Ultimate Carnival, Virtual Insanity


Six String Shinobi
Apr 11, 2002
(Before I start, if you would like to joing, please look at Ultimate Carnival for detales and to sign up.)

I the busy part of San Fransico, they are piers tht can give you transport to two places, Alcatraz, or to a Island that had just been born 10 years ago. this new island inhabits an a very popular enjoyment center called

Dragon Carnival

or also known as...

The Ultimate Carnival

This is where our story takes place... We will see how people who work here react to the attitude of the people, some nice, some bad, and some just ass holes!

But there is something about this carnival, it seems that if you chuck a coin into a oddly green river, your wish on how the carnival will be will come true...

Does the owner knows any ting about how this happen? and does this have any thing to do with the strange disapperence of children, and the weird deaths of adults?

Well... We will just have to find out!
Dr Mabeuse

Wakes up just after the sun has gone down and the lights of the Carnival are winking on. Red, blue, yellow, and green, they paint the faces of the few early arrivals with garish colors, but it's still early and this is only a taste of the grotesque effects they will produce when the midway is full. The giant Ferris Wheel is beginning to turn, though no one is riding yet, and it's hypnotic entrancer the Doctor for a moment until he tears his eyes away. Old verteran that he is, the wheel can still work its magic.

He washes up in the back rooms of the House of Horrors & Wax Museum, hanging his towel on Jack the Ripper's raised knife as he does. He slips on his elaborately emroidered fortune teller's robe and his turban with the large emerald and makes himself some tea. Taking his tea to his laboratory behind his medicine stand he adds a pinch of yohimbe root and some cobra venom, and just a taste of moonshadow. He fills a pipe with Colombian Sorcery Leaves and lights up. A few puffs, a sip of his tea and he feels ready for the night.

He turns on the lights for the House of Horrors and lights the torches outside the fortune-teller's tent. He goes inside and starts the crystal ball and does dome trick shuffles with the tarot deck. He pulls out a card at random: The Lovers. Well. That's interesting, he thinks. He looks in the crystal ball, hoping for a glimpse of what lies ahead tonight, but, as usual, his efforts here are futile. There is too much psychic interference at this carnival to see his own fate tonight.

Finishing his tea, he closes his eyes and menatlly searches the sparse crowd for those who might want their fortunes told. Amidst the feelings of excitement and greed and lust he senses, he detects a few exceptional minds. Minds about whom the angels of fate are already gathering.

Meanwhile, in a not so busy street of the islan, you see a dazeling woman walking in... You stare at her, trying to figure out where did you've seen that face. Well, first you had to see her face, which you try, but you just can't stop staring at her legs and red high heeled pumps... And, when you notice... She's gone.
*Game over!*

*Sorry! you, lose!*

"Damn!" Ten slamed his fist on the game "Cheat! Cheat! this game cheats!"

Ten laid back in his bed and sighed "Theres got to be something else to do..." He turn his head to see the newspaper his mom left him before she left for work, and there it had an ad for Dragon carnival

'our best is at night! so come on over, when the freaks come out at night!'

"Not a bad idea..." Ten thought out loudly to himself