and grabbed up his clothes, carefully stepping out of the door still naked.
He stood on a wooden balcony of split janka logs, the morning air dense in the island’s constant heat. He made sure he had his coinpurse as he tugged on his trousers. The girl would have stolen from him, obviously, but whatever they had done last night was probably worth it. Once his boots were on, he looked about, figuring out where he was. The treeline wasn’t far, and the trails that led inland, away from the stink of the docks. The flowery, loamy scent of the jungle taunted him, reminding him only briefly of the rich earth that had filled his nostrils when he was a boy. He shook his head, rejecting that smell, reaching through the pigstink to find the familiar air of the ocean, even now not so very far away. He started down the rickety stairs, heading in that direction, when he felt a hand grip his shoulder and spin him.
“Be wanting that coin back, Freeman”
Saul was a beast of a man. Erik would have pegged him for a spaniard, but he was such a poor sailor, it seemed unlikely. He stood almost a shoulder again over Erik, and ever higher over Desler and Ritig, the two following him. They had been at the dice tables the night before, and had been clearly upset watching him drink away their coppers in the company of a sweet brown bar wench.
Erik scratched the back of his head, shrugging in apology. “Afraid I don’t have much left, boys… that young lass had a trick or two up her sleeve…”
Ritig leered at him down his pockmarked, broken nose. “You been spending all our money on drink and whores.”
He rested his hands on his hips. “Well.. one whore. And it wasn’t exactly your money… that’s how gambling works.”
Saul scowled at him. “Then we’re taking what you spent from your hide, bilgeslave.”
Erik smiled at that. He looked between them with a grin, rolled his shoulders, and rocked his head back and forth with a stretch. “alright then…”
He jammed his foot down onto Saul’s, making the huge man howl, and then ducked down and drove his shoulder forward, ramming into his stomach and pushing him back, making him fall into a pig trough. Before Ritig or Desler could react, he grabbed a loose plank of janka wood and broke it in two across Ritig’s face, breaking his nose yet again, making him collapse and grab at the blood gushing from his face. Erik tried to swing at Desler, but the smaller man was too quick, moving back out of the punch and countering with his own, cracking Erik across the jaw and knocking him off his feet. He fell into the mud, but managed to kick Desler in the ankle from the ground, making him howl… Saul was starting to get up from the pig trough, so Erik pushed his feet downward, shoving his weight against the trough. It spilled backward, making the big man tumble down into the mud with him. Scrambling through the spilled pig slop, Erik flung himself at Saul, nearly breaking his own hand against his face…
One of the others… Ritig or Desler, he wasn’t sure… they put their hands on him, and dragged him off of Saul, smearing him from head to toe in mud. They lifted him to his knees, holding his arms out to the sides. Ritig’s nose was still bleeding. Saul got to his feet, and came over to them. He leaned down, and grabbed Erik’s coinpurse from his belt. He then stood, and aimed a careful blow, striking Erik cleanly in the face. His head rocked, and his vision blurred for a second. Saul hit him again, and again… he could taste the metal of his own blood. Saul said something, but he couldn’t quite make it out through the pain… they hoisted him into the pigpen, and he flopped down into the filth.
He lay there for a second, basking in the glorious sensation of not being hit anymore.
He sensed them walking away, and knew he should get up… he just needed a moment to be certain he hadn’t been killed. Arms… legs.. everything seemed to be fine but for his head, which he was absolutely certain had exploded…
“You certainly can pick your fights.”
He reached up groggily, wiping the mud from his eyes. The captain stood back from the low railing of the pigpen, exhibiting the good sense not to get too close. He was a thin, middle-aged man that walked with a cane carved of whalebone. Erik pushed against the ground to lift himself, feeling the mud squish between his fingers.
“They were going to rob me.”
“They weren’t going rob you and beat you near death… that part was your own idea.” The captain said, confirming that he had seen the whole thing. Erik gritted his teeth, wincing at the feeling of blood in his mouth.
“We have a bird,” The captain said, offering Erik no hand of support as he eased himself up. “Ships from King Harold. We’re to carry cargo of his to the Dutch Throne.”
Erik pushed himself to his feet, wiping his hands on his ruined trousers. “Why is Harold sending cargo all the way out here just to send it back to the Netherlands ?”
“The cargo in question is his oldest daughter. She’s already here surveying the farm holdings with her mother.”
Erik started at that. “Princess Adne?”
The captain nodded. He reached into his own pocket, and took out three copper coins, placing them on the post of a fence next to him, not bothering to approach Erik. “You’ll need to clean up, and a new set of clothes… and I doubt your pretty bar wench would lend much of a hand with you suddenly a pauper. I’ll expect four back at the end of the journey. And for the love of god, do something about your face, you’re bleeding everywhere.”
He turned, and started back toward the ship. Erik pulled his shirt up over his head and wiped at his mouth with the relatively clean inside of the linen, and then stopped, looking after the captain, who had stopped at the end of the alley.
“Was it because he called you a bilgeslave?”
Erick flung the shirt down into the mudd. “Yea.”
The captain nodded. “I don’t ask where my crew came from. We’re traders, not navy.” He said, still not facing Erik. “But you know what you were. whether they say it or not.”
He started walking again, leaving Erik standing in the mud.