

Literotica Guru
Feb 2, 2002
Would you stop and talk to me if you met me on the street. Even if i had a smile on my face? Just wondering why i sometimes feel invisible??
Depends on whether you take me for a ride after we talk.

I love to ride. ;)

Unlike Ruby though,I would try to hide my perving at your body.
I would only stop to talk to you if you said hi first. I am shy about burly, hot men. I get intimidated by them, because I am a little dork.
I would notice you, even smile at you, but would not approach you. I never approach strangers as a rule.
I guess I never see that..but for some reason I always have kids giving me the the peace sign...than their mothers give them a look like no...............
I'd say hello and smile...

But a superficial reaction would be that you have a lot of persona showing... and that would tend to make me less interested in engaging you more deeply.

I wonder if you'd be more approachable with about 50% of your non-verbal self-expression...?

An honest response, shared with the best of intentions.

And perhaps related... when I notice your nick, I always wonder what Idries Shah would say. A noble aspiration, but captured by the commanding self it loses its power.

Peace my friend,

nope i'm shy, i might mouth the word hi as i walk by, more likely i'd check you out when you weren't looking.
sufisaint said:
Would you stop and talk to me if you met me on the street. Even if i had a smile on my face? Just wondering why i sometimes feel invisible??
Absolutely!!!!! You are very good looking, as I have told you before. You look ..... huggable. I love big strong looking men. *licks lips* I think I am invisible too hon, but believe me you are certainly noticed, by me at least.
Starfish said:
I would only stop to talk to you if you said hi first. I am shy about burly, hot men. I get intimidated by them, because I am a little dork.

Unfornately, I am intimitaded by most woman and I am always very weary of appearing to be coming on to someone...even if I want too! because I don't want to offend anyone...
Re: I'd say hello and smile...

Pan718 said:
But a superficial reaction would be that you have a lot of persona showing... and that would tend to make me less interested in engaging you more deeply.


Thats what I think...although this outside persona is a part of me...I actually have a juris doctorate degree aand psychologgy and philosophy degree, write poetry, love animals, nature, love art, read alot....ect....
sufisaint said:
Would you stop and talk to me if you met me on the street. Even if i had a smile on my face? Just wondering why i sometimes feel invisible??

Yes !

I would ask if I could straddle your motorcycle and odds are ask you a hundred and one questions about your Harley .. till my friends drag me away.

I have been known to do such things, I am a curious woman.:)

Oh' and I would also comment on your tattoos and odds are tell you about my little tattoo.. I am geeky like that ... :D
Guaranteed. And definitely a little peek back as I walked past - I have a thing for strong, handsome men - especially those on a Harley.
I assume...

that our outside persona's are attempts to express ourselves to others. If it's actually getting in the way, perhaps it would be interesting to change it and see if people respond differently. Language can also separate people instead of connect them. Using metaphors or vocabulary that another person is unfamiliar with tends to put them off and make them give up.

If your goal is connection and communication, then your words and your exterior expression might be changed to be more in the service of that higher goal. I assume the special interests and talents will be valued more highly by a person who has begun to get to know you and appreciate you.

The external expressions are not really you, they're just advertisements that seek to tell others who you truly are.

Peace my friend,
Yummy. I'd have my eyes graze your body, and I'd look to see if you were looking back at me, but I wouldn't approach you. I feel funny approaching men on the street. I possibly would if we were in a bar.
lilminx said:
Yummy. I'd have my eyes graze your body, and I'd look to see if you were looking back at me, but I wouldn't approach you. I feel funny approaching men on the street. I possibly would if we were in a bar.

Cheeky slut!

sufisaint said:

Unfornately, I am intimitaded by most woman and I am always very weary of appearing to be coming on to someone...even if I want too! because I don't want to offend anyone...

You need a woman like Ruby then! She will make sure that you don't go unaware of her lust!

*sighs in awe of her*

OK... the aliens have released control of my brain...

Back to my superficial self...

If I were running a marketing focus group ("The client's goal is to increase fornication and customer retention..."), I'd notice that few of the posters felt safe approaching. Yeah they all run home and play with themselves fantasizing about you... but it's you and Rosie* that night, brother!

Hmmm... wonder what the best mix is between strong, etc. etc., and "I could talk to this man about his motorcycle. He doesn't look TOO dangerous."

Rotsa ruck, bud!

*Translation: Rosie Palms, aka Rosie and her five sisters, aka mastErbation.
Re: Re: Unapproachable...

Aphrodisiac said:

Yes !

I would ask if I could straddle your motorcycle and odds are ask you a hundred and one questions about your Harley .. till my friends drag me away.

I have been known to do such things, I am a curious woman.:)

Oh' and I would also comment on your tattoos and odds are tell you about my little tattoo.. I am geeky like that ... :D

But thats what I like...I am a different type of person...I could really suprise someone and of course I like to know about them as well...although I tend to get way to deep... am not really much of a flirter or small talk person..
sufisaint said:
I guess I never see that..but for some reason I always have kids giving me the the peace sign...than their mothers give them a look like no...............

Not all mothers. My oldest daughter is fascinated with motorcycles and always wants to talk to the owner given the chance. As long as there are no "mommy-bells" going off, I let her.
LAST POST -Laughing

PS Girlies... you are very sweet and will make this man feel better... but my suggestions will get him laid!

Re: LAST POST -Laughing

Pan718 said:
PS Girlies... you are very sweet and will make this man feel better... but my suggestions will get him laid!

If he were closer to me, he would get laid... if he's have me