UK: By majority of 225- Commons back the gay marriage

  • Thread starter Kitty_Schrödinger
  • Start date
I was reading about this (and thank God they got rid of the absolute veto of the house of Lord's roughly 100 years ago..I loved the way they did that, where they basically threatened to pack the Lords with newly created peers, kind of like what FDR did with the Supreme Court when he got tired of the old farts on it declaring his new deal stuff unconstitutional) and was truly glad to hear about it. I hadn't realized that David Cameron had made a big push on this, though I shouldn't be, I suspect he realizes that if the conservatives don't grow up and enter the 21st century, when all the old farts die off they wouldn't be able to get elected dog catcher in Yorkshire, given the attitudes of younger people. I was saddened to hear that the Archbishop of Canterbury came out against this, though it shouldn't surprise me, the COE is on its last legs, plus they are all busy trying to please the morons in Africa, who can't quite seem to understand that not everyone is as stupid as they are (and if I sound bitter, I am, I was part of the fights in the Episcopal Church in the US after Gene Robinson was elected Bishop, and disgusted by all the people in the EC defending the morons in Africa, saying how it wasn't their fault, it was because they were in the line of evangelical missionaries, they were entitled to their beliefs, etc, that they didn't want to offend the Bishops there because they didn't want to jeopardize charitable work being done there with funds from the US, and of course everything was the fault of colonization, which is utter tripe.......basically, it was the EC claiming it loved and support its LGBT people, but on the other hand was telling them to stay in the shadows because musn't offend the Africans...please......fortunately, the EC has shifted a great deal since then, and both the presiding Bishop and most of the membership are ready to tell the Archbishop and the Anglican Communion where to go with themselves, which means the effective end of it since most of the operating funds come from the EC).

Hopefully something similar will happen here in the US, but sadly, thanks to the states rights nonsense, going to be a long, protracted struggle unless Anthony Kennedy has the guts to say that gays cannot be denied the right to marry under the equal protection clause (Kennedy is a likely swing vote on any gay marriage cases, including repealing DOMA; the 4 uber Catholic judges are going to side against same sex marriage no matter what, they take their orders basically right from the vatican).
It is good news, but it is only the start. Still a few readings and votes to go go, but very encouraging indeed.

Those whose religious beliefs compell them to vote against, I can respect. We all have our principles and beliefs, and I respect any who stand by them, even if I happen to disagree with what they are. That said, i am worried about the lengths they will go to scupper it all and throw their beliefs down everybody else's throats.

Nevertheless, now the process has truly begun, there is no stopping it and that can only be a good thing.