Udderly Delicious Martini


Literotica Guru
Feb 20, 2002
Happy Hour at Minkey's Place....after work today....be there or be square....she has some special drinks on tap....;)


Jesus Coll Photography

Well in the case of Ginny's pic up there - wouldn't it be "SQUEEZED"?

This is in comment to Plasticman's post - it just popped up above his - the system is haunted I think!
Secret Kate said:
How did that happen? I posted after Plasticman!

Something's messed up with the server. The post times have been screwy all day (or for the past couple days).
Glad to know it's not just me thinking that things look funny!
How can one concentrate on that pic when Kate has the lovliest cleavage known to man
Yo. In prison, there really wasn't a lounge or bar where you could get martinis. There was a guy named Tyrone a few cells down the way who made some hooch though. It tasted like old feet. If you wanted you could also use it as a cologne.
Sukit_beatch! said:
Yo. In prison, there really wasn't a lounge or bar where you could get martinis. There was a guy named Tyrone a few cells down the way who made some hooch though. It tasted like old feet. If you wanted you could also use it as a cologne.


Did the HARD time make you feel like less of a man? Or did the hooch help numb the unwanted invasions?
nothing like a drop or two of mammary milk to spice up a martini.......<nodding>......

;) turtle love
ooohh...but fishy one....did you have droplets of mother's milk eased gently into your drinks?....i think not....so you just haven't lived yet my friend....a drink without natural lactose is not a real drink....well...or so i made up....;)
Ginny said:
ooohh...but fishy one....did you have droplets of mother's milk eased gently into your drinks?....i think not....so you just haven't lived yet my friend....a drink without natural lactose is not a real drink....well...or so i made up....;)


Absolutely adorable.

lmao.....if only i could find a pic of a lactating woman...one white boobie...one chocolate boobie.....i guess i could make one.....;)