Unloading the chamber before a date

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well, i dont really date anymore, and i sometimes unload 3-4 times a day, so how would i know?
well. that is ok. my bro says it is a good idea and another friend of mine says it depends on what i want the outcome to be. no pun intened.
guess it would depend on the persons ability to recover? IMHO :eek: it's better to shoot a load off quickly with a partner and then recover with their help :eek:
I guess so. In this case I am not assuming anything past some snuggling/nuzzling. Still I don't want to walk around cocked, loaded, and on safety if you follow me.
Does your wife have an opinion on what you should do before your date? :)
Hi DarkPleasures! [waves] Nice to hear from you.
Well I am sure she would want me to be comfortable. If unloading the chamber is more comfortable than probably would encourage that
I can't answer. I don't remember the last time I unloaded quickly.
My husband once admitted to me that before went out when we were dating be often times did this because he was afraid that if the evening ended in us having sex he didn't want to cum too quickly. I still get tickled at that notion. I would be flattered even if I guy did not last long the first time. I would like to think I had something to do with his quick "unloading". :D
Lol. Yeah see that is my thinking too. Didn't want to, um, fire off a round prematurely.
Lol. Yeah see that is my thinking too. Didn't want to, um, fire off a round prematurely.

But really it IS flattering to think that I could have that effect on a man. As long as he was "up" for another go at it, I would take it as a compliment.
Depends. 1) If you cum quickly, are you going to going to get it back up? 2) If you cum quickly and can't get it back up, does that have to be the end or can you go with toys, giving oral, etc?

I have no real problem if once is all there is. There is sooo much more to having fun in the bedroom than just that. Mine has about two in him and then it is over in that regard but he focuses on me when that happens and we still have lots of fun. I do not orgasm every time we have sex but that does not in any way shape or form diminish our sex life or even my own enjoyment.
Um no toys or oral with this particular woman. Just not the way we operate.
I vote no...

If I am with a woman who I know wants to be fucked for while, and I think I may pop too soon on the 1st one, I will warn her that round 2 may be better for her. I may warn her even if I don't know. There are plenty of mutually pleasing ways to make round 1 work for both. Rounds 2+ always last longer and allow for more control, for me anyway.
Yeah. Okay. Wasn't nessisarily talking about that but thanks for the reply I suppose.
had a bf in college who would cum in less than 3 minutes the first time, but after a 10 minute recovery, could fuck all night and stay hard. he confessed to "clearing the decks" before we would go out when we first started dating, and before we got intimate.
That might have been a good idea when I was 18 and it took only 10 minutes to reload, now I'm not so sure, lol.
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