Unclaimed Money In The US...

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
I was doing a search for my mom on assets that might be floating around the state from my deceased grandparents. I came across some money for my sister-in-law, and a friend's daughter. I thought I'd pass this site on to you on the Lit, to see if you got any money out there. It's only good in the USA, but it's fun to search under your name. Maybe you have some X-Mas money out there!


*Let us know if you find any assets! :D
I have Killpop........

Besides, it's a government site, I don't think they have spam, unless it's for selective service! Try your last name and see! :D
Re: I have Killpop........

Lost Cause said:
Besides, it's a government site, I don't think they have spam, unless it's for selective service! Try your last name and see! :D

I did. Nothing.