Ultimate cuckquean


Really Experienced
Aug 10, 2023
I'm trying to get myself into the cuckquean mind and imagine a woman who is psychologically imprisoned by this fetish - possibly an obsession.

We are not talking here of the cosy modern take of knowing "adultery", where you're basically making an arrangement which is completely open and known to all parties.

You're talking about a woman who has maybe deliberately set her cap at a man who she knows full well would find it hard to stay faithful during marriage. She takes her delight from the thought of being cheated on by him with women who are her "superior" in attractiveness and sexual prowess. Perhaps she becomes expert at spying on their liaisons by various methods, even recording the proceedings unbeknownst to them for her later pleasure.

I'll be frank - honestly, I have severe doubts as to whether such females exist in real life. I rather have the impression that women who say they are cuckqueans are actually referring to the more feeble game of the "knowing" fetish. Not for them any remote possibility that hubby could really be cheating.

I think it would be absorbing to plot such a woman's development and describe the kind of man who might interest her... how she could almost set him up in his endeavours. If such a story exists anywhere already I'd be glad to have any pointers.
How about the woman is older, and quite wealthy. The man is basically a gold-digger, and she realizes it. But she marries him anyway, quite sure that he will cheat on her, and she gets her thrills from trying to catch him at it.

I picture the story taking place in a huge mansion that her family has owned for a hundred years, and she hosts many formal balls and receptions there, attended by wealthy friends and colleagues. And that's where the husband finds his lovers, sneaking them off to an unused wing. Unaware that she has secret cameras there. But that's just me. The setting could be anywhere.
Cuckqueanery is an interesting fantasy and I also wonder about it. I think in reality it's more about voyeurism than the need to be humiliated by a superior woman. It would make for a hot story though.

EDIT - How about.

We have a wife, who is fully satisfied with the traditional wife role. She cooks, cleans, and takes care of her husband in every way, but has zero interest in actually birthing a child. She's fiercely vain about her looks and her figure and there's no way she's putting on forty pounds and squeezing an eight-pound eggplant out through her vagina, backwards. No way.

So she finds her husband a surrogate. But the only way he'll agree to it is if he gets to breed her the old-fashioned way. At first she's apprehensive about it, but the first time she sees them together, she is overcome with arousal. It becomes a very beneficial addition to their home and every night he comes home to find his loving wife with his drink in hand, dinner on the table, and his little handmaiden on her knees beneath the table, waiting for his cock.

As he digs into his meal, he looks over at his wife. Who seems very distracted and appears to be sweating. He smiles as he zips his fly, knowing the mouth that just took a load of his cum was now lapping at his wife's pussy under her perfectly pressed skirt.

Yeah, I like this one. I'll add it to my ideas folder.

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I was going to suggest she's disabled and unable to perform, but you said you didn't want her to know and give permission.

So, maybe she's older and has lost her looks, but wishes she hadn't. She turns a blind eye, not letting on that she knows and is able to watch through a video system. She imagines she is the young attractive ladies that her guy is with and that is somehow satisfying enough for her.
Would love the idea that wife still wants the baby to be connected/related to her, so she chooses her own sister.
We are not talking here of the cosy modern take of knowing "adultery", where you're basically making an arrangement which is completely open and known to all parties.

You're talking about a woman who has maybe deliberately set her cap at a man who she knows full well would find it hard to stay faithful during marriage. She takes her delight from the thought of being cheated on by him with women who are her "superior" in attractiveness and sexual prowess. Perhaps she becomes expert at spying on their liaisons by various methods, even recording the proceedings unbeknownst to them for her later pleasure.

I'll be frank - honestly, I have severe doubts as to whether such females exist in real life. I rather have the impression that women who say they are cuckqueans are actually referring to the more feeble game of the "knowing" fetish. Not for them any remote possibility that hubby could really be cheating.

I think it would be absorbing to plot such a woman's development and describe the kind of man who might interest her... how she could almost set him up in his endeavours. If such a story exists anywhere already I'd be glad to have any pointers.

Stonking idea. You've virtually got the story mapped out there. I love the idea that, unbeknownst to him, she could lead this second, secret life as his 'accomplice'. Yes, I also am sceptical that this kind of woman could exist... BUT, on the 'you never know' principle...
A classic actress of the past, now aging and no longer in demand takes on a younger husband. He's basically a gold digger living off her wealth and hoping to use her connections for his own gain. He's after the starlets of his age and younger. She never lets on that she's OK with it, but as mentioned above, she has the mansion wired for video and can watch him takes his objects of affection to another room in a back wing or guesthouse.
A classic actress of the past, now aging and no longer in demand takes on a younger husband. He's basically a gold digger living off her wealth and hoping to use her connections for his own gain. He's after the starlets of his age and younger. She never lets on that she's OK with it, but as mentioned above, she has the mansion wired for video and can watch him takes his objects of affection to another room in a back wing or guesthouse.

That's an excellent scenario. Easy to imagine all the characters in the roles you've described.
I think the "petits pas" approach to this would pay dividends. The woman, to begin with, is only half aware of her own tendencies. Perhaps they become obvious to her as and when he first takes a mistress and she discovers the situation accidentally. She masturbates and orgasms like she never has before.

It's a voyage of self discovery. She slowly learns how to set him up secretly with a series of women, each of whom she sees as being superior to her in some way. Her appetite for this form of humiliation gradually grows.

What I would see as a real difficulty in such a story is to provide a satisfying and believable ending.
Correct! I can see the way to describing what you could call the stable relationship between the two - but I'm definitely having trouble in dreaming up some kind of twist-in-the-tail (tale?) ending, which is my preferred way to finish.
Correct! I can see the way to describing what you could call the stable relationship between the two - but I'm definitely having trouble in dreaming up some kind of twist-in-the-tail (tale?) ending, which is my preferred way to finish.

What about if it turned out that the husband also was into the same thing? One day the wife stumbles across a hidden camera - possibly in her car? Hubby was suspecting that she entertained gentlemen between her legs out on quiet country farm turn-offs..?