UnderCover Trouble (Closed)


Divinely Experienced
Nov 20, 2008
"Good Job Rookie"

The jolly voice of Chief Regan barely registered in the ears of Sarah, as the two of them were sipping on coffee while looking through the one way mirror glass of their interrogation room. While they waited what seemed to be a very uncomfortable amount of time for the Special Agent to start questioning the criminal, Sarah thought about what a shitshow her day had been. Her partner had called in sick this morning, forcing her to patrol the streets of their little rural town solo. The chief had suggested she could stay at the office, working on paperwork as things had gotten a little crazy this summer. But off course she couldn't accept it. She had to proof that she was just as good as anyone of the guys at the station, and if one of them were solo on shift, they still headed out to patrol the township.

She also knew that when she saw the Lamborghini not make a full stop before turning right at the red light, that her partner would have told her not to bother. The guy wasn't speeding, and there was nobody on the road. Plus rich guys usually involve lawyers and made the county spend more money pursuing the fine, than the fine was worth. But off course she had flipped on her lights and stopped the man. When he told her he was going to retrieve his papers from the glovebox, she was taken aback by his attitude, most people asked if it was okay to reach for it, and when the glove compartment opened and she saw the polished wood handle of what appeared to be a gun . ( it turned out to be the handle of a screwdriver) she had reached for her gun and shot the guy. Luckily for her she had switched around her belt that morning thinking it would be better since she would approach the cars from the other side as usual being alone, and instead of shooting him with her gun she had only tasered the man.

It was in the midst of that confusion that Agent MacCalister and his partner swooped in and planted a gun and coke in the car. Telling her to just play along and happily fail forward into her career. Apparently that guy was some bigshot in the City's organized crime and this bust would fast track her career, as long as off course, she remembered that her actions were not only warranted, but also totally legitimate.

"So are you going to die in custody like most of your associate have done when caught?"

Agent McCalister said calmly, shocking the two small town cops on the other side of the Mirror. Even if it did not seem to shock the man in front of him. After a second or two the agent slid a folder towards the criminal.

"Or are you going to save yourself, by helping us shutting down your organization? "

In the folder was a standard amnesty document used to recruit criminals to become protected sources.

Sarah was relieved when the man didn't seem to protest about the illegality of the bust. Maybe he had already resigned himself to his fate, after all when the Fed's were on your case, it probably was not as easy to weasel out of a conviction as when it was done by just some beat cops or sheriff's office. So Relaxing a little Sarah moved back to the bullpen to finish up the paperwork, even if a nagging feeling at the pit of her stomach was still bothering her for the rest of the day.

Later that day Sarah was accosted by another FBI agent She introduced herself as Ally and told Sarah about how her services were requested by the bureau and spend the next two hours briefing her on the Organization of the man she had arrested that morning and gave her a speed course on undercover work. With little more than that, but the promise that they would link up later she was dropped off at a safe house, where she was told the criminal and herself would be able to sync up their cover. Getting out of the car, she pressed send on the long text to her Girlfriend Alina, not fully trusting the feds to do a good job in explaining to her why she would be gone for the next couple of weeks.

Overwhelmed but excited by the opportunity, Sarah confidently knocked on the door.
It was another ordinary day for Angelo Grazia. Making a few runs around town, dropping off a couple of "packages", muscling company execs to sign off on backhanded agreements that would benefit his boss, Mr. Ragusa, more than anyone else. He was in his own world, checking for traffic as he came up to the light. Nobody was coming so why stop? He rolled through the turn and nudged the gas of his Lamborghini. Except for as soon as he straightened the car out from the turn, the blue and reds started flashing. "Oh fuck me." He muttered to himself and pulled off to the side of the road, thankful his car was empty from his "activities" earlier today.

He rolled his window down as the cop walked up. "Can I help you, officer?" He asked as she stood next to her. "Let me get my registration." He leaned over and flipped open his glove box, and the last thing he remembered was what felt like a million volts of electricity shooting through his body.

Now, he sat in a box inside the local precinct and glared at this wretch of a man who had introduced himself as FBI Agent MacCalister. The short silence was broken by the agent's question. "So are you going to die in custody like most of your associates have done when caught?"

"That fucking bitch tazed me." Angelo growled, ignoring the agent's question and glaring at the mirrored window. Knowing she was probably standing behind it. The agent didnt respond to his statement and only repeated his question while adding "or are you going to save yourself by shutting down your organization?"

"Fuck, he was a dead man if he agreed to this." Angelo thought to himself as the agent stared him down from across the table and tapped his fingers on a manila folder. He needed to get out of here and get in touch with Mr. Ragusa. Sitting silently for a moment, Angelo flipped open the folder and read the agreement. Picking up the pen, he scribbled his name across the dotted line.

The agent smiled proudly at Angelo as he signed and dropped the pen. Angelo just wanted to punch him in his fucking face over and over again. MacCalister took the folder back and two more agents walked in and pulled Angelo from his chair and escorted him from the precinct and out to his car. "You made the right choice" one of the agents said. "Yeah? Fuck off." Angelo replied as he slipped behind the wheel of his car and drove off.

Calling Mr Ragusa on the way home, he informed him of the evening's events. A cold sweat broke out over his neck as there was only silence on the other end of the line for a moment. "Don't fuck me over, son." Mr Ragusa said calmly through the phone.

"No sir." Angelo replied. "I think we can turn this officer for our favor. But I may need a umm...a larger expense account to make everything happen." Again, there was silence until a short "Done" was answered through the phone. "But I will repeat....do not fuck me over." Angelo heard again slowly, for emphasis, before the line disconnected and he finished his drive home.

An hour after arriving, there was a knock at his front door and he swung it open. Seeing the same female cop from earlier. "Sarah, is it? Come in. We need to talk." He told her as he turned away from the door and walked deeper into his house.
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Sarah was a little taken aback as the door swung open and she was greeted by the man. Off course she had seen him before, but while he looked threatening while sitting in his car, or even sitting cuffed in the interrogation room, just standing there filling the doorway with his massive frame. But most of all the man exhumed an aura of competence and ruthlessness to a level that Sarah had never experienced before. As the man waved her in Sarah had to chastise herself and remind her that she was in control here, before taking a step over the threshold.

Walking into the room, she scanned the decor to see if there was anything about the man's personality she could gage, but before she was able to do a full scan her eyes fell on the man's cellphone and she moved towards it. Taking her new cellphone out of her purse, she placed it next to it and it automatically paired with the criminals phone. Sarah wasn't all that excited about what the Fed's were placing in the man's phone. But as Ally said, half of the job of selling a relationship these days, were building believable breadcrumbs on social media and phones. So the two of them had created a flirty thread with a selection of Sarah's private pictures she had taken for Alina , and thanks to a handy new FBI program she would be able to backdate the conversation as if the two of them were already a thing for a few weeks.

"Yes we should." She said turning towards the man, making a point to show confidence and control. " We created some logs of conversations between the two of us over the past few weeks, should anyone ask for how long we have known one another." She said doing her best to maintain eye contact. " When we are out in public, keep the public display of affection to a minimum and we will have no issues." She said even if Ally did warn her that they probably wouldn't be able to avoid it all together, but that the feds had been clear that Sarah's safety was of the upmost important in this operation.
Angelo stepped into his house and heard Sarah's shoes clatter on the marble tiled foyer. The front of his house had a semi open floor plan and he walked into the kitchen and poured three fingers of bourbon into a tumbler glass before turning around.

His cell had been lying on the bar/counter top and he watched her make a beeline directly for it and lay her own next to it. "What the fuck are you doing with my phone?" He growled as he took a sip of the brown liquor.

She turned towards him and agreed that they should talk and then she began rattling on about the conversation logs and public displays of affection and not having any issues while trying to stare him down. A smirk crossed his face. 'This bitch thinks she's the one in control' he thought silently to himself. He didn't even bother to comment on anything that she had said after she finished. Instead, changing the subject.

"You know who my boss is? And if so, you know my ass is on the fucking line for helping you, or the FBI, or whoever thinks they're calling the shots on your end." He moved from around the counter and started walking towards her. "You may control what happens on the streets or in the precinct, but you're walking into my world now, little lady."

He stopped in front of her and turned up his glass. Gulping down the remaining liquor before looking at her again and speaking. The bite of the liquor permeating off his breath. "You follow my lead out there, or we're both fucking dead. Get me?"
Sarah forced her face to remain placid as the man walked up to her, even if he didn't seemed to have any violent intent, just like during the traffic stop, there was something about the man's intensity that put her on edge. " I am aware of who you guys are indeed, and yes if you do not behave it is your ass on the line." She said doing her best to ignore the little lady comment, part because she knew that she could not afford to create too much of an antagonistic relationship with the man, if she wanted to be a convincing 'girlfriend' , but mainly because she simply did not have a valid comeback for it. She was young and inexperienced, and mostly compared to the force of nature the man exuded she did feel like one.

She also wanted to counter that she probably would survive should shit hit the fan as Ally had promised there would be an extraction team on the ready at all times, but she was not so naïve to think this meant she would be perfectly safe. " I get you, and it will not be a problem, as long as you remember that when we are not out there, you follow mine." She said trying to be as stoic in her delivery as possible before adding. " Because if you don't, I think we both know who will get the short end of the stick." It sounded a lot less cool than she had hoped but at least she hoped it had somewhat secured a boundary. To break the awkwardness of the moment, she picked up the man's phone and handed it to him. Before moving away pretending to take in the interior of the house again before saying.

" Look for better or worse, we are in this together. If we both respect the other person, and you make sure to place me in a good spot to get the information we need to shut you guys down, I will be back with my girlfriend, and you will be somewhere tropical with a new identity in no time. "

She said hoping to God that Ally was right about the fact that the Fed's almost had everything they needed to shut them down, and only needed a little shove to topple all the domino's.
Angelo stood looking down at Sarah as she countered his comment about following his lead. He bit his tongue to hide the smirk and another comment about who would really be calling the shots over the next few days. He tried but failed to hide a slight chuckle at the awkwardness in her voice and her short end of the stick comment.

Grabbing his phone as she handed him his phone and stepped away. He opened up the lock screen and saw the picture of her laid back on the bed. "Well well, things just got a lot more interesting." He commented as he stared at the picture, taking in her body. Not bothering to read through the text exchange that was uploaded to his history, he finally glanced up from the screen when she spoke again.

"You're right. We are in this together. You pull off your undercover act and we can both make it through this unscathed." He answered back. His brow curling up as she mentioned getting back to her girlfriend. 'Hmm challenge accepted." He thought to himself as his phone started ringing.

He answered it and stepped back into the kitchen for a few moments. "Yes sir.....No sir, we're good on the deal.....yes sir.....tonight?.....no problem, I'll be there." He ended the call and turned back to Sarah. "Did you bring clothes or is it time to go shopping?"
Sarah did her best to hide her smirk as the man seemed to calm down and agree with her that they had to team up for everyone to get what they want. But her giddiness got cut short as the man opened his phone and commented about hir pictures. She had not liked this path but Ally had convinced her that if she selected them before hand, there was a smaller chance that the man would have her pose for pictures or even worse, force her into more compromising positions to sell their relationship to his friends.

Her curiosity got peaked when the man got a phone call. It was clearly from a superior and from what she had gathered from his file this probably was the big honcho himself. A thrill shot through her as it seemed that this would probably be easier than expected, but as the criminal said something about tonight, the thrill turned into stress. After all she was only here today to meet the man and get their stories straight together, not dive into the lion's den right away. Then as he asked her about clothes she shrugged her shoulders.

" Well that depends, casual outings, not a problem." She said pointing at her current attire. " But anything that does not have casual as a dress code, we might have to swing by a store."
Angelo looked at Sarah as she shrugged and commented on her clothes. "Yeah, we definitely need to go shopping then. That won't cut it for tonight." He stuffed his phone in his pocket and grabbed his keys off the countertop and jingled them as he walked by. "Let's go."

Walking through his house and through a door leading into the garage, he walked around and slipped behind the wheel of the Lamborghini and fired it up as he hit the button to raise the garage door.

Waiting for Sarah to climb in, he backed out and rolled down the driveway and through the gate. Turning onto the street, he punched it and the car shot forward. He could never get enough of the power in his hands when he drove.

Making their way down the winding roads from his house, he drove them into town silently lost in his own thoughts about what he had gotten himself into with this woman. Pulling up to the curb just outside of an upscale clothing store, he glanced over at Sarah. "We need something sexy. Not like....this." He said as he waved his hand at her and her outfit that she was wearing.

She said as the man rushed them out of the house. " So where are we supposed to be tonight?" She asked knowing Ally would be listening in as per the agreement and well quite frankly she was curious too. Slipping into the Lamborghini seemed so unreal. This car alone was worth more than several of the blocs in her small town. As the engine roared to life she also understood why the man was not prone to stop for anything. The vibration of the engine shaking her to her core in an almost sensual way.

Arriving at the upscale clothing store, she cocked an eyebrow at his comment about needing something sexy. She wanted to blurt out a what the fuck, but she held back, figuring there was no upside at arguing. " Well lets get inside and buy me something pretty then, hunny" She said deliberately starting to act as a spoiled girlfriend.
Angelo looks over at Sarah as they sat in the car outside of the store. Finally answering the question that she asked along the way. "You'll find out when we get there. Too many ears right now." He narrowed his eyes at her and swung his door open.

Climbing out and walking around to join her on the curbside. "Sure thing, sweetheart. Anything you want." He purposefully slid his arm around her back. His hand resting on the top of her ass cheek as he guided her to the front entrance of the store and pulled the door open for her.

Stepping inside, it was clear right away that this store wasn't for the lower class and probably not even somewhere she would shop with her cop salary. He let her take the lead through the clothing racks and clothed mannequins scattered throughout the store.
Sarah shot him a glance at the too many ears comment as one of the rules that were part of his deal with the FBI was that he could not hold any information back, certainly not information as vital as locations were he would take her. But she forgot about it as the man slide next to her and pulled her under his arm. She fought the urge to slap away his hands as this to her already crossed over to excessive displays of affection in public, but then she rationalized that this would probably be his natural way to hold a woman near him.

Walking into the store Sarah was taken aback, not by the quality of the clothing, as most things looked like what she would be able to get online, but the pricing was exorbitant. Everything was easily ten to fifth-teen times the price it should be. But then she figured that as long as she did not have to pay for it, she didn't really care. She let Angelo guide them through the racks of cloth's and after a while she picked a couple of dresses, that might look good. Taking Angelo's silence on her choices she figured it would be fitting for the dress code of this mysterious location.

" Well honey, I am off to try those on"

She said walking into a luxury stall and quickly undressing to get this over and done with.
Angelo walked silently around the store with her. Letting Sarah look through the racks of the clothes. Certain that she had never been spoiled by anyone before so he quietly let her pick a couple of outfits that she chose. However, none would pass in his eyes for the dinner party tonight.

As they moved around, he had spotted a skin tight black dress that he wanted to see her in tonight. He smiled as she said she was headed to try her choices on. "One moment, kitten." He walked back and pulled the dress from the rack. "This one as well." He stared into her eyes as he handed it to her.

Following Sarah to where the dressing rooms were, he stood outside of the stall she chose and waited. While she was changing, an aquaintance of his walked through the front door with a new flavor of the week and spotted him.

"Ace Angelo? You fucking prick." He said with a large grin across his fat face as he crossed the store.

"Ahh Vinny. Still a fat ass douchebag. It's been a long time." Angelo replied in a jovial tone.

"Too long." Vinny replied. "I heard about that bitch of a cop you had a run in with. Did it affect the delivery with our mutual business partner?"

Angelo reached up and played off resting his hand on top of the stall door but was instead keeping Sarah from opening it and coming out if she finished up. "Look who the fuck you're talking to." He patted Vinny's shoulder. "Ain't no cop gonna get in the way of a job or Mr. Ragusa's business."

Vinny laughed at his answer. "Good to hear. We'll be looking to move some more within the next couple of weeks. Keep your phone on." With that, Vinny steered his new girl into the racks to look through clothes and Angelo let his hand fall from the door and breathed a sigh.
Sarah steamed up as Angelo called her kitten, already over the misogynistic pet names the man used, but aware of people around them, she just smiled and took the dress, that looked to be a size to small, and with her build that was hard to get by.

Getting undressed and trying out the dresses she quickly snapped some selfies and send them to Angelo's phone with some cute captions. The Fed's asked her to do this as they embedded a new type of metadata to them that would at a later day give them a back door to the systems of anyone who had the pictures in their devices.

Then taking the dress Angelo had given her she sighed and took her bra out, before shimming into the overly tight dress. Looking into the mirror she reached under the dress to remove her panties as the dress did not allow for anything to be under it.

She just took another selfy when she heard a boisterous voice pipe up, and as she heard what the man told Angelo freaked her out. But before she could do anything her cellphone started to vibrate. Popping an earbud in her ear she heard Ally 's calm voice.

"Don't worry, they do not know who you are. Being smart Angelo filed a complaint to the department through his lawyer, when he was off grid for several hours. The African American lady cop, apologised for the inconvenience and she has been suspended for the fuck up. So keep at it. Cute picks bye the way. I'll forward them to Alina gor you"

She said before ending the call and Sarah's head started to spin at the complexity of the operation and how fast and detailed they went about settling things.
Angelo watched and waited as Vinny and his new girl stepped further away. His phone chimed a few times in his pocket but he was too on edge to worry about checking it for the moment.

He leaned in closer to the door and knocked. Not sure if Vinny could still be close enough to hear. He turned the handle and moved to stick his head inside. "Babe, you almost done?" He called out and peered around. Tje sight of Sarah in the tight fitting dress making him momentarily speechless.

"Get changed and leave the clothes with me. Get out to the car and don't be noticed." He told Sarah, not even thinking about the complaint he filed. Only that he didn't want them to get caught up on their first day out. Even if she was a bitch cop, they were in this together for the time being and he needed to keep her safe.
Sarah gasped a little as the criminal peeped inside of the booth, but then figuring his friend could still be there, she gave him a little twirl with the dress. But as he told her to get dressed and get lost, she figured the coast was clear, so she waited for him to close the door before changing back into her jeans and top, forgoing losing time either her underwear, she chucked it in her purse, before taking the three dresses and handing them off to Angelo.

Then without a word she moved towards the car, not hurrily, as that would gather attention, but with the casual but determined pace of a woman who had a hair appointment at the other side of the mall.

She might not have the deep undercover experience that Fed's have, but she had on more than one occasion worked with the vice squad of nearby towns. She knew how to blend in and be forgettable in a crowd
The changing room door swung open and Angelo stepped into the opening as he gathered the dresses into his arm and hand. Looking over his shoulder and finding that the other two were preoccupied in the store, he ushered Sarah past him and walked through the racks to block line of sight as she made her way to the exit and into a semi bustling crowd outside of the store.

He made his way to the counter and paid out the significant sum of money for the three outfits before taking the bag and exiting the store without another word from Vinny. Stepping into the crowd, being taller allowed him to scan a bit and found Sarah before making his way over to her.

The coast was seemingly clear from running into anyone else. "Anything else you can't live without, honey?" Angelo asked as he walked up next to her.
"Anything else you can't live without, honey?"

Sarah relaxed as the man stepped up next to her and she said semi jokingly. " Well that black dress would require some shoe's, but i can stop by the office to get mine" She said as she figured that he might actually think he had to buy her matching shoes.

" So ready to tell me where we are going tonight?"

She asks as she steps into the car again.
A smile played across Angelo's lips as Sarah mentioned needing shoes to go with the dress. He reached down and opened the car door for her and couldn't help but watch her long legs fold down into the car as she climbed in.

"Well if you don't have a pair of sexy heels to fit that dress, then yeah, maybe we should find you some."

He closed her door and walked around, slipping behind the wheel again. Turning his head and looking over at her as she sat comfortably. His eyes narrowed as he contemplated telling her where they were going. Knowing she would get the information to the Fed's but there was no way out of it.

"We're going to Mr Ragusa's estate for a party he is throwing." He finally told her, purposefully leaving out the amount of security they will have to pass through to gain access to the estate grounds.
Sarah's stomach dropped at the sound of Mr Ragusa's estate. She knew that she was not ready for this at all, but before she could say anything, Angelo's phone lighted up with a picture of Ally with the tag Bitchy but great anal. And Sarah almost forgot her panic attack as she saw that the Fed had a great sense of humor when it came to inserting herself in Angelo's phone. As the man picked up her voice boomed through the car. " That is messed up Angelo, we are nowhere near close to be able to give you to a solid extraction if things go sideways tonight." She said harshly, but then she audibly sighed and said in a more calmer voice.

" But then we are never going to get a better chance to get her inside of your group." She pauzed again. " Sarah you follow Angelo tonight as if your live depended on it. No wires, no cellphone, nothing, if you hear any intel great, if not, great too. All you have to do is blend in and get accepted as his new girlfriend." She said and nodding sarah showed at least to angelo that she understood the assignment, and while the panic was tempered by the calm of Ally. She still only now understood how much danger she was in.
As soon as Angelo got the words out of his mouth, his phone chimed to life and he grabbed it up, wondering if it may be a message from Ragusa or another member.

Opening the lock screen and seeing the picture and the caption, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Anal huh?" And his phone rang leading him to amswer. The harsh tone on the other end of the line immediately set him on edge.

"Fuck off. You not being ready isn't my problem. You wanted to get inside, I'm fucking getting her inside." Angelo's deep voice growled in response and he heard the sigh before the relenting and accepting comment.

Listening as the Fed gave Sarah instructions...no wire, no cell, and he already knew no weapon. He glanced over at Sarah and saw the worry on her face as she listened before breaking his silence again.

"Look....I said I would keep you safe and I will. But like the Fed said, you have to be sure to follow my lead tonight. Anything out of the ordinary and they will be onto us."

Angelo fired up the car and pulled from the mall, heading through town. "Did you decide on the shoes?" He asked in a light tone.
Sarah was taken aback by how aggressive Angelo was towards Ally, again he could be cool as ice at one moment and fly off the handle in another. And just as she thought about this, the call was ended and Angelo turned back into the calm and steady personality.

" I guess who best to walk into a lion's den with than a lion..." she muttered under her breath trying to convince herself that this was going to be fine.

Then as the man asked her if she had made a decision on the shoes she just snickered and said.

" Yeah I was going to have you swing by my place to get my pumps, but if we are going into the belly of the beast tonight, we might just have to get me a pair of Louboutin's , since we wouldn't want your friends to think you are slumming it."

She said not really meaning it, but the thought was a good way to distract her mind from tonight
Angelo cut his eyes over at Sarah as she muttered about a lion's den. "That's right. You stick with me and you're safe. We're stuck together but I don't have to like the Feds." He replied as he drove them from the mall.

Hearing her snicker about his question and reply. "No one will get the impression of me slumming it with you on my arm." He replied to her wondering how she would take the compliment.

"So a few fancy dresses and new pair of red soles? Tell me princess..." Angelo said playfully. "....how are you going to go back to your normal life after getting spoiled?"

Wheeling his car up to another fancy store, he escorted Sarah inside again and dropped nearly a grand on the pair of heels she picked out. The rest of the afternoon was waning as they slipped back into his car and he headed towards his house so they could get ready for this evening's party.
"Who the fuck likes Feds?" She muttered as Angelo ragged on Ally. After all while their dislike of feds were probably not for the same reason, as for her it was more about the entitlement they had when they swooped up to take credit on investigations they did little to nothing. As the man complimented her looks she just shrugged, she was used to men and women throwing compliments her way and as per usual it did little to her. Then as he teased her with the lifestyle she smiled.

"Well while fast money is fun, I do not think that the downside out ways the fun factor." Then thinking about what Ally said about building report by being candid, she added. " And it's not like I do not have a lot of being spoiled in my future. Alina is in her last year of residency, and after that she will join her dad in expanding his general practice, and since when my grandparents retire, i will be part owner of the pharmacy with me cousin, we should have our own horse ranch within a year or five." She said as her mind wondered in the wonderful place of fantasy plans.

As they got back to Angelo's home, Sarah excused herself to the bathroom and washed up, made sure her legs were smoothly shaven, and that her make up was on point, before pushing herself back into the dress, realizing that it was so tight that even in a non erect state, her nipples were still showing an outline, same with her hipbones and every single feature of her body. Feeling quite self conscious, Sarah put on her pumps and went to meet Angelo in the living room.
Back at the house, the two split ways to each go change and get ready for the evening. Angelo was accustomed to having the whole house to himself, so having Sarah moving around inside would take some getting used to, even if it was a nice change of pace.

He moved to his bedroom and took a quick shower before walking into his closet and picking out a suit for the evening. Readying himself and keying into his safe before making his way down to the living room to wait on Sarah to finish up, he took a seat to relax for a bit. Surprisingly, it wasn't long before he heard her heels clacking across the floor and he looked up when she rounded the corner. There was no denying that was a beautiful woman and a smile played across his lips.

"Well well, my dear....don't you just look absolutely stunning?" He commented as he rose from his chair. Walking towards her, he flipped open a jewelry box in his hands and pulled out a diamond necklace and slipped it around her neck. His fingers playing over her soft skin lightly as he fastened it.

Holding out his arm to her, "Shall we go, sweetheart?" Leading her back out to his car and letting her in before driving away from his house towards the Ragusa estate.

Nearing the gates, his earlier thoughts that he left out about the tight security, came into view as soon as he rolled the car to a stop. Two gaurds stepped up to either side of the car with automatic weapons strapped across their bodies and one leaned down to peer inside of the car and recognized Angelo. Giving a sign, one of the others pressed and button for the gates to swing open.

Driving up the long drive and pulling up in front of the mansion, there was another group of gaurds waiting as Angelo stepped out and one of them spoke up as he moved forward to pat Angelo down. "No weapons allowed tonight, Ace. For you or your guest."

Angelo pulled his gun from inside of his jacket and laid it in his seat. "Hands off my guest. I'll search her myself. You can watch." Angelo said with a smirk as he walked around and opened the door for Sarah.
Sarah nodded to Angelo to acknowledge the compliment and shot back one of her own. " You clean up rather well for a man" She said as while men weren't really her vibe, she had to admit that the criminal was objectively not only well dressed but also aesthetically pleasing to look at, at least when we wasn't being a misogynistic asshole.

When Angelo revealed the diamond necklace, the young cop couldn't help but too gasp. While she was not easily impressed by materialistic stuff, this how ever did have an impact on her. Thanking Angelo, she without thinking about it took out her cellphone and took a selfie, sending it to Abby as she was one of the few active contacts on her phone. She immediately received a text back. " Nice Fit, what do you think of mine?" With a picture of Abby in a gorgeously white dress. Sarah just answered with a heart emogie and to anyone seeing the convo it would just look like two besties having a casual chat. But it was in fact a pointed message from her handler, as they had agreed that white clothing represented a reminder to not let the lifestyle or Angelo's charm blind her to the fact these men were all ruthless murderers and that she was a cop at the end of the day.

Then before she knew it they were in the car driving towards the mansion. A ton of questions ran through her mind, but for some reason, probably nerves, she remained silent. Arriving at the security point, she was not surprised to hear that weapons were not allowed, even for people like Angelo, and she mentally patted herself on the back for not even having brought her weapon on this assignment at all. Getting out of the car she saw how Angelo handed his weapon to the guard, and acted coy as Angelo said he would search her. Giving a little twirl to the guards she added playfully. " Expecting to find a shotgun on me? Or just looking for an excuse to feel me up before we get back home?" She said playing up the flirty relationship part a little.