U.S.S. George H.W. Bush.....

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
I wonder if the Chinese will name theirs after Bill?

WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2002 -- Former President George H.W. Bush told a Pentagon audience today that he's not a hero, despite flying off a carrier and having his plane shot down in the Pacific during World War II.

The current president's father joked that he's only called a hero because his plane got shot down. "There are plenty of them in this building who have earned (the moniker) for true heroism," he said.

The Navy bestowed one of the nation's highest honors on Bush here today by naming the service's 10th Nimitz class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier after the former naval aviator.

"The USS George H.W. Bush will serve as a worldwide deployable symbol of our nation's resolve," Navy Secretary Gordon England said during a naval ship-naming ceremony in the Pentagon.

England called Bush "a great, great American (and) a great patriot." Bush enlisted in the Navy at age 18 in 1942 and became the youngest pilot in the Navy before his 19th birthday. He flew a bomber off the carrier USS San Jacinto and was shot down in the Pacific in 1944. The future president went on to earn the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals for his service.

Later, as president, with "the modesty and grace that are his hallmarks, he presided over the end of the Cold War," England said.

Bush said he was "deeply honored" by the ship's designation. "I'm overwhelmed by this, and very, very grateful," he said.

In characteristic good humor, Bush urged representatives of Northrop Grumman's Newport News shipbuilding yard to finish the carrier quickly, before his grave is dug at Texas A&M University.

Bush took the focus off himself when he lauded today's service members. "I don't think of my generation as the greatest generation, … because I've been around some of the kids that are serving now," he said. "There isn't a 'greatest' generation."

At 1,092 feet in length and a displacement of 97,000 tons fully loaded, Nimitz-class carriers are the largest warships in the world. They have 4.5 acres of flight deck and carry 75 aircraft. More than 5,000 crewmembers, including the air wing, serve aboard them. The USS George H.W. Bush is scheduled to join the fleet in 2009.

Yeah! :D
Do you know what plant saved George H.W. Bush's life?

That's right.

His parachute was made out of hemp.
During WW2...

They smoked hemp on my dad's ship when they ran out of cigarette rations! We laughed about that during my stoner era. Yeah, I agree with you though about the hypocrites and hemp, which the Constitution is written on! It also lasts longer than cotton products. :D
The oil industry lobbied for banning marijuana in the 50's because the hemp plant and it's oil can realistically compete with fossil fuels. (Among hundreds of other uses)

So the banning of pot and the bad name it has in the States is a result of this lobby, despite the fact that pot has been proven to be non-addictive and far less dangerous than alcohol.

Hemp is amazing stuff. There's a chain of hemp stores in Europe that sell scores of items made from hemp. Clothing, soap, you name it.
Oh, and if Bush gets a ship named after him for crashing a plane.... I crashed my old BMW Alpin years ago, so I'm looking forward to the 2003 BMW Coolville model.

The original Levi Strauss jeans were made from hemp, the first Stars And Stripes flag was made from hemp.

Ok, back to the subject. Did "Jnr Shrub" have any clout in naming the carrier, I wonder??

"Here, I can please my Daddy again, I'll invade Iraq and try and finish what Daddy started in the 90's and I'll name a floating airport after him too. Hopefully he will see what a good son I am, after I fucked the economy of his once great country."

Onya George!!
Coolville said:
Oh, and if Bush gets a ship named after him for crashing a plane.... I crashed my old BMW Alpin years ago, so I'm looking forward to the 2003 BMW Coolville model.


LOL, Suzuki better have plans for the Draco 1200 then....
Draco said:
Did "Jnr Shrub" have any clout in naming the carrier, I wonder??
I doubt it. George H.W. Bush was in the Navy.

There's a carrier called the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy. I don't think it was because Teddy lobbied for it.

Draco said:
"Here, I can please my Daddy again, I'll invade Iraq and try and finish what Daddy started in the 90's and I'll name a floating airport after him too. Hopefully he will see what a good son I am, after I fucked the economy of his once great country."

Onya George!!

I'm not a big fan of naming aircraft carriers after Presidents. The "Kennedy", well, OK, he was killed, the country wanted to honor him any way they could. The "Theodore Roosevelt", yeah, sure, TR came up with "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick", and he sent the Navy on a round-the-world voyage to show everyone just how big our stick is.

But naming a warship after GEORGE BUSH? I can't see some future president saying, "I want to deploy the Bush to the Persian Gulf". Too much laughter. Most warships have nicknames, what are they gonna call this one? The "Poppy"?

Bring back the days when carriers were named after great battles. Saratoga, Lexington, Yorktown, Midway. Or after great American warriors, like Nimitz. Or even American ideals, like Independence. Don't name them after the guy who happened to sign the appropriations bill to get the thing built.

The USS Bush. Come on, Pentagon, I thought you guys were better at marketing than this.
You may not like Bush, but lost of people do. As president, as something to pick out of their teeth...


Hey, the Military Likes him a hell of a lot better than Comrad Klinton, the man who sold national secrets to China for campaign funds.

The Chinese should name a SSN after him, he helped them arm them with nukes. Or maybe North Korea, as I'm sure the Chinese help them with nukes too.
Coolville said:
Oh, and if Bush gets a ship named after him for crashing a plane.... I crashed my old BMW Alpin years ago, so I'm looking forward to the 2003 BMW Coolville model.


Who wants a car that always pulls to the left?

christo said:
But naming a warship after GEORGE BUSH?
Most warships have nicknames, what are they gonna call this one?
Crash n' Burn.
Evil Attorney said:
You may not like Bush, but lost of people do. As president, as something to pick out of their teeth...


Hey, the Military Likes him a hell of a lot better than Comrad Klinton, the man who sold national secrets to China for campaign funds.

The Chinese should name a SSN after him, he helped them arm them with nukes. Or maybe North Korea, as I'm sure the Chinese help them with nukes too.
Spelling buddy had a coronary. Funeral is on Thursday. Send flowers.
Evil Attorney said:
You may not like Bush, but lost people do. :D
The Chinese should name a SSN after him, he helped them arm them with nukes.

UMMM, just a little point here: The Chinese had nukes long before Clinton was a sperm even. Why blame Bill The Lecher for everything.

Didn't he get a reasonable Cease-Fire in the Middle East? Didn't he help sort out some of Nthrn Ireland's troubles?

So what if he got a hummer in the White House from some slapper who wanted to make herself a celebrity. Didn't George Washington have a mistress? How many other presidents and world leaders are getting or got a piece of tail on the side, and more importanly, who the hell cares? Its all about how they run the country during their term of office, not who they slipped their schlong too.

After all, he IS a guy! Becoming President of USA, or Russia, or PM of England or New Zealand or Outer Mongolia DOES NOT bestow the recipient with super-natural powers. At the end of each day, they are just a human being, with wants, cares and needs.
Draco said:
So what if he got a hummer in the White House from some slapper who wanted to make herself a celebrity.
Funny, having a mistress is a given for European politicians. Shows your virile and your pulling ability is in good order. I'd never vote for a man who didn't have a bit of fluff on the side.
Texan said:
Who wants a car that always pulls to the left?

I don't know what kind of cars you have over there, but ours have these newfangled things called motors, removing the necessity to pull or push them...
teddybear4play said:
There's a carrier called the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy. I don't think it was because Teddy lobbied for it.

Thats coz Kennedy was assinated. George Bush was/is just an ass! (either one both tarred with the same brush)
SO, a question has to be asked, is every naval aviator that got shot down in the Pacific during WW2 gonna get his own carrier?

The US Navy is gonna have a hell of a lot of carriers then.
Coolville said:
Funny, having a mistress is a given for European politicians. Shows your virile and your pulling ability is in good order. I'd never vote for a man who didn't have a bit of fluff on the side.

And if you take a good long look at Hilary (The Ice Queen) cant you blame the guy for trying "greener pastures?"

I always liked warships named after places..

The Lexington, Yorktown, Missouri, Enterprise (NCC-1701?), and the Nimitz. At Bragg, the different training areas are named after KIAs, which remind you that what you're doing is dangerous. Being on a ship doesn't quite deliver that message clearly, I suppose it's about heritage. :D
Re: I always liked warships named after places..

Lost Cause said:
The Lexington, Yorktown, Missouri, Enterprise (NCC-1701?), and the Nimitz. At Bragg, the different training areas are named after KIAs, which remind you that what you're doing is dangerous. Being on a ship doesn't quite deliver that message clearly, I suppose it's about heritage. :D
Don't you need to have a history in order to have heritage?
Re: Re: I always liked warships named after places..

Coolville said:
Don't you need to have a history in order to have heritage?

Ahhh, the Melacholy Dane, opines upon American history. :rolleyes:

Actually, while their history only goes back into the 1600's - it is interesting, how the "huddled masses" of Europe zooomed in to the Great Republic for the past 200 years or so. ;)

And the Royal Dansk Navy? Two Merko frigates and a Chinese missile boat? :cool:

The Yank navy is pretty impressive - and Annapolis teaches their officers to respect a long & fine heritage.

The only real losses the US Navy has had have been in the Great Lakes (1812-14) and Dec. 7, 1941. And Denmark - closest thing to a naval battle since Napoleonic days - Oh yeah.... the Bismark lies at the bottom of the DENMARK Strait....:cool: