A man feels unappreciated by his wife and daughter. Something happens, perhaps infidelity, perhaps he hears them talking shit about him, so he has enough and he decides to leave. In a scene he talks to his estranged daughter, who had come to his office to ask him to walk her down the aisle in her wedding, he says no. He says he always paid for her tennis(golf?) lessons and was never invited to see a game, he lists a series of career moves he had to forgo because she or her mom didn't want to change cities, etc., citing that the guys who went instead now are top players, but he never got any respect or appreciation for his sacrifice and that finally he had decided to leave them behind.
Does it ring any bells? TIA
A man feels unappreciated by his wife and daughter. Something happens, perhaps infidelity, perhaps he hears them talking shit about him, so he has enough and he decides to leave. In a scene he talks to his estranged daughter, who had come to his office to ask him to walk her down the aisle in her wedding, he says no. He says he always paid for her tennis(golf?) lessons and was never invited to see a game, he lists a series of career moves he had to forgo because she or her mom didn't want to change cities, etc., citing that the guys who went instead now are top players, but he never got any respect or appreciation for his sacrifice and that finally he had decided to leave them behind.
Does it ring any bells? TIA