U.N Gun Ban Treaty fails.

China gets exactly what it wants out of the UN, at a fraction of the money America spends.

Who is laughing Beijing or Washington?
United Nations Small Arms Treaty Not Dead

The U.S. State Department, however, said in a statement released at the conclusion of the negotiating conference that the effort will indeed be revived after the election in November. “While we sought to conclude the month’s negotiations with a treaty, more time is a reasonable request for such a complex and critical issue,” said State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

China gets exactly what it wants out of the UN, at a fraction of the money America spends.

Who is laughing Beijing or Washington?

Given the sizes of our economies really nobody. This is no different from listening to the argument about how the rich pay all the taxes in the US.
Also, the U.N. resolution that authorized drafting of the small arms treaty recognizes the clear-cut right of nations “to regulate internal transfers of arms” and says nothing in the treaty that emerges will affect “constitutional protections on private ownership” of firearms.

Beyond that, there are many court rulings spelling out the limits of treaties. And if an act of Congress is inconsistent with a treaty obligation, the law passed by Congress prevails. Legal scholars say this has been well established.

Just a few little rules, ask Brits and Aussies. :D

Obama got the process rolling again in 2010. So far, 152 nations have participated in the drafting, and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has pledged to push for Senate ratification once there is a final document.

But it may be an empty gesture.

Treaties must be ratified by two-thirds of the 100-member Senate, or 67 votes. And with pressure mounting from the gun lobby, led by the politically powerful NRA, a bipartisan letter opposing such a treaty already gained the signatures of well over 50 senators.

Read the article, Fuzzbrain.
Pergy. You know I love your crazy cardinal playing flute ass right? The right response to this thread is derp. Trust me. It'll feel good. You can even go back to being the reasonable gent I can't quite peg (which makes me feel odd that you had me pegged so well before I was even aware of you) but trust me. It'll bring you an end of the month smile.
I've been reading about the treaty for 2 years, Dickhead. ;)

I'm glad you admire my penis, but you're really not my type. However, I'd like to have a civil conversation about this, because of two things: 1) You know more than I do about guns and gun laws, and 2) As you know, I own and enjoy guns. So I promise no more insults, even of the gentle, marsupial based kind, if you agree.

Now, I have a question: How would this treaty have affected me, if it passed and the US signed it?
Pergy. You know I love your crazy cardinal playing flute ass right? The right response to this thread is derp. Trust me. It'll feel good. You can even go back to being the reasonable gent I can't quite peg (which makes me feel odd that you had me pegged so well before I was even aware of you) but trust me. It'll bring you an end of the month smile.

Yes, but I'm bored, and the truth is as I just posted, koalabear is encyclopedic on guns and gun laws. Everyone is an expert at something.
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