Ultimate kidnapping


Literotica Guru
Apr 17, 2016
Those who are not into N/C, look away.

He has left no detail unexplored. He has been meticulous - every possible problem analysed, multiple safeguards installed. A fall-back tactic ready in reserve for any adverse eventuality. The plan is ready and he waits his moment... the moment when her disappearance will attract least attention. All he needs is a few hours to enact the abduction.

She is the prim-and proper widow/the loyal wife of a friend/the girl in the office/the woman behind the counter... whatever... the unwitting focus of his lust.

She wakes groggily from the combined effects of the chloroform and subsequent anaesthetic injection. She is in shackles and in the confines of a small, darkened room. She has no recollection of how she got here.

Over the next weeks and months, she receives repeated visits from her masked rapist. Her vagina becomes his happy hunting ground. During his absences, her shackles allow her just enough slack to reach a well-stocked fridge and the small toilet. She has books/magazines/radio/small TV for entertainment. Her contraception loses effect. Her calls for help go unheard... middle of a thick forest/uninhabited offshore island/whatever. She becomes pregnant by her rapist. He continues to take his enjoyment of her despite her swelling belly.

Performing his calculations well, he releases her back into the world when it is too late to have a termination.

She has no idea who he was. No way for the authorities to trace who her abductor might have been... IF she wants to contact them, that is...
If she's carrying his child, she has at least some of DNA, doesn't she? That's a mighty big calling card.
Dude, I would hope such a story won't be accepted here. Or at least you include a plot twist where she is able to take the perp down regardless. Maybe she knows someone like Bryan Mills from Taken and the perp didn't expect that. My ficverse is full of such people, so is the real world. It's a well-established tactic of both law enforcement and vigilantes to lure a perp in by claiming you're interested in indulging their fetish and then springing the trap. Is a rape victim tempting their kidnapper with a repeat encounter for similar hidden purposes far off? I think not. I'm not shaming your kink, just telling you to be prepared.
This is an outright rape fantasy.

Such thigs have been accepted here.
Well. I don't read them. It's not my kink. I would hope such a kidnapper IRL gets what he deserves if the woman they abduct is not into it. Now if you don't want to use that twist in your fictional story, maybe they are into it and they want their abductor to own up to being the father of their child. So for that reason, they hire the Bryan Mills type. Is that better?
As I wrote about yesterday, I used to write a lot of non-consent as that was a staple of Pulp Erotica, and had a wife that had a huge rape fantasy, but what is described here is too creepy for me to ever have written, or enjoyed in any kind of story. There are far too many stories on Forensic Files and other real-life detective shows where this is exactly where they start. In real life, it is why I always carry a 9mm and have a boatload of guns in the house to protect my wife/girlfriend/kids from these types of people.

Write whatever you want of course; I am not the Story Police, but for me I either have to have the innocent victim exact her revenge for what has happened, her to fall in love with her abductor, or the inverse of those two things, where she was a very bad person before, and someone else exacted their revenge.

I will say though that I have written a non-erotic, real-life and now published novel based on a war story, where the main character starts out being abducted, about to be sold as a prostitute, and almost raped had the other main character not saved her; which I thought was really toeing the creepy line. Yet... my 82-year-old mother-in-law read it, and loved the book. Again, I thought it was really too much, but I guess not.
I don't know how to make this story palatable except that maybe the guy KNOWS for a fact that she absolutely loves him and wants to have his baby, but socially doesn't know how.

A possible scenario:
1. Younger sister (26) utterly in love with wealthy older brother (28). Has loved him for as long as she knew how to love a man and has not told him and doesn't know how to. She goes to therapy and tells the therapist EVERYTHING. That she can't even orgasm without thinking of her brother's cock. She can't even imagine having a family or a baby without him being her lover and the father of her children. She's utterly addicted to the desire of him with zero chance that it will ever happen. She's in despair and going to therapy to figure out how to solve this. All she wants is to be his. She's getting older and wants to have a baby and a family but the thought of any man other than her brother touching her makes her so upset. She wants him and no one else.

2. The brother hacks into the therapists office to figure out what is wrong with his sister - she's been acting weird for the past year or so. He reads EVERYTHING.

3. Then he executes the plan in the OP but it's not a dark nasty room. It's a beautifully furnished room with a lot of comfort and amenities, just no way out. He is kind to her whenever he visits and just covers his face. He often actually makes her a special dish, an absolutely delicious pasta in the gourmet kitchen in the studio cabin she is captive in. It's filling, and hearty, and amazing every time. She hates that she's falling for this man who captured her and pleasures her and cooks for her but has her held captive.

4. And then he shows up (no face cover) to her apartment after the release. She's feeling tired at 6 months pregnant. He fires up the stove while she rests....and makes the exact dish to serve to her which is when she realizes who he is.
I don't know how to make this story palatable except that maybe the guy KNOWS for a fact that she absolutely loves him and wants to have his baby, but socially doesn't know how.
Men would literally capture and rape their cruch instead of expressing their feelings to her.
Well, to begin with, this isn't 'my kink' and I'm glad that most of you have been able to restrain any wild criticism. I put it up not so much as a story in itself - which would be a pretty poor one lacking in any real interest - but as a broad framework/setting which could be adapted as one saw fit.

What I find intriguing is the thought of precise, studied planning and the idea of, literally, a 'sex slave', a term often bandied about without too much thought being applied to its actual meaning. Rape and precise planning are uneasy playmates. Almost everything in real life, we're told, is spur-of-the-moment stuff, so this would have to be considered as an issue by the writer.

Where all the finesse would come in - and the birth of a genuine story with it - would be in the development of the two characters and the possible introduction of things like Stockholm Syndrome, a growing warmth or at least the appearance of some kind of understanding between them... and a conclusion which might, yes, be radically different from what the abductor originally had in mind.

I have not written this up yet, not even as a bullet point plot outline, but I do think it has mileage in it and suspect that a longish dénouement after the woman is released might be where most of the interest could lie.
I like the obvious scope here for the introduction of psychological factors, emotions and so on - things which are conspicuous by their absence from the bulk of the Literotica archive.
Having a sincere interest in phycology, I have always loved the idea of the Stockholm Syndrome and even started a few stories with that as a major part of the story, but were never able to finish them. I guess the reverse phycology idea is too implausible for me to continue. Some scholars are saying that there is no such thing in real life? I don't know, but it may be worth testing via various erotic stories nonetheless.

As for the storyline itself, if you take out the sex and pregnancy part of it; boiled down it is Beauty and the Beast which Disney did very well with. But I guess the reverse of that would be, if you inserted sex, Snow White would be a hell of a gang-bang story if she had a dwarf fetish that is. Well, except for Sneezy, post-Covid 19; he most likely would not be included. :)
I read the story like that once. A female celebrity held three men captured, but they'd broken free and raped her, and even called more guys to do so. By the end it turned out it was her plan all along.
I'd go for the woman being a former teacher on whom he had an adolescent crush but who crossed him in some way. Also married but in a regretted, childless situation. Should make for an interesting double taboo with her ending up also in infidelity, willingly giving herself.

Could be that her husband ends up as the "baddie" of the piece.
I'd go for the woman being a former teacher on whom he had an adolescent crush but who crossed him in some way. Also married but in a regretted, childless situation. Should make for an interesting double taboo with her ending up also in infidelity, willingly giving herself.

Could be that her husband ends up as the "baddie" of the piece.

Yes, I like that... and he thereby ends up being cuckolded and they possibly end up as a new couple, one which might never have been anticipated from the initial, on-the-face-of-it storyline where they are first pupil-teacher, then abductor/rapist-victim.

I like "twist in the tail" tales!
I'd go for the woman being a former teacher on whom he had an adolescent crush but who crossed him in some way. Also married but in a regretted, childless situation. Should make for an interesting double taboo with her ending up also in infidelity, willingly giving herself.

Could be that her husband ends up as the "baddie" of the piece.

Infidelity is the obvious plot route, yes. It's one of my favourite playgrounds so I suspect that, if I do get around to writing this up, it may well turn out to be close to your suggestion. I like the implied age difference in your concept, too. This introduces a further tasty side issue.
Mine too. I still remember your one about the choir. It's amazing how often simple cheating can be woven into plots about supposedly other matters... N/C, incest etc... over and above being a very worthy stand-alone theme. It all adds to the erotic "punch".