TX help...


Literotica Guru
Sep 15, 2000
Ok, so I'm writing this paper for class and I need to know what schools (universities and colleges) have a good agricultural program. I could probably look online and find out what schools have an agricultural program, but what I'm looking for is the school(s) that people go to because they're better in that department. For instance, nearly every school around here has a computer science department, but in some schools it's a joke and others it's fabulous.

Soooo... if any of you know of any schools that fit this description, or know of where I can find this information, please please let me know. :)

Also, if there is a school near TX that is noticeably better well known for agriculture than any school in TX, that might be of help, too.

Ok, come on...

Some one has got to know something about mid-western/southern schools. Or how to find this info. Anyone? Please?

Tarleton State University
Stephenville, TX

Texas A&M
College Station, TX
Major thought here...

...and hope it isn't too late...but..

If that is what you are really interested in...Iowa State University has one of the best programs in the country. Many grads have moved on to work for major companies. Hope you find what you are lokking for. Good Luck. :)
Kansas State University has a big ag program that's supposed to be really good. You can check into other states that have a lot of crop production like Nebraska, Iowa, California, and such.
The top Ag schools in the California are:

Fresno State University, Fresno CA.

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA.

Uinversity of California at Davis, Davis CA.

I am personally familiar with all of those, and they are some of the best in the country.

Also, by reputation:

Purdue, Texas A&M, Cornell are the schools I hear talked about most frequently outside of CA in the ag field. Obviously there are many others.