Uncle's New Helper


Literotica Guru
Nov 16, 2012
Name: Reya Fontana
Age: 19
Race: Human
Apperiance:Brown puppy dog eyes, black shoulder length hair
Likes:Horses,Dogs,Good looking guys,Taking pics of self, talking on sex chat sites, BDSM, Toys
Dislikes: My Dad

Backstory: My dad and my mom had been arguing since i was 2...when i was 17 he killed my dog that my uncle(mother's brother) got me...when i turned 18 my dad raped me...my mother had been scared to say anything since he was a sex slave owner/seller and a druglord...but when i turned 19 he started to let his buddies join...watch me...he even set up a stripper room...he would always threaten me...then one day my mom grabbed him and yelled at him...he didn't even think twice before killing her...she died on the ground while i was raped by 2 of his freinds. He was arrested for child abuse, murder, and a lot of other things...now I'm going to live with my uncle on his farm...
Name: Roger Smith
Age: 40
Race: Human
Appearance: Blue eyes, brown military cut hair, athletic build, six foot two inches – built like a farm worker.
Likes:Horses,Dogs,Good looking girls, BBQ, Oral sex, BDSM, Toys, & lots of other things!
Dislikes: My Brother-in-Law, for killing my Sister & mistreating my niece and generally being an asshole.

Roger woke early this morning, to get ready for the arrival of his Niece, Reya.

He hadn't seen her for several years, and wondered what she looked like now.

She had been thrown out by her Dad. She was only 19, for God's sake!
He was the only family she had left though, and he couldn't let her stay with her bastard of a father any longer, so he agreed she could come and live with him, on his farm.

She would have to work around the farm, of course, and he would help her find a college nearby if she wanted to do that.

It would be strange to have a woman around the place again. After his wife Danielle died, in a car crash, he had thrown himself into his work, expanding the farm, and making a lot of money.

He had a couple of lucrative contracts, which he worked hard to maintain, and was on good terms with the buyers of the major food manufacturers he supplied with grain from his fields.

Now, here he was, waiting by the bus stop, for her bus to come in.
His battered black Jeep Wrangler, with chrome roll bars and spotlights on the front grille, was hardly a luxury car, but he believed in practicality, and this car had never let him down yet.

Then in the distance, the bus appeared, and driving nearer through the heat haze, he waited, until it stopped at the bus stop, a short distance in front of him.

A young woman, with black shoulder length hair, and gorgeous brown eyes stepped off the bus carrying a large suitcase, and once she had stepped onto the ground, set it down and looked around.

"Reya?" Said Roger, stunned by the beautiful young woman stood before him.
Could this vision of beauty really be his niece, all grown up?
Roger replied, seeing she was confused:
"I'm your Uncle Roger. Wow - how you've grown!"

Then understanding how crass that might sound to a young woman, he added "Remember I haven't seen you in quite a few years."

He smiled, and gestured to his Jeep.

"Can I take your bag - my Jeep's just over here."

He looked her up & down, covertly he thought, coming to terms with how much she had grown, both up & out. She had become a beautiful woman.
If what he had heard from his Sister, before she died, was true, she had also been raped & sexually abused.

Well, he wanted to treat her right - but he was lonely.

Well, he thought, they would be in the middle of nowhere - maybe something would develop?

He reached out and took her bag from her, and walked the short distance to the jeep, before dropping it onto the back seat.

"Climb in - let's get you Home. You can see the animals, and I have a horse you might like to ride, too."
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"Don't take that tone with me, young lady." Roger answered her.
There was no need for her indifference - he was all the family she had left.
As he was taking her into his home he thought she would have been grateful!

He got into the car, started it and drove off.

He glanced over at her, but said nothing more, irritated by her attitude.

She wasn't too old for a spanking!
I just sit there...not replying...just staring away...

"I'm sorry..." I say without feeling, care, or even worried about what you might say...
Roger couldn't believe the bare-faced cheek of the girl.
Something inside him snapped.

He dropped her bag, grabbed her by the wrists, pinning both small wrists in one big hand, and dragged her to the hoist he used to lift hay bales onto the trucks that ame to collect them.

It still had the rope attached to the hook, which they had used yesterday to link some other smaller bales to, as they were loaded.

He pulled it towards him and looped the rope quickly and skillfully around her wrists, tying her fast to the hoist, with her hands just above waist level.

He went into the Barn and retrieved some more lengths of rope, and tied some slip knots into them, before returning to Reya, and looping them round her wrists, as she struggled and cursed him.

"These are for later, if you don't start to behave, Reya!" He explained in a harsh tone.

He dropped the other lengths of ropes at her feet, but out of range, should she kick out for him.

He then went to the hoist and switched on the control panel. he pushed the 'up' button, and slowly raised her off her feet, until she was dangling a meter off the ground.

The he went into his house and left her to calm down a bit.
I struggle...the rope rubbing against my hands...

FUCK ME i finally stop getting raped and get abused instead
I try pulling up but fail...
What The Fuck! Why is this shit happening...
I scream out of pure anger
Roger heard her screaming.
"Reya - it won't do you any good. We're miles from anywhere, or anyone! I have decided to teach you a lesson in respect, because I have welcomed you into my home, and all you have done is act like a spoilt brat!"

He then continued:
"If you want me to treat you like a young woman, I suggest you start acting like one."

After a moment's thought he added "Or perhaps I should tie you with your legs spread, like the little slut you are, with your short skirt, and tight top! - How would you like that, hmmm?"

He glared at her, before asking:
"What will it be, Reya, a spanking, being tied with your legs spread, or will you be civil?"
Roger couldn't believe she was still defiant!
He approached her warily, and timing his attack, grabbed one ankle, before looping one of the pre-looped ropes around it. He then waited a few moments, before doing the same to the other ankle.

He then took the other ends of the ropes and took one around a sturdy tree about three metres away, and ran it behind the trunk, and back to the front.

Then he went to another tree, of around the same size, and passed that rope around behind and back to the front.

He started to pull the rope, and sure enough, Reya's body started to tilt, as she was pulled away from the vertical, by her ankle towards the tree. When Roger was happy her leg was pulled taut, he went to the other rope and repeated the process.

She was now held, almost horizontal, a metre off the ground, struggling, and screaming abuse at him. His response, was to step in close and examine his handiwork, now she was secure. He smartly slapped her ass.

"Reya, be quiet. I don't want to hear you screaming. Besides no-one else can hear. My nearest neighbours are five miles away. I'll have to shut you up, if you don't!"
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As Roger went closer, now she had stopped screaming, he looked her up & down, stretched and exposed as she was.

Although the sun was out and it was pretty warm, she wasn't covered in a sheen of sweat.....yet.
His gaze lingered over her pussy though, as she seemed to be aroused.
The wet, puffy lips gave her away.
He reached down and ran a tentative fingertip across her sex, and it came away wet.
He tasted her dew, and she was sweet!

"Do you like being tied, Reya? Do you like sex when you're tied?"

He let her answer before adding "You know, out here, we could do what we liked. No-one would ever know!"

"Tell me what you like!"
"No i don't!" I say bitterly..."besides this wrong!" As i say this i look ready to burst into tears
In reply, Roger replaced his finger between her glistening lips and soon after another joined it.

Slowly he slid them both inside her warm, wet pussy, and started to slide them in & out - and flicking the fleshy pad of his thumb across her clit, which was just now peeking out from below its little hood.

As she twitched, he smiled.

"I love a horny little minx. Is that what you are Reya?"

He studied her, awaiting a reply.

"Tell me - what do you like?"
"For your to please stop!" I say...ready to cry...the fact that im being raped agin and the fact that the rope is like pulling my arms and legs...and the fact that im actually getting wet is making me angry, and in pain...
Roger could not help himself. With Reya thethered as she was, and spread open for him to use anyway he liked, he knelt between her spread thighs and ran his tongue uo and down her wet & open pussy.

He moaned as he savoured her already musky flavour.

"Mmmmm. Reya you taste wounderful!"
He flicked his fingertip back across her clit, and she twitched again.

"You are so sweet. I could eat you all day! Would you like that, or perhaps you want my cock in you?"

He flicked his tongue back across her puffy lips again and again.