Undercover Nipples: A Pic Collection


Really Really Experienced
Oct 22, 2012
This thread is for the posting and enjoyment of "undercover" nipples, those that are below a blouse, sweater, bed sheet, bikini... what ever. Please, to create an enjoyable experience:
  • Only "undercover" nipples. (There are naked breasts all over Lit. Let's make this different.)
  • Please do not use the "Reply with Quote" link on previous posts. (Doing this fills the thread up with the same picture over and over and over again. If you feel compelled to comment on a previous picture, link the previous post to your post instead. Then, if someone wants to see which picture got you hot, they can click on the link and go look.)
  • Finally, if possible, post pics that come from your account -- photobucket, tumblr, etc. -- not from the web at large. (The reason for this is that if you simply link to pics on the web and the "owner" of the pic does ANY thing to alter the address of the pic, this thread will be full of ... nothing.)
Thanks for your cooperation ... and ... enjoy the nips.

While I know it isn't the most erotic pic by today's standards, I absolutely had to begin with the nipples pic I grew up with ... grew up with my dick in my hand, I mean.
And the caption tells it all...


Aniston's nipples are some of the most widely enjoyed on network television. :D