Uh huh... *RIGHT*


Not Innocent
Oct 26, 2001
I think the less you believe the better off you are. I also think the more you disbelieve the worse off you are.

Scepticism cuts everyone the same.
i tend to agree. there is very little that i do believe in. My self, my wife's love and thats bout it.
Right but i get biased answers. some may have one view on what is and others have another view on what is. so do we blindly take one side or the other and hope we are right. do we go with the majority, after all the victors get to write the history. What if everything that is concieved as being"what is" is wrong. you just dont know. guees you find out in the end.
You listen to your gut, to your heart and you accept what feels the most "right".
Or keep an open mind, and have "working theories," but don't have unshakeable faith in anything.