Ugly Sweater


God Mod
Jul 21, 2011
My friends have a ugly sweater contest/party every Christmas.
The winner receives a bottle of Glenfiddich 21 single malt......

I never win and I want to. Give me ideas!!!
I would go to a second hand store or garage sale and find the ugliest sweater i could find. Then go to a craft store and buy glitter fabric paint. Draw a christmas tree or angels or whatever all over it. I remember making a sweatshirt for my grandmother with christmas ornaments drawn all over it with the fabric paint. It was awful. If it was still around i would send it to you. lol
Yes and their are websites devoted solely to ugly sweaters...

But none would win by themselves. It is the add ons and creative modifications that win.......

Sounds fun. What kind have won in the past to give us an idea of what your looking for.
Yes and their are websites devoted solely to ugly sweaters...

But none would win by themselves. It is the add ons and creative modifications that win.......

I used to win a best wrapped gift package every year by going as tacky as possible. I'm talking glitter, blinking lights and Elvis in a Santa hat. You will win.
My friends have a ugly sweater contest/party every Christmas. The winner receives a bottle of Glenfiddich 21 single malt..

Count me in dude...

Start checking Goodwill now, I have found several Christmas sweaters and stupid coffee mugs for the women in our office this time of year.
For finishing touches, put the ugly sweater in a box with some rodents and let them chew it a bit. (Inspired by my former roommate whose pet rats got into my laundry hamper.)
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