UFO's or Sea Monsters

which you believe the most in?

explain if you like...

Sea monsters.
There's an awful lot of ocean we've never seen, and the rediscovery of the ceolocanth [sp] and the giant squid is only the beginning.
What are you on about? Everybody knows that the sea monsters are here because the UFO's brought them.

lol @ you basically saying Sea monsters are the ufo's alliance squad lol

what am i on about? nothing really, ive been watching 'history channel an NGC Channel' all day.

first wit the sea monsters, they should prove but couldnt tell what the shit was. the videos an pictures bugged me out.. so fuck beaches for now on. hahah

an the ufo one, i'm watching now. the vids there showing looks official.

now, if you ask me. i say their both real.
Sea monsters.
There's an awful lot of ocean we've never seen, and the rediscovery of the ceolocanth [sp] and the giant squid is only the beginning.

that's true. we know know more about space than whats beneath the ocean.
Unidentified faggot openings? You've got two of them, and I'll fill both of them with my sea monster.

Go to the fucking playground with your stupid fucking threads, asshole.​
Don't make me choose...

And what sea monsters? Do giant squids count?

I want motherfucking merfolk. I love me some merfolk.