Undercover lover?

Are you an undercover lover?

  • My significant other and I both post here.

    Votes: 21 17.4%
  • My S.O. has no idea I am a perv and that I post here

    Votes: 53 43.8%
  • Shh! I have been banned from playing on Lit. Don't tell anyone I'm here.

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • I have an online lover here and that spices up my Lit life.

    Votes: 15 12.4%
  • I have an online lover here and I can't make nice with others now.

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • If I had a S.O., I wouldn't be here.

    Votes: 10 8.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 26 21.5%

  • Total voters

just pet

Vanilla with a twist
Mar 14, 2002
It seems I talk to so many people here who are hiding their Lit activities and proclivities from their significant others. Does your other half know? Do they play here too? If not, why not? Does it put pressure on your relationship? Does it influence whether you just lurk and rarely post, or do you throw all caution to the wind and post pictures of all your assets?

If you have an online lover here, do you feel inhibited in your responses to others?

I am an other... free to perv without restriction

Last edited:
I think if I had a lover, I certainly wouldn't be hanging around here as much as I do.

Great topic Pet!
Freya2 said:
I think if I had a lover, I certainly wouldn't be hanging around here as much as I do.

Great topic Pet!

Good point
Maybe that's why I haven't been on as much...;)
I voted for other. Currently don't have a significant other or online lover, but if I did I'd probably still browse this place from time to time. I'd try to get them to read the boards with me!
Hello_Kitten said:
I voted for other. Currently don't have a significant other or online lover, but if I did I'd probably still browse this place from time to time. I'd try to get them to read the boards with me!

Welcome to Lit
I agree, Kitten
It is so sad the people who hide a whole segment of themselves from those who should share our deepest intimacies.
It amazes me that so many with healthy sexual appetites are paired with totally disinterested parties. (Not mentioning any names here...)
Hey Pet!

Interesting topic...

My SO doesn't know I post here. I don't post when I can spend time with him...but he works countless hours, so I use lit as a diversion sometimes. I flirt and tease and post pics...yes....but not in place of being with him.

As to online lovers, I assume by that you mean a relationship limitied to online and or phone? I think it works if both keep things in perspective and I'm lucky in that the one person that I go a bit beyond just on the boards teasing with is a perfect fit for me. :)

Mostly, I just wanted to come by and say hello to ya. Loved your pics on the holiday thread.
enjoyingitall said:
Hey Pet!

Interesting topic...

My SO doesn't know I post here. I don't post when I can spend time with him...but he works countless hours, so I use lit as a diversion sometimes. I flirt and tease and post pics...yes....but not in place of being with him.

As to online lovers, I assume by that you mean a relationship limitied to online and or phone? I think it works if both keep things in perspective and I'm lucky in that the one person that I go a bit beyond just on the boards teasing with is a perfect fit for me. :)

Mostly, I just wanted to come by and say hello to ya. Loved your pics on the holiday thread.

Great post
You are as smart as you are beautiful
I love that holiday thread
Such a creative bunch here
just pet said:
Great post
You are as smart as you are beautiful
I love that holiday thread
Such a creative bunch here

Thank you....I would same the same about you. :)

Yes, lots of creativity here, for sure.
just pet said:
It seems I talk to so many people here who are hiding their Lit activities and proclivities from their significant others. Does your other half know? Do they play here too? If not, why not? Does it put pressure on your relationship? Does it influence whether you just lurk and rarely post, or do you throw all caution to the wind and post pictures of all your assets?

If you have an online lover here, do you feel inhibited in your responses to others?

I am an other... free to perv without restriction


Pet , this is a wise thought for discussion. I would like to add some .
1. The other half of my life knows about Lit , sometimes in details .
2. I think there is no pressure on our relationship because of Lit . To be accurate i have not sensed something like that.
3. No , it does not influence my posting . On the contrary she is supporting some more . Being more shy ,regarding posting, than she is , I do not throw everything on on the board.

A relationship should be based on honesty and respect .

My regards

:rose: :kiss: :rose:
Re: Re: Undercover lover?

nicholasgreek said:
Pet , this is a wise thought for discussion. I would like to add some .
1. The other half of my life knows about Lit , sometimes in details .
2. I think there is no pressure on our relationship because of Lit . To be accurate i have not sensed something like that.
3. No , it does not influence my posting . On the contrary she is supporting some more . Being more shy ,regarding posting, than she is , I do not throw everything on on the board.

A relationship should be based on honesty and respect .

My regards

:rose: :kiss: :rose:

A very thoughtful and understanding man
I do believe you allow each other to grow by sharing this
It is a safe place to discuss issues that may otherwise have been overshadowed by shyness.

Are you exploring new vistas?
Re: Re: Re: Undercover lover?

just pet said:
A very thoughtful and understanding man
I do believe you allow each other to grow by sharing this
It is a safe place to discuss issues that may otherwise have been overshadowed by shyness.

Are you exploring new vistas?

Thank you for your nice words.

We both feel like growing together!!!!!:heart:

Hiding a subject could create more damages or pain than discussing it .

:rose: :kiss: :rose:
sometimes in a relationship things can get stale after a long time
I stumbled across Literotica by chance one day and at first used to lurk then I joined but the s.o didn't know about it for a while untill I showed her
she liked what she saw and agreed to letting me take a pic
it has not put pressure on our relationship but opened a whole new chapter in it
the wife does not post but has said one day she may register
she prefers to pose for pics and let me do the talking
well, I was forced to vote other, since there wasn't an "I don't currently have a SO, real or online, but even if I did I would still most likely be here rather frequently" option. Which I have a feeling is maybe why there are so many other votes.

A rather interesting poll though.

Okay, I am off to continue my quest to figure out exactly what pelvic cleavage is, and how exactly to bring that out in my future pics.
just pet said:
It seems I talk to so many people here who are hiding their Lit activities and proclivities from their significant others. Does your other half know? Do they play here too?


Echoing other responses, a great topic just pet!

Had this been posted 8 months ago it would have been, partner doesn't know........

7 months ago, online lover, both partners not knowing.....

3 months ago, I posted alone, with encouragement from partner, in fact, mostly posted pics of her.......

Now, we both post freely and without restriction or censorship.....

In a funny way this place has come to echo, in part at least our lives.

My fiance and I were both with long term partners at the beginning of the year, although we had worked together for 4 years we were never more than very close freinds.

By April, we had acknowledged, at least to each other our attraction.

By July we were living together....... (having exchanged PMs on here for the intervening months).

Now, we post freely, as said, Akasha is loving the freedom and respect that she is shown by me with regard to decisions on what to share and what to keep "ours".

I post with equal freedom and a sense of fun, that's what this has become for us, not so much an extension of ours lives, but rather an environment were we are free to discuss what we want with whom we want, completely free of fear of attack or criticism from our "partners", but knowing instead that each will enjoy the spirit of the posts with the other......

This is truning into a bit of anovel and I appologise, but Akasha was grabbed by this thread and asked me to respond for us, as she felt it important, and that we said exactly what we meant.

So thanks, thanks to many, to those who read, those who write, those who post and those who watch, those who moderate, and those who create..........

Thankyou all for creating and maintaining a place where people can feel free to express themselves without fear of attack, and with the knowledge that even if they disagree or dissaprove of what you say or show, they will always respect.........
my SO knows im a perv, but doesnt know the exact details of it. shed prob freak if she knew the details.
My SO and I both post here and each knows of the others activities...we're currently on different work schedules and this is one place that we can tease and have a bit of fun with each other. And I've made a few good friends here and hope to make more, we both have for that matter...At any rate, I take the photos, she posts and I still look at them in amazement of her beauty every day...:D

Great idea for a thread from a pretty great lady...:kiss: :kiss:
:rose: :kiss: :rose:
just pet said:
It seems I talk to so many people here who are hiding their Lit activities and proclivities from their significant others. Does your other half know? Do they play here too? If not, why not? Does it put pressure on your relationship? Does it influence whether you just lurk and rarely post, or do you throw all caution to the wind and post pictures of all your assets?

If you have an online lover here, do you feel inhibited in your responses to others?

I am an other... free to perv without restriction


She has a good idea that I do. She would never come here, she not near Kinky enough and I guess thats mainly why I come here? Basicly if she wear willing to fullfill me sexualy I would have no reason to come here......
What a great topic!

I have to say that since discovering Lit and telling hubby about it, it has opened up several levels for our relationship. We're open with each other and I wouldn't hide this from him nor would he. The fact that he's here doesn't hinder the way I respond to others, it's just me being me - I wouldn't know how to act any other way!

just pet said:
It seems I talk to so many people here who are hiding their Lit activities and proclivities from their significant others. Does your other half know? Do they play here too? If not, why not? Does it put pressure on your relationship? Does it influence whether you just lurk and rarely post, or do you throw all caution to the wind and post pictures of all your assets?

If you have an online lover here, do you feel inhibited in your responses to others?

I am an other... free to perv without restriction


Well I voted other,
1)yes she knows that I am here
2)at times she has sat in while I am here viewing and posting.
3) From time to time she will stop in and read post but does not offen post at times she tells me to post in thread that she likes.
4) Lurk and post but only when something catches my eye either written or pics.

This is an outlet that I share with her since most of my post and friendships here are just that of good friends.


No, my S. O has no idea ... she would freak, but then... She wont even sit in the living room when a HBO T & A movie comes on...

God forbid, I ask for something....

I do have a chat buddy... but she is free to play with others... as I expect to be..

I just have a problem wanting to cyber with others at the same time.. I have such a limited time to play online.. I cant lead someone on with something I cant promise....

:rose: for your day...

Bumping because I love reading everyone's posts and I want more

Thank you everyone for being so candid and articulate

(greedy pet)
There's nothing wrong with wanting more, or being "greedy".....;) :rose: :kiss: :rose:
My S.O. and I met here, and we are both very pleasantly perverted... LoL... Ours is a LDR, so having Lit as a playroom helps wonderfully in maintaining our sanity. We talk, we play, we conspire together and post hot story scenes on threads when the whim hits us. Lit is a great outlet for both fun and creativity.

I feel very fortunate to have someone that was already here at Lit. I'd be very frustrated if I were in a relationship where my S.O. wasn't able to handle all of the sexy banter that goes on here. My heart goes out to all of those in this type of situation.

:rose: :devil: :heart: :rose:
Arden said:
My S.O. and I met here, and we are both very pleasantly perverted... LoL... Ours is a LDR, so having Lit as a playroom helps wonderfully in maintaining our sanity. We talk, we play, we conspire together and post hot story scenes on threads when the whim hits us. Lit is a great outlet for both fun and creativity.

I feel very fortunate to have someone that was already here at Lit. I'd be very frustrated if I were in a relationship where my S.O. wasn't able to handle all of the sexy banter that goes on here. My heart goes out to all of those in this type of situation.

:rose: :devil: :heart: :rose:

Arden, you are so creative
Have you been able to meet in person?
I do wish you well
You're a class act