Unexperienced Looking for More


Oct 28, 2012
This is my first time doing this, so I decided to send out a message in a bottle and see what happens. I'm 31, single, and from down south. I now live in Cali where the nights can get kinda lonely sometimes. I don't really know what I am looking for so feel free to reply or PM me and I will see what catches my eye. Chat, role play, come one-come all.
Care to turn on your PM message?

I know how you feel a out how California can be a bit lonely at times. Been staying on and off in LA and it seems hard to find genuine people here. Although the view is great and the sex around this state is just awesome...but again, lack of personality can get to you...

Feel free to PM or IM me via yahoo: nausu96
This is my first time doing this, so I decided to send out a message in a bottle and see what happens. I'm 31, single, and from down south. I now live in Cali where the nights can get kinda lonely sometimes. I don't really know what I am looking for so feel free to reply or PM me and I will see what catches my eye. Chat, role play, come one-come all.

Think you need to turn on your PM's. Anyways I cant believe Cali can lead to lonely nights. But there are many of us very willingly to help keep your evening occupied ;)

This is my first time doing this, so I decided to send out a message in a bottle and see what happens. I'm 31, single, and from down south. I now live in Cali where the nights can get kinda lonely sometimes. I don't really know what I am looking for so feel free to reply or PM me and I will see what catches my eye. Chat, role play, come one-come all.

I see your name, and I can relate... PM me...
Coming out and saying you're female (instead of having it buried in the middle of your profile) will definitely ratchet up your number of responses by a few orders of magnitude. :rolleyes: