"Two Treasures: A Pirate Tale" (closed)

Billy took control of the pirate ship. he was concerned with how it would handle, but he was good and was able to adjust to the smaller, faster vessel. He heeded Belle Bonny's directions while recommending to the Captain that they send the Swan on to its destination; perhaps sending it in a zig zag pattern to make sure that it was safe.

Although he was a merchant captain, Billy could still handle the ship as it moved toward a battle with the Spanish ship. He knew how to sail, and he knew that Belle Bonny knew what she wanted. He would follow her every direction, and they would be fine.

They made sure that the Swan was given clear directions on the course to take. TheAndrea's First Mate was sailing the Swan so he knew their destination, but he had to be given the tachs to take in order to make sure that they remained safe.

Billy's focus was on Belle Bonny. He made sure that he followed her every direction as they turned into the aggressor in the upcoming battle. He liked that she did not sit back and allow her enemy to bring the fight to her. She was going to bring the fight to the Spanish ship, and he had every confidence that the pirate captain would be victorious.

As the distance between the two ships closed, Billy could feel his nerves ramp up. Despite being on the ocean for 16 years, he had never been on a ship that was the aggressor. Being a merchant mariner, you knew there were going to be times when you were attacked by pirates. Sometimes you could avoid the attacks depending on what the pirates were sailing. Other times you had to accept the fact that you were going to lose your cargo.. maybe even your ship.

Billy suddenly became excited. For once he was not sitting back as his ship was attacked. Now he was part of the attack, and he could feel the adrenaline rush. He trusted Belle Bonny to give him the proper directions, and he trusted his skills as a sailor to execute those directions.
Once Billy was again on the Quarterdeck with the now relieved Officer of the Deck -- who was there to help if needed -- and the Helmsman, Bonny rushed to the bow of the ship where she would be able to see the Spanish vessel whether Andrea kept this course or not. It was going to be hours -- possibly 2, maybe as much as 8 -- before the ships came together in battle, depending upon what each of the captains did. But Bonny knew that decisions made right now would decide the victor in the fight.

Occasionally over the next thirty minutes or more she called back basic instructions to Billy; in return, he called forward more specific commands to both the Deck Crew and the Sails Crew, who worked so closely in conjunction with one another than more often than not it was impossible to tell who was part of which crew or even if they were part of both.

Bonny took a moment to look toward the stern, finding Billy at Andrea's port side, simultaneously watching the Spaniards, giving commands, and eying her for the next command. It didn't take long for her to become entirely impressed by him; Andrea's top speed in the most favorable winds after a full careening of the hull was 12 knots, and the latest call from the sailors measuring the pirate ship's current was 10 and that was without either of those advantages being at their best.

Suddenly, Bonny began to panic; the wind suddenly lessened, and the great force pushing them along was in threat of vanishing. She rushed aft toward the main mast, loosing the hook and loops of her bustier as she went. Unfastened, she tossed it into the hands of the nearest sailor, threatened his life if didn't come back to her clean, and grabbed hold of one of the lines running up the side of the mast that were used for lifting rifles and grenades and other such things in times of battle. Pressing the soles of her boots to the mast and leaning back, Bonny started walking her way upwards with as much skill as any of her sailors could. She continued right past the Main Top Watch, who looked a bit surprised to see his captain acting like one of those funny Madagascar monkeys they fed from the balconies of Nuevo Nassau's whore houses and bars.

When she reached the point at which the line was tied off, Bonny switched to climbing the rope ladder until she was at the highest yard. There, she spun to press her back to the now-much-narrower mast and scanned the surface of the ocean for indication of a better wind.

"Course Change!" she hollered downward to the Watch. "Four points to starboard!"

The Watch repeated the order toward the quarterdeck as Bonny wrapped her arms into the lines for security … and a moment later she both felt and saw the effect of Billy redirecting the ship toward the more superior wind. She grasped even tighter when suddenly a wind twice as strong filled the sails. Up this high, Bonny felt the full effect of the ship suddenly tilting another 12 or more degrees to starboard. Andrea shot forward over the next few seconds, and Bonny smiled with delight.

She could have come down at this point; she could see the effect of the wind on the sea, and she knew they would be good until they reached the Spanish ship. But … well, to be honest, Bonny was loving this. And she had confidence in the man at the helm, even if he was a hostage who had only been aboard the pirate ship for less than a day.

Over the next two hours, the ship changed course eight times … ironically, only four times per Bonny's command. She couldn't see Billy from where she clung to the mast lines, but it didn't seem to matter. They were sensing what the other was thinking when it came to chasing down the Spaniards; words weren't necessary all the time they were learning.

When there were less than 2 miles between the two vessels, Bonny called down, "Hoist the colors!"

From stem to stern, the pirates cheered with joy as Bonny's flag began rising from the deck toward the furthest reaches of the main mast. Every pirate captain worth being called one had his -- or her -- own flag, and each tried to outdo the other by having the most creative banner of all. Bonny was no different in the fact that she had a flag, but she was very different in the creativity behind it as it was nothing more than a simple black flag with no skulls or crossed bones or swords or anything.

As Bonny's flag reached the top of the mast, the flag on the Spanish warship began lowering. There was a sudden silence across the deck of Andrea as the pirates knew this lowering of the flag didn't necessarily mean surrender. The flag that had been raised hours ago had been massive and had been meant to identify the ship's nationality from a very long distance. When -- if -- conflict was to ensue, a smaller flag that would not impede full controls of the Spanish ship's sails would be lofted.

Bonny unhooked her arms from the lines and, hand over hand, lowered herself back down the ladder and then down the free hanging line. Just before she reached the deck, Andrea erupted in yet a second cheer. With her feet back on hardwood, Bonny turned to find the smaller Spanish naval flag rising, just as her own flag had moments earlier.

She looked around herself, found her bustier, snatched it, and rushed back for the stern. Reaching the Quarterdeck again, she called out orders which Billy passed on with greater detail. They had a more favorable wind position than did the other ship, but to attack now could mean deaths to her crew and damage to her ship that could otherwise be avoided.

"Gun Chief!" she hollered to the man who would lead the barrage when so ordered. He confirmed his presence, and Bonny hollered out an odd sounding order, "Go make my bed, will ya?"

He smiled, saluted, and responded, "Aye, Captain!"

Turning to Billy with a devilish smirk, she told him with a wave of her hand through the air before her, "Get us right out in front of her, Billy. I want them to see the ship's name right there on the stern … make sure they know who's gonna be their demise."

Billy's sailing skills were unmatched, Bonny would soon learn, and yet -- because such vessels didn't move like gazelles on the Serengeti and because the Spanish changed their own course four times -- it took another two hours for Andrea to finally find herself directly ahead of their prey with less than a hundred yards between them.

"Watch this," Bonny said to Billy as she gently caressed a hand over his upper arm and urged him to follow her to the back of the quarterdeck. "You might find this interesting."

She gesture to a sailor who clanged a bell … and a moment there was an explosion from aft of Andrea and the air level with Bonny's quarters was filled with the black smoke of discharged gunpowder. A fireball sailed through the air between the two ships, penetrating the foresail with ease. The canvas slowed the projectile though, enough so that when it contacted a second sail, it halted and fell downward to the deck, where it exploded in a massive ball of flame and smoke.

"I learned that from the logs of a Chinaman trading vessel we attacked off the coast of India last year," Bonny told Billy, her lips wide with delight at the sight of the Spanish ship's deck suddenly awash in flames. "It won't burn long. It doesn't carry enough fuel to destroy the ship outright. But … it will confused them long enough to do this..."

She begged Billy's forgiveness for momentarily taking control of the helm and called out some rapid fire orders. Suddenly, Andrea swung hard to starboard; 15 seconds later, with the ship leaning hard to port and her guns pointing high above their prey's deck, Bonny signaled the Gun Crew Chief. Simultaneously, all eight guns fired, and a moment later ball chain shot ripped through the sails and rigging of the Spanish ship. The projectiles -- 2 pound steel balls connected by a steel chain -- rendered nearly every sail damaged to some degree, and enough of the lines securing the front mast were cut to cause it to snap and begin a slow topple toward the sea on the ship's port side.

"Captain Murray, if you will," Bonny said, gesturing as if giving over the helm again. "Will you please put our port side on the enemy … so that we can finish this up?"

Bonny turned and hurried down to the main deck, then to the gun deck to check on the preparations for the next round of shots. By the time she'd spoken to the Chief and congratulation the crews for the starboard attack, Billy had swung the ship to port and lined them up perfectly. The Spanish ship had been continuing forward, but Andrea's "S" maneuver had moved her aft in relation to her prey. Bonny poked her head out a gun port, saw the other vessel's starboard side just 30 yards away, and stepped back to make eye contact with the Gun Crew Chief.

"Do what you do best, Chief," she told him. She playfully covered her ears and made a grimace just before the the cannons on the port side roared, this time sending 8 pound balls at the ship. Bonny hurried to the ladder and returned to the main deck to look across to their target...
Michael was excited as they approached the Spanish ship. For the first time, he was piloting a ship that was actually on the attack, and he loved the feeling that he had. He watched Belle Bonny climb the mast to find the correct course to catch the wind. It may have been the most impressive thing he had ever seen a sailor do, let alone a ship captain.

She was incredible. She did whatever was necessary to make sure that her ship was in the right position for the attack. No wonder her crew was so supportive of her. Well, that and the shriveled cock hanging around Rolly's neck.

On several occasions, Michael noticed the wind diminish, and maneuvered the Andrea to find the prevailing wind. The more time he had in control of the ship, the more comfortable he felt in guiding her along. He was starting to anticipate what the Captain was thinking, and they began to almost work as one.

When the battle began, it was clear that the Spanish ship was no match for the Andrea. Actually, a better way to put that would be that the Spanish ship and its captain and crew were no match for Belle Bonny.

The pirate captain was prepared for battle and took the battle right to the Spanish. The firing of the fireball through the sail that dropped on the deck, immediately took the Spanish focus away from the pirate ship and had it on their own ship. That allowed Belle Bonny to direct the first volley on the Spanish ship before they knew what hit them.

While the Spanish crew was still trying to recover from the first volley, Billy maneuvered the Andrea's port side to the enemy in a deft maneuver. Billy loved the way this ship handled. When they were in position, Belle Bonny had the 8 pound balls fired at the Spanish.

For all intents and purposes, the battle was over. The only thing that remained was to determine if there was anything aboard the Spanish ship that would be of value to Belle Bonny. Billy decided that a quick check of the Spanish ship should be conducted.

"Captain, I believe we should board the ship and see if there is anything that you would desire to possess." Belle Bonny called out the order for grappling hooks, and just as Billy had seen the pirate crew masterfully hook his ship and putt it close, the pirates did the same with the Spanish ship.

Belle Bonny barked orders to have the crew in position to cover the boarding party. Once again it became clear to an enemy crew that they were being boarded by a crew that was commanded by a woman.

As Billy observed the precise operation, he felt chills run up his spine. This was the most exciting event he had ever been a part of in his time on the sea. Moving next to Belle Bonny, he said to her, "Captain, their ship is damaged and will not be sea worthy for long. However, they should pay the ultimate price for their unprovoked attack on you. Should you have your men scuttle the ship?"

She said nothing to him in response. Billy wondered if he had overstepped his bounds. He returned to his position to watch the operation and a moment later he watched Belle Bonny move down onto the deck.

While the boarding party was completing their search, Billy looked off in the distance to see if he could see the Swan. It had been a while since he had even thought of her, and now he wondered if she would make it safely to her destination. Billy had an idea of where they were going based on the instructions that were passed onto her and the course she was instructed to take.

Billy was snapped back to focusing on the present when he heard shouting and noticed the boarding party was returning. Once the grappling hooks were removed, Billy maneuvered the Andrea away from the Spanish ship and called out to the Spanish captain, "good luck."

Belle Bonny called out the heading, and Billy directed the ship accordingly. Moments later, there was an explosion behind them. Billy turned with the rest of the crew to look at the Spanish ship, and realized that the explosion came from below deck on the Spanish ship. There was no doubt it was taking on water, and would soon be sinking to the bottom of the sea.
After Andrea's port side guns erupted and the portion of smoke that had been blown back into her gun deck cleared, Bonny rushed up the ladder to the main deck to observe the results. Her lips widened significantly; Billy had maneuvered the ship perfected to allow not only a full broadsides but one that allowed their already aimed cannons to send their dangerous payload directly at the other vessel's cannon ports. Two, possibly three of the 8 cannon balls had struck very near or even entered the Spanish ship's gun ports, and the explosion on her gun deck was devastating.

Bonny looked through the graying smoke still wafting over Andea's deck to her temporary but wonderfully skilled pilot, made eye contact with him, pressed one hand to her mouth, and playfully blew him a kiss.

The mayhem aboard the other vessel was obvious, and -- as Billy himself was thinking -- Bonny knew the fight was won. She called down to the leader of the gun crews, "Rifles, Chief! Clear her decks and prepare for boarding!"

The sailors who'd been manning the cannons all collected rifles or moved topside to prepare the scatter guns as Bonny hurried aft to join Billy on the Quarterdeck. He recommended, "Captain, I believe we should board the ship and see if there is anything that you would desire to possess."

"And Captain, I believe that you are absolutely correct!" Bonny responded with obvious joy in her tone. Using a less loftier title for Billy for the fun of it, she ordered, "Move us along side her, sailor"

She stepped aside so that he could see both the Spanish ship and her men below them as the latter moved to the port rail, their arms filled with long guns. The Gun Crew Chief hollered and a loud round of small arms fire filled the air. On the other side of the slowly diminishing gap of sea between them, men rushing about in an attempt to put out the fires fell, some screaming as the large rounds of shot ripped through torsos or nearly severed limbs. Another coordinated round of fire came, then a third, and by that time Billy had moved the Andrea close enough for the boarding to begin.

Bonny's men met little resistance by the time they were crossing to the other ship, mostly by simply jumping from deck to deck but also via three makeshift brows flopped across the vessels' railings. All the while, four sharpshooters scattered along Andrea's length picked off any Spaniard who posed a threat … or, to be honest, didn't.

By the time Bonny herself crossed, there wasn't a enemy sailor still on his feet; all were dead, dying, or huddling at the base of the Quarterdeck, surround by her blade-armed men. Pinch had come across, perused the lower decks, and come topside again to find his boss, who he knew wouldn't have been too far behind him.

"They have fresh food, water, and drink … ale, tea, wine…" the Quartermaster reported. He lofted an open but still full bottle of cloudy liquid before him, saying, "Some bottles of something I've never seen"

Bonny took the bottle, sniffed at it, tipped it to her mouth to get just a taste, then took a big swig of it. "Rice wine."

Pinch seemed happy to know that it wasn't some sort of savage cleaning solution or poison. He took a swig himself, winced at the strange flavor, then took yet a bigger one. The pair of them discussed what to seize and what to ignore, then Pinch rushed off to gather men for the pillaging.

Bonny headed for the Spanish Captain's quarters, wanting to collect his logs; Pinch had already told her that the vessel's treasury chest had been found, as had a number of valuable gold and silver ornaments and pieces of dinnerware for the Captain's personal dining table. By the time she reached the Main Stateroom, Bonny found her pirates filling their arms, pockets, and any sort of bag they could find. As they finished up and headed back for Andrea, Bonny set about collecting the ship's logs and any maps she could find.

She was about to head out when there was a sudden movement to her left. Bonny reacted instinctively, stepping back and aside and reaching for the dagger on her belt. But it was too late and she cried out in pain as the blade entered her side. The blood covered, injured, yet still very much alive and fight-ready man had been on the floor beneath yet another body; Bonny, like the pirates before her, hadn't thought to check the man to ensure that he was in fact fully dead.

The Spaniard -- it would turn out to be the ship's Captain -- pulled his blade back and lunged forward again, but this time Bonny was ready; she stepped from his path, grasped the wrist of his attacking hand, and pulled him off balance enough to cause him to tumble forward over the top of his map table. He attempted to get back to his feet, but by the time he'd struggled just to his knees, Bonny was standing over him with the point of her blade to his throat. He reached his arm out to one side and dropped the saber, now stained with the blood of the pirate who was poised to end his life.

"Eres una mujer…!" he said with surprise after his gaze had settled for a moment upon Bonny's obvious bosom.

She smiled through the pain at the comment she hadn't expected to hear. As she clutched a hand over the bleeding wound in her side, Bonny repeated his words in English, "Yes … I am a woman."

He continued in shock, "¿Su capitán permite que una mujer esté en su nave?"

Again Bonny smiled. She corrected him, "Yes, my Captain allows a woman to be on his ship … because I am the captain of Andrea."

The Spaniard's eyes only widened at that information. He rambled on for a moment about the inappropriateness of a mere female being aboard a war ship, which he considered the pirate vessel to be. He must have believed -- incorrectly -- that Bonny's Spanish language skills were not advanced. He told her with a polite tone, "I speak Inglés."

"Fill your hands with your ship's logs and maps," she told him as she backed away, the blade still pointing at him, "Deliver them to my ship … and I will let you and your men live … understand...? ¿Entender?"

The man nodded after a moment of hesitation, stood, and quickly began gathering up all that Bonny had dropped during the attack. He was constantly glancing toward Bonny; his eyes sometimes went to her face, sometimes to her wound, and sometimes to her bosom, which was continuing to baffle him as he'd likely never seen tits on a fighting sailor before.

"Go," she told him when he had all he could carry. "Go!"

Bonny called out for help, and a moment later one of her men arrived and -- as ordered -- led the Spaniard away. She had turned her wounded side away from the pirate to conceal her injury, and after the men left, Bonny searched about the Captain's things. She stripped off her bloodied blouse, wrapped thin waist with a fine table cloth to slow the bleeding, then donned one of the Captain's own shirts and the jacket of a Dress Uniform that the man probably hadn't worn since his last port of call.

Back aboard the Andrea, Bonny struggled through the pain and did her best to conceal that she'd been attacked at all. Billy was helping to bring an end to the attack, overseeing the removal of the grappling lines and the organized collection of the items of value from the Spanish warship. When he saw Bonny, he told her, "Captain, their ship is damaged and will not be sea worthy for long. However, they should pay the ultimate price for their unprovoked attack on you. Should you have your men scuttle the ship?"

Bonny was about to answer, but a shot of pain caused her to wince and turn from him. She only half turned her face back to Billy and nodded. She would leave him to organize having a fused bomb hidden in the Spanish ship's powder magazine. She snagged the arm of the previous Officer of the Deck as he happened by, told him to get them home, and looked up to Billy as he masterfully conducted his duties as if he were, in fact, a member of this pirate crew.

"Give him the coordinates of Nuevo Nassau," she told the pirate. "Help him get us home."

"Are you alright?" the pirate inquired when he saw that Bonny seemed a bit pale.

"I'm fine!" she snapped at him. Coincidentally, one of her jubilant sailors was passing by with a bottle of the rice wine. Bonny snatched it from him, held it up before the OOD, and lied, "I drank some of this swill, and now I need to shit and puke and shit again."

She threw the bottle over the side of the ship, ordered the pirate to do as told, and headed down ladder for her quarters. She'd forgotten about the cannon the Gun Chief had had wheeled into her stateroom for the first volley at the Spanish vessel; the explosion of gunpowder that had sent the incendiary projectile aft had coated much of her private space with fine, gray residue. The space stunk more than it typically did when out to sea as they'd been for two weeks already.

As Billy was sending the Spanish Captain back to his ship with a Good luck wish, Bonny was being helped out of the man's jacket and shirt by Rolly, who had immediately come to his Captain's side upon her return from the crippled warship. Her cabin boy was worried for her; the wound was worse than she was letting on, he promised her.

"I should go get Mister Billy--" he began.

"No!" Bonny managed to squeak out as Rolly gently removed the table cloth, which already was stained with a considerable amount of blood. "Sew me up. I'll be fine. No one … do you hear me...? No one … is to know about this."

"But what am I supposed--"

"If anyone asked, it was the Apo," she told him. Rolly donned an expression showing his lack of understanding. She explained, "The rice wine. If anyone asks, I drank a bottle that had gone back. I'm sick … I'm spewing from both ends … and I don't want to be seen like that. Understand?"

Rolly reluctantly agreed. He retrieved the stitching kit and set about sewing Bonny's still-bleeding wound as quickly and neatly as he could. The bleeding was nearly stopped by the time he bit the thread off. He bandaged it with a pad and a length of cloth around Bonny's waist, then reached for one of her shirts.

"No," she told him. "There's no reason to dirty one of those. Get me rum and soup … and set the guard outside my quarters."

Suddenly, from far beyond the bulkhead of Andrea, an enormous boom signaled the end of the Spanish ship. Bonny painfully moved to the aft windows of her stateroom and looked out. Twelve points to port, the sea was being pelted by debris from the gunpowder magazine explosion that would send the vessel to below the waves in under three minutes. Off aft of the sinking ship, Bonny could see the vessel's 14 foot long Launch being rowed away, the survivors working to loft the small, triangular sail. Bonny couldn't help but wonder whether or not the Captain who likely would be her own death had gone down with his ship or made it to the launch.

When Rolly returned with drink and food, he begged her, "Please, Captain, you need more attention than that which I can give you. A doctor is three, four days away."

"You're all I need, Rolly," she told him with a sincere tone. She gestured to her britches and boots and said, "Help me out of these."

Soon, she was naked with the exception of the bandage wrapping her waist. Rolly stripped Bonny's bed and remade it with clean linens as she ate and drank, the latter happening until the flask of rum was nearly gone. He helped her into bed, helped her eat most of the remaining soup, and then went for a second flask of alcohol to help dim the pain.

But by the time he returned, Bonny was passed out, the empty glass on the floor rolling about with the ship's movements. Rolly covered his Captain's bare bosom with the bedding, then set about cleaning her quarters with wet rags that darkened repeatedly as they absorbed the gunpowder residue.


Six hours passed. The crew had been told about their Captain's sickness, something they joked about without showing any real disrespect to their leader. Billy had been told he had the Conn, and the man he'd replaced earlier shared piloting duties with him.

As the sun was nearing the western horizon, though, Rolly slipped up close to the merchant captain and asked him to follow him below deck. Rolly led Billy aft to the Captain's stateroom, lying to the Guards there that the man had been summoned. Once inside with the door closed, Rolly told Billy bluntly, "I fear she will die if we don't find a doctor quickly … more quickly than returning to Nuevo Nassau."

He watched Billy react in his own way to seeing Bonny laying there, almost white as a ghost. "I do not know our position, Captain Billy … I am not knowing of such ship's business. But … I do know that the town of Bandarbeyla, on the Somali coast … there is an English fort there, and they have a Surgeon. Mister Wilkins would know if it was closer than home."

Ran Wilkins was the Second Mate, the senior pirate Billy had replaced as pilot and he was currently at the wheel and knowing of their exact position. He did, in fact, know that Bandarbeyla was closer, just a day and half sail from Andrea's current position. And while the city was an internationally neutral port, the hospital and the fort in which it was housed were English.

"Or perhaps your ship has a doctor, Captain Billy," Rolly went on. "Perhaps you know where she is...? Can find her again?"
As they began their journey away from the sinking Spanish ship, Billy continued to be on an adrenaline high. He had executed the attack on the Spanish ship to perfection. Now, he followed the Second Mate's directions as he shared the direction for them to go.

Billy was shocked to see that Belle Bonny was nowhere to be found as they sailed away from such a decided victory. He heard her mentioning something about being sick, but couldn't imagine her getting that sick so quickly.

They were well into their journey toward the pirate's home base when Billy started to wonder about the condition of the Captain. It was unusual for a ship captain to be out of commission for so long. Belle Bonny had shown herself to be very tough. This was out of character for her.

Rolly approached and whispered to Billy. It was a surprise to see him on the Quarterdeck, especially when Belle Bonny was under the weather. Rollly asked Billy to follow him. Billy told the Second Mate that he had the conn and followed the cabinboy to Belle Bonny's quarters.

Rolly told the guards that the Captain had requested Billy's presence, and they were allowed to enter. Once inside, Rolly almost broke down. He was obviously very worried about Belle Bonny. Billy looked at the pirate captain and immediately understood the the cabinboy was upset.

"The first thing you need to do is get me some clear alcohol. I don't care where you find it. I would bet that there was some brought aboard from the Spanish ship. Brown liquor won't do. Get it now."

Moving to the bed, Billy pulled the blanket off of her completely. Her body being revealed to him did not elicit the same response as it had before. He needed to do something to save her, and he needed to do it quickly or she wouldn't make it to the British hospital.

Examining the wound, Billy noticed that someone, probably Rolly, had done an incredible job stitching her up. Billy wasn't sure that the would should be closed up though. As he located a knife in the cabin, Rolly re-entered carrying two bottles of clear liquid.

He saw the look on Rolly's face as Billy stood there with the knife. "No, Rolly. I am not going to hurt her. I need to open the incision, because we need to clean out the wound. We can't take the risk of any infection."

Kneeling next to Belle Bonny, Billy began to cut the thread that Rolly had used to stitch her up. Then, he took some of the alcohol and sprinkled it on the wound. Belle Bonny sat up screaming, "What the fuck are you doing? I will have your balls for this."

Billy guided her back down and tried to explain that he was just making sure to clean out the infection. She looked at Rolly, "I thought I told you to tell nobody." The cabinboy didn't respond. He was too afraid to say a word.

Grabbing a clean blouse off the Captain's dresser, Billy ripped it into strips. He poured some alcohol onto a couple of strips and began dabbing the wound; trying to make sure they did not allow it to get infected.

Turning to Rolly, "We are going to leave the wound open for now as long as it doesn't bleed too much. We need to let it air out a little. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Billy left and went to the Quarterdeck and instructed the Second Mate to set their course for Banderbayla. When the Second Mate gave him a puzzled look, he simply said, "Captain's orders," and shrugged his shoulders.

He returned to the Captain's quarters, and, after arguing with the guards for a moments, was allowed to re-enter the cabin. "We need to keep her alive until we get her to the hospital. Then. it will be up to the Surgeons."

Once they neared Banderbayla, Billy went up onto the deck and ordered everyone below deck at once... Captain's orders. He made sure additional liquor was available to them to keep them occupied and to keep them from asking questions.

Once the deck was clear, Billy explained to the guards what happened to their Captain and that they needed to keep it quiet. Then he went into her quarters and wrapped her in her sheet, and had the guards help him carry her onto the deck.

After loading her into a launch, Billy climbed aboard with her and the guards. "I will take her to the English hospital. Being English, I will be able to navigate through any issues that might arise. You two will stay with the launch."

Once they were ashore, Billy carried Belle Bonny to the hospital. He told the admitting nurse that it was his wife and that she had been stabbed by a pirate who raided their ship. She was immediately taken in to see the surgeon.
Bonny was so weak from blood loss that she didn't know Billy was hovering over her until he began cutting at the string holding her torn flesh together. It took all of her strength to raise her objection, and later -- when she had her faculties back again -- she wouldn't even remember having threatened his gonads.

Deep in her clouded mind, she understood that the hostage captain was trying to help, even if she didn't fully understand what he was doing. She laid back into the bedding again, semi-aware of the fact that her only clothing was a waist-banded slip Rolly had had pulled up her legs to her waist while she'd been unconscious. Her firm, dark skinned breasts, though, were on full display to the man who she'd already stated might one day soon be the one to actually enjoy toying with them.

Bonny was in and out of consciousness while Billy worked upon her, finally falling asleep only after he'd finished all he could do for her. Hours passed, and when next she opened her eyes with any sense of understanding, the lamps were low and the sky beyond her windows was dark. Billy came to sit on the edge of the bed again, checking on her, and Bonny -- grimacing in pain -- rolled to wrap her arms around his midsection.

"Stay with me," she whispered, pulling him closer to her. She nuzzled her cheek up against his chest, rolling even further until she had practically forced him back into the mass of pillows at the bed's port end. She was once again drifting off as she murmured, "Don't let me die alone..."


Rolly gently shook Billy awake, lifting an extended finger to his lips as he pointed to the sleeping Belle Bonny. While the cabin boy looked on from the other side of the room, the merchant captain had fallen asleep with the pirate captain in his arms the night before. Now, the early morning light was flooding into the cabin, indicating the passage of time.

"Mister Wilkins would like to see you on deck, Captain Murray," Rolly whispered. It was the first time the cabin boy had actually used Billy's surname, his effort at showing his newfound respect for the man who previously had been just a hostage and, possibly, a threat to his own treasured Captain. Rolly moved forward to help Billy out from under Bonny's form without awaking her. "I will stay with her, Captain. She's in good hands, yours and mine."

Up on the Quarterdeck, the Second Mate -- who knew their destination but not their reason for the course change -- offered Billy a tri-folded flag of blue, red, and white. He said with a matter of fact tone, "English port … English flag. I don't think The Black would be welcomed here."

Aft of them, over the stern, an unseen pirate called out a profanity and chastised yet another unseen body. Wilkins shrugged and explained, "Name change. Again, English port … and they know the Andrea."

If Billy was to look over the railing, he would find four men struggling to affix a wooden plank upon which was carved the name Prosperity. The sign had originated with this crew's previous ship, Retribution; Bonny had had the forethought to keep it when she'd bartered away that ship for this one.

Reaching Bandarbeyla, Billy employed Mister Wilkins, Rolly, and the two guards in getting Bonny off the ship via the launch. Rolly was practically in tears at being restricted to the ship; Mister Wilkins calmed him by promising to let him cook some of the exotic Indian food they'd taken from the Spanish ship.

At the hospital, Bonny was hurried into what the hospital called its operating room. It wasn't up to the standards of an English hospital, but it was likely the cleanest and best equipped medical facility for 2,000 miles. The Surgeon was making rounds down at the docks when Billy arrived. The Admitting Nurse explained that he was checking on some of his recovering patients, the officers and sailors of two English warships. A week earlier, they had gotten into a running fight with a pirate vessel, and a dozen or so men had been injured during the foray.

"Nasty monsters, pirates," the Nurse mumbled to herself as she was escorting the Queen of pirates back to the operating room. She told Billy, "One day we'll have enough brave lads like yourself to rid the seas of these bloodthirsty criminals … and the Spanish, too. Don't forget the Spanish … bloody bastards."

The Nurse had already sent a runner to the docks and told Billy he would have to wait outside for now. "You wife will be fine, sir, trust me. We have the best doctor on the Continent here in Doctor Vincent. Best!"

A few minutes later, the Doctor arrived and went directly to work on Bonny. When he finally emerged -- his gloves and smock covered in red -- he reported that Billy's wife would be fine. "The blade missed her organs and only barely nicked an artery. I repaired it, cleaned the wound, and sewed her back up. By the way, I noticed the earlier stitching work. Fine job, fine job. Please tell your ship's doctor if he ever decides to jump ship, he's welcome here. But, he was right to cut the wound open and clean it a second time. I saw signs of infection brewing, but … I think I caught it before it got into her blood."

He gave the Nurse some information and instructions, then told Billy, "You'll need to leave her here for at least two weeks. She needs to rest … and she needs to be watched. That won't be a problem, will it? Do you have a cargo that needs to get somewhere in a timely manner?"
Billy waited as the doctor worked on Belle Bonny. He knew she would get the best care as long as they thought she was the wife of an Englishman. He was relieved when the doctor came out and said that she would be just fine.

he listened as the doctor complimented the work that Rolly had done to stitch Bonny up, and the fact that the incision had been reopened and cleaned out. Billy took a little pride in making that decision.

When Billy heard the doctor say that Belle Bonny would have to stay in the hospital for two weeks, he paused for a moment. Of course, in the best of circumstances, having Bonny in the hospital for two weeks would have been the best. These were not the best circumstances.

"I don't know doctor. Two weeks is a long time, and we need to get our cargo to its destination in a timely manner or else none of us will get paid. The merchants in London do not look kindly on late deliveries."

The doctor looked at Billy thoughtfully. He said she really needed two weeks, but one week might be okay. Billy thanked him and asked if he could see his wife. A nurse led Billy in to see Bonny. He sat with him until she was awake. He knew he didn't have much time before she fell back off, so, he told her that she was his wife if anyone asked. "Just go with that. I will explain later."

No sooner had he said that and Bonny was out again. He quietly left her room and told the nurse he would be back shortly. Billy then went out to the launch and told the guards that they were going to have to sneak the Captain out of the hospital.

It was too risky to keep her here for any amount of time. There was the risk that someone would recognize her and that would not be good. He told the guards to give him 3 hours, and then to come to the hospital. In the mean time, they were to get word to the ship to be ready to sail.

Returning to the hospital, Billy started asking about Bonny's treatment, and what they were giving her. The nurse showed her a bottle next to the bed that was being used to treat the incision and another that had a liquid that Bonny was being given to help control the fever. The only other thing was that they were changing her dressings regularly to keep the incision clean

Billy looked around as he listened to the nurse talk. He saw a cabinet behind the Nurse's desk. That had to be where they kept their supplies. Billy sat with Bonny; periodically holding her hand. What he was about to do was not in her best interest, but it had to be done.

When the nurse went down the hall, Billy snuck behind the desk and grabbed 3 extra bottles of each of medicines the nurse said they were using on and giving Bonny. He made sure to make it look like nothing had been disturbed and returned to Bonny's room.

As the time neared for the guards to arrive at the hospital, Billy asked the nurse if there was any way he could get some extra dressings for his wife's wound that he could keep on the ship for when they set sail. The nurse went down a hallway and came back 10 minutes later with a supply for him. Then she said she was leaving and a new nurse was coming on.

That gave Billy an idea. He hid the dressings the nurse had given him, and when the guards arrived, he asked the new nurse for dressings to take to the ship. She agreed and went to get them. Figuring they had about 10 minutes, they put the plan in action.

Billy lifted Bonny and carried her in his arms. He was as gentle as possible, but moved quickly. The guards led the way and. as soon as Billy had Bonny in the launch, they were heading to the Andrea which was currently sitting docked under the English flag as the Prosperity.

When they got the captain aboard her ship, she was immediately taken to her quarters, and before Billy got her there, they were already moving out of the harbor. Now, they just needed to make sure Belle Bonny survived.
Bonny awoke to find Rolly scurrying about in his duties of tending to his mistress.

"I'm sorry to wake you, Captain," Rolly said softly, "but it is time for you to wake and get dressed."

The cabin boy was working over the small wood stove, cooking bacon, bread, and eggs fresh from the greens they kept aboard.

She smiled, asking, "Do I smell coffee?"

"Yes, Captain," Rolly confirmed. He delivered a steaming, wooden mug. "We took it off the Spanish ship. I hoarded it for you, Captain."

He helped her upright to sip at the hot liquid, into which he'd put goat's milk and honey. Bonny practically purred like a kitten.

"Let me check your wound," Rolly said, lifting Bonny's sleeping shirt. He pulled back the bandage for a peek. "I think you'll live, Captain."

Bonny caught sight of the healing wound and showed confusion. "It … it's very much healed, Rolly. How long … what day is this? How long ago--"

"Six days, Captain," Rolly said, smiling at the surprise in Bonny's face.

Rolly recounted the missing days. "Now it's time to get up, Captain. We are arriving at Nuevo Nassau, and you should be at the helm when we arrive."

"Billy," Bonny murmured as her memory returned to her. "Is he still aboard? Did he get off in Bandarbeyla?"

Rolly smiled, then laughed. "Of course not, Captain. He's at the helm, with Mister Wilkins."

A wide smile spread Bonny's lips, and -- whether it was about relief, happiness, or simple pain -- her eyes glazed over and a tear ran down her cheek. The cabin boy asked if she wanted more of the pain reliever Billy had stolen from the hospital, but Bonny told him she was fine. She waved for Rolly to help her to her feet, telling him, "Help me dress."


It took far longer to dress Bonny than normal, of course; Rolly had to wrap her waist to ensure that if she broke the stitches they would not bleed into her blouse, and then the simple act of getting her into her clothes was difficult as well. But soon enough the cabin boy was opening the door of her statement, and Captain Belle Bonny was once again heading for Quarterdeck.

The guards outside her room had known she was coming out, and when she appeared they snapped tall and raised their hands to their right foreheads as if removing their caps in salute. She nodded back to them and continued onward; she met another half dozen men along the way who once again showed the sign of respect.

"No … no!" she told one of the guards when they reached the ladder and he offered to help her climb. She told them, "I'm not worthy of being your Captain if I can't climb a fucking ladder."

They didn't help her, but they stayed close in case she failed the climb. But climb she did; it hurt a great deal, but Bonny hid the grimaces and controlled the grunts. By the time she stepped out onto the main deck, word had already gotten around the ship of her approach; the men who weren't currently involved in a task that couldn't be interrupted had all assembled on the main deck, while those who couldn't leave their post were doing their best to stand tall for the upcoming salute.

"Captain on deck!"

As one body, the entire assembled crew quickly stomped one foot after another to the deck and threw their right hands up to salute. Bonny studied the group for a moment; a proud smile spread her mouth. She stepped forward enough to give her a view of the quarterdeck, from where the call to attention had come. Standing side by side were Mister Wilkens, Pinch, and Billy, who ironically were a Scot, a Frenchie, and a Brit, Bonny only just now realized.

She looked back to the men, then called out loudly, "Mister Wilkens!"

"Aye, Captain," the Second Mate called out.

As she wandered forward toward her pirates, Bonny called out, "I believe there is an English merchant sailor standing on my Quarterdeck … is that not right, Mister Wilkens?"

"Aye, Captain, that is right," Wilkins called, his lips threatening to spread at wondering where Bonny was taking this.

"Why-y-y-y … [/I]is there an English merchant sailor standing on my Quarterdeck … Mister Wilkins?" she continued her inquiry. She was now walking down the line of pirates, all of whom were stiffly at attention, even while a few faces were filling with humor as was the Second Mate's. Bonny asked, "Is this English merchant sailor standing on my Quarterdeck because he has done something significant to deserve to be standing on my Quarterdeck … Mister Wilkins?"

"Aye, Captain," Wilkins responded.

The first of the uncontrollable snickers sounded from the middle row of pirates, just feet from Bonny. She gave the man a quick, hard glare … but when she screwed up her face with shifting lips, eyes, and brows, the man and at least four more near him struggled to contain their own laughter as well.

"And just exactly what is it that this Englishman to deserve to stand … where, Mister Wilkens...?"

On your Quarterdeck, Captain," Wilkens answered. "I'm afraid you would have to ask the men, Captain."

Bonny looked to the men at the end of the row, then performed an about face that caused just enough pain to make her grimace a bit. She brushed it off, began her slow pace back down the line, and called out loud enough that even the Bow Watch could hear her, "Did this Englishman who is standing on my Quarterdeck lead our ship heroically into battle...?"

Simultaneously, every pirate on the ship responded loudly, "Aye, Captain!"

With only a second's hesitation, Bonny continued, "Despite not being a member of this crew … despite owing no loyalty to this crew, to this ship, to this Captain...?"

Again but even louder, "Aye, Captain!"

Did this Englishman standing on my Quarterdeck lead us to a victory that will be written about and spoken of for years to come … a victory that will make captains of merchant ships and warships alike fear this vessel, her crew, her captain, and her name … Andrea!"

The roar this time almost hurt Bonny's ears: "Aye, Captain!"

Bonny continued her walk toward the end of the line,

Turning to look toward the Quarterdeck and Billy specifically, Bonny took a couple of steps forward and hesitated. She was going to continue her monologue with a question about whether or not Billy had saved their Captain's life, but she passed on it. Bonny didn't think it helped her to mention how close she'd been to death.

"Crew...!" she called out after several seconds. They reacted with another loud Aye, Captain, and she asked, "Do you think this Englishman standing on my Quarterdeck deserves to stand on my Quarterdeck?"

The resounding answer was, "Aye, Captain!"

"Do you think this Englishman standing on my deck deserves a place on the crew of Andrea?"

Again, a hearty, "Aye, Captain!"

Bonny's slow pace had put her below Billy at about a 45 degree angle. She thought for a moment that she caught him taking in her once-again well displayed, bustier lifted bosom. She smiled to him for a moment, wondering If I asked you to stay with us … with me … would you?

She turned, congratulated the crew on a professional and productive cruise, then called, "Mister Wilkens, how long to Nuevo Nassau?"

"She's on the horizon already, Captain."

Bonny walked over to the port railing, and there taking up 45 degrees of the horizon was the Northwest coast of Madagascar.

"Mister Wilkens, take us home," she told him as she looked off toward the mouth of Soalala Bay. "And you may dismissed the crew."

From behind and above her, the Second Mate called out, "Crew dismissed! Man your stations for arrival."

The mass of pirates erupted in raucous hollering and laughter and hoots and whistles. Bonny studied them for a long moment as they scattered; every single man, even if it was out of their way, came by Bonny to salute her personally. She looked up to Billy, smiled, and gestured him toward her with a curling finger before she herself began walking toward the bow. When he caught up with her, she nodded her head toward the harbor entrance, some 8 miles away, and handed him the looking glass she'd borrowed from the Port Watch.

"I think that belongs to you … Englishman," she said with humor after she indicated where he should be looking. In the mouth of the bay, where the water was deep enough to handle her draft but not so deep as to prevent proper anchorage, was the English merchant ship Swan. After he'd lowered the glass, she told him with a suggestive tone, "Now … you have to make a decision. Are you just an Englishman who took a turn standing on my Quarterdeck...?"

She didn't offer the second option. He knew what it was. He probably also knew what else came with that second option.
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Once Belle Bonny was safely in her stateroom, Billy's work with her was done. It would be up to her cabinboy to do the rest and to make sure that she stayed alive. Billy made his way up to the deck to look back as they left the harbor and eventually made his way up to the Quarterdeck.

Approaching the Second Mate, Billy thanked him for doing such a great job in preparing the crew to get out of the port as quickly as possible. "I am here to help you in any way that I can Mr. Wilkins. You have proved yourself to be a very capable seaman, I will be sure to let the Captain know once she is well."

For the next four days, the two men took turns sailing the Andrea on its journey to her home port. Billy periodically would check in with Rolly and the guards to see how Belle Bonny was doing. The guards had warmed up to Billy after the way he had executed getting her treatment and then back on the ship.

At night, when Mr. Wilkins had the conn, Billy would sit next to Belle Bonny and check on her; at times moving to her and holding her as she shivered or whimpered in pain in her sleep.

Billy wasn't sure why he was taking care of Belle Bonny this way. Why did he go through with the risk of getting her out of the hospital? Was it because the deal he had made was with her, and he wasn't sure that the other pirates would uphold the deal? Was there another reason?

As they approached Nuevo Nassau, Billy heard a rumbling down below. Then he realized that Belle Bonny was on the deck. Billy stiffened as the pirate captain asked Mr. Wilkins if there was an English merchant sailor on HER quarterdeck.

As he continued to listen, Billy realized that perhaps she was having a little fun at his expense; and Mr. Wilkins expense as well. As he looked down at her, he couldn't help to admire the woman that was under the hard exterior of the pirate captain. In fact, he thought that maybe she had caught him with his eyes on her amazing breasts.

When she motioned for him to join her, he immediately moved down to the deck and then walked up beside her. "You are looking much better now than the last time you were on deck Captain. Much better, actually" He smiled at her as they walked together.

Taking the spyglass from her, Billy looked out and saw the Swan. He could see that her cargo was being offloaded onto smaller boats and taken ashore. It was almost like and assembly line. He looked at Belle Bonny, "your First Mate does good work. He is already relieving my ship of its cargo. Oh, and your Second Mate did an incredible job and deserves much praise for his efforts."

He listened to her as she began to ask a question, but did not finish it. He looked at her and remained silent for a moment. He thought he knew what she was asking, but he did not want to assume. His mind wandered through the events of the last five days.... boarded by pirates.. ship confiscated.. made a prisoner on the pirate ship... fingering the pirate captain's scar and then having her do the same to him,,, twice....pirate captain revealing her incredible body to him...sailing the pirate ship into battle... saving the pirate by getting her treatment in a British hospital by saying she was his wife... sneaking her out of the hospital..... now having her, he thought anyway, ask him to join her crew.

"Captain, if you are asking if I would stay aboard the Andrea,I am not sure what role I would fill on such a wonderful ship. You have an amazing crew is is extremely loyal to you and love you like no Captain I have ever seen. Your First Mate and your Second Mate are great sailors and do everything you need them to do."

He looked into her captivating eyes. "You are a great Captain.. not just a pirate captain, but a great Captain. It would be an honor to serve under you, but I do not see a role on this ship for me. As much as I have enjoyed my time aboard.. as much as I enjoyed the attack of the Spanish ship, with you and the First Mate aboard together, there would be nothing for me to do."
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At the port side bow, Bonny and Billy spoke of his ship and her officers. It pleased her very much that the two crews had worked together so professionally, despite one of them being a merchantship crew and the other being the pirates who had taken the merchantship and its crew hostage.

"I know we have a deal, Captain … Billy," Bonny began, "And I plan to honor it in its entirety. I always had, but now … after what happened … I would not be worthy of my command if I were to betray you and your crew now..."

She hesitated for a moment, glancing back toward the Quarterdeck. Pinch and Mister Wilkins both were looking at the two Captains, knowing what one of them was wanting to ask the other. "You are an honorable man, Captain Murray … and you have sworn an oath to your crew and your employer … and, indirectly, to your nation."

When Bonny wasn't able to come right out and ask, Billy took over, telling her, "Captain, if you are asking if I would stay aboard the Andrea,I am not sure what role I would fill on such a wonderful ship."

He spoke more on the subject, but before Bonny could respond one way or another, one of the crew approached them and told Bonny she was needed below. She asked what this need was, but the sailor only said that he'd been sent to fetch her.

"Please give me a moment, Captain," Bonny told Billy. As she slipped by him, she looked him in the eye with a devilish smirk and she intentionally allow her boosted bosom to just ever so slightly graze across his chest and arm. "I'll be back to finish this conversation."


(FYI: The Soalala Bay link below is just a Google Maps link. You don't have to open it if you don't want.)

While Belle Bonny was tending to that for which she'd been dragged away -- during which time Andrea had nearly closed the distance to Swan -- Mister Wilkins invited Billy to come to the helm and guide this ship up beside the other. Mister Wilkins told him tongue-in-cheek, "If anyone's going to crash our ship into yours … it should be you, Captain."

But, as Mister Wilkins had actually expected, Billy brought the slowly moving ship up to the anchored vessel with the same skill in which he'd led the pirate ship to victory over the Spanish warship. The two craft were tied alongside one another, and a brow laid down between the raised sections of railing.

About then, Bonny reappeared, in time to hear Connor Read call from the deck of Swan, "Permission to come aboard, Captain."

Bonny gestured her First Mate forward, asking Read when he arrived, "The other men?"

"Helping with the offload, Captain," he told her. "One man on the dock, one walking with the wagon to the warehouse, one at the warehouse. Still have three on Swan…"

He hesitated, not wanting to say what he was about to say in front of the other ship's captain. Bonny told him to speak freely, though, to which Connor said exactly what his own Captain and likely the other one was expecting: "Keeping an eye on the transfer … just to ensure everything gets to where it's supposed to go. No offense intended, Captain Billy,"

Bonny could see that Billy wanted to get to his own vessel and check on it and its crew. Without waiting for him to ask, she told him, "Permission to disembark granted, Captain Murry."

But as he was preparing to cross the brow, Bonny quickly said, "Don't forget to come back, though. Remember, you're my hostage."

Once Billy had crossed back to Swan, Bonny asked her First Mate, "So, everyone behaved I take it? No problems?"

"Problems...? Problems?" a somewhat annoyed Read asked. He said with a complaining voice, "They sing! All the time. Day and night, night and day, sing, sing, sing. And not good songs … not … not pirate songs. Songs about sheep in high meadows and King George and how great the English fleet is at protecting the Realm … and sheep! Did I mention the sheep? It's enough to drive a man mad."

Bonny asked Read, "Are you sure they weren't trying to drive you mad, Connor?"

Read stared at his boss for a moment, the wheels in his mind obviously turning hard and fast; his face began to turn red, as if those brain wheels had no whale oil lubricant to cool them. He turned to look across at the men of Swan, then hollered out with anger, "Bastards you are … one and all."

Bonny burst out laughing, reached up to her First Mate's long, thick beard and tugged at it gently. When he objected, she told him, "You missed your opportunity to bloody your beard, Redbeard."

His face filled with shock. "You took Andrea into battle after we separated from you … without me?"

She told him all about the Spanish warship, including Billy's role in the victory. Again, Read turned to look toward the other vessel, and despite not seeing Billy at this moment, he hollered their direction once again, "Bastards, I tell you, one and all!"

He looked to Bonny again and asked about casualties, meaning on their side, of course. Bonny lifted the lower hem of her blouse up against her bustier's bottom ridge to reveal the still-stitched scar just above her hip bone. She told him about that, too, adding, "Captain Murray took command while I was incapacitated … sailed us to Bandarbeyla … got me in to see their English doctor … in their English hospital … in their English fort."

"Captain Murray," Read mused, going on, "They call him Captain Billy, you know. A bit too familiar if you ask me."

"He saved my life, Connor," Bonny pointed out. "He didn't have to. So, we will call him whatever the hell he wants to be called all the way up to and including God Almighty."

Connor only grunted. They stared into one another's eyes for a moment as Connor tried to read his Captain's mind. Pirate ships didn't get their officers from an Academy, like the ships of the Admiralty. If Billy had indeed proven himself as Bonny described, Connor knew that Bonny would want to ask him to give up his life of hauling tea and silk for far more adventurous duties. Connor inquired, "Did you ask--"

"I laid the groundwork," she interrupted. She gave her First Mate a moment to contemplate what it would mean to bring an English Captain into their crew. Bonny wondered whether or not Connor was thinking this was more about bringing Billy into her bed. She told him, "It's up to him, but … I'm not holding my breath."

"'cause it hurts too much," Connor said, gently poking at Bonny's latest wound with an extended finger.

She squealed, more in surprise than actual pain, and slugged him in the upper chest. "Bastard! That hurt!"

"So does not being part of sinking a Spanish warship to the bottom of the sea," he said, moving forward to take the much smaller Bonny in against him in a tight hug. He finished, "So, we're even."

Pinch stepped up to interrupt the reunion, telling Bonny, "Captain, the men are wondering whether we're going inside or staying here for the night."

By inside the Quartermaster meant inside or into Soalala Bay. Andrea's draft, even when she was heavily loaded, was shallow enough that she could get into the tiny harbor without running up upon the sandy bottom. At the lowest of low tides, the fit was tight, and Bonny had in fact put her ship on the bottom that one time. But two hours later with sea level again rising and a stiff, favorable wind, Andrea skidding right off the sand and headed out to sea for a bit more piracy.

Swan, however -- even fully unloaded -- with her deep draft and overall greater length would neither get past the mouth of the bay nor be able to navigate the tight turns that would bring up to the anchorage a mile and a half northwest of the town which Andrea's crew now called home. Some of her cargo had already been transferred to smaller boats for delivery to the dock, and most of the weapons and ammunition would be transferred to the pirate ship. Still more might be sold to the legitimate and illegitimate merchants who patronized Nueva Nassau's and be transferred directly to their own vessels. Even so, Bonny knew that the merchant ship wouldn't likely get safely into and out of the bay.

"Inventory the remaining take from Swan and from the warship," Bonny instructed her Quartermaster. "Determine what goes ashore and what comes here. Transfer of the guns, ball, and powder can wait until tomorrow. Once the work is done, the men can go ashore, 'cept for Mister Unger's Watch Crew. They'll take first watch and two extra silver pieces for their patience."

Pinch acknowledged the orders and began to turn, but Bonny halted him. She looked across to Swan and caught sight of Billy speaking to some of his men. To her Quartermaster she said, "And tell Captain Billy … tell him he can keep twenty percent of whatever remains aboard his ship."

"Captain...?" Pinch exclaimed with obvious surprise.

Bonny continued, "Tell him I want him to have it … in case."

The Quartermaster asked, "In case of what, Captain?"

Billy happened to look back her direction. She studied him a moment longer, then turned to pass by Pinch, heading for her stateroom and telling the Quartermaster, "In case he decides not to stay … and needs at least a bit of his cargo to trade for fresh goods and supplies along the way."
Billy watched Belle Bonny's face intently as they talked. She had not mentioned him joining her crew, but he certainly knew what she was implying. She began to say something, but, before she could get it out, a crew member approached and told her she was needed below.

When she allowed her firm breasts to brush against his arm, Billy knew it was no accident. Her devilish smirk was just a confirmation of what he knew. He nodded to her when she said she would be back to finish the conversation.

It was a pleasure when Mr. Wilkins asked him to bring the Andrea along side the Swan. Having spent the last few days piloting the ship, Billy was confident in his abilities, despite the ribbing from Mr. Wilkins.

Once they were alongside, and the two ships were roped together, Billy moved back down onto the deck and began observing what was going on. He was concerned about his ship, but more importantly, he was concerned about his men. Yes, there had been a deal, but Billy wasn't sure what had happened since they were apart.

When Belle Bonny's First Mate came back aboard the Andrea, Billy observed the interaction he had with his Captain. Billy shrugged at the First Mate when he mentioned the offloading of the cargo. "A deal is a deal. I just hope my men are okay."

When he was offered the opportunity to go aboard his ship, he eagerly accepted and made his way onto the Swan. He immediately sought out his First Mate, who reported that there had been no issues during the journey.

"Captain, the Andrea's First Mate completely upheld his Captain's end of the bargain. The entire crew of the Swan did as they were supposed to do, and, other than the fact that our beloved Captain was not aboard, things proceeded as normal. Well, as normal as could be when we were sailing to turn over our cargo to pirates."

Billy acknowledged what the First Mate said. "Well, it is not idea, but at least none of the men were harmed and they will all, including you, receive double wages. For you, I will have some extra that will come out of whatever I receive."

After finishing his conversation with the First Mate, Billy moved around the ship and spoke with each of his men. He told them he was proud of them and that he knew how difficult it was to sail with a stranger in charge of their ship.

As Billy made his way around the Swan, he looked over at theAndrea and made brief eye contact with Belle Bonny before she disappeared below deck. He had not been thinking about their earlier conversation while talking with his men.

As Billy leaned on the deck rail, he thought about what Belle Bonny was offering. He probably would make out better, financially,if he went on the pirate ship, but, he had worked so hard to become a Captain. Would he be able to go back to just being a sailor? There was no position for him on the Andrea other than as a normal sailor.. and a pirate at that.

In that moment, he made up his mind. He was going to stay as the Captain of the Swan. he would tell Belle Bonny at once. He moved to the ladder between the two ships and called out, "Captain Billy requesting permission to board the Andrea.
Despite being a deck below and half a ship aft in her stateroom, Bonny heard the call from the brow, "Captain Billy requesting permission to board the Andrea."

She couldn't help but smile at the thought of the man already returning to her ship … and maybe more specifically to her? The OOD called out his permission, and a moment later Bonny could hear a pair of boots coming down the ladder and across the deck toward her space. The guards were no longer stationed at the door, but -- of course -- Rolly was nearby, cooking a meal in the tiny but well stocked Captain's Galley. The cabin boy had been told to keep an eye out for Billy; he knocked, announced the merchant captain's arrival, received permission to enter, and gestured the man inside.

Bonny was once again standing at her wardrobe, her body above her belt exposed with the exception of the fresh bandage wrap just above her waist. "I seem to have popped a stitch. Rolly repaired it, but I've soiled another blouse, I'm afraid."

She walked across to Billy carrying a white blouse with a ruffled collar in her hand. She offered it out when she was close, asking, "Will you? I think I popped that stitch while dressing myself this morning, to be honest."

She turned a bit and reached a hand out to help him feed the sleeve over the arm, then turned further so he could repeat the act on the other. Then, turning to face him and look up into the man's eyes, she told him, "I believe I have found a solution to our problem, Captain Murray."

Bonny found her bustier and asked Billy to help with that as well. She winced at the tightening of it over her wound but then only laughed it off. She turned to retrieve a mug of steaming tea -- offering Billy one as well -- as she began, "It is obvious that you cannot join my crew as a common sailor. Your talents would be wasted scrubbing decks, polishing cannons, or mending sheets. You could excel as a Crew Chief, either with Sail or Deck or Guns … but … again, it would be a waste of talent, even at the helm, in my opinion."

She was standing near him again, only inches separating the mugs they held out before them. "I could appoint you to the Officers Staff. The crew would applaud it, but … there are a few of the more senior and capable Chiefs who are vying for such a spot, and to see an outsider take such a position out from under one of them … well … let me just say that that would not go over well.

"So, I believe there is only one other option available to you and I, Captain ...one other than to have you simply return to your ship … to your business … and to England," she said with a serious tone and a desperate look in her eyes. She pursed her lips, blew at her tea, and then took a sip. "Our only option, Captain Murray … is to get you a ship of your own … a pirate ship."

Bonny sipped as she turned away toward her Map Table, setting the glass down to role out and weight down a map with the small stones piled up on one side. It was a regional map, not a navigational one by which Bonny would navigate Andrea; it showed the entirety of the island of Madagascar, as well as the coastline of Africa between 10 and 30 degrees south.

"The French have a trading post here, in Beira, in Southern Mozambique," she said, pointing at the African coastline west-by-southwest from Nuevo Nassau's location. "They also have four small warships … three two-masted schooners and a ketch. A deadly plague that swept through Beira forced the French to merge the survivors of the four crews to into two, leaving two ships sitting at the docks with minimal security."

She looked up from the map with a delighted expression on her face, asking simply, "Interested?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but Bonny cut him off with, "And an additional benefit to you having your own ship and not being part of my crew, Captain … is that there would be no impediments to the two of us becoming lovers."
When Billy saw Belle Bonny standing at her wardrobe, his eyes slowly caressed her body; taking in her wonderful form. He was happy to help her on with her blouse, because it gave him a much better view of her perfect breasts.

He buttoned the blouse for her, his fingers working the bottom button first and then slowly he moved his fingers up from button to button. Once Billy finished buttoning Bonny's blouse, he helped her with her bustier; pulling it tightly and stopping once he felt her wince.

Taking the cup of tea from her, he stood closely to Belle Bonny and looked into her mesmerizing eyes. The mugs of tea in each other's hands were practically touching and Billy could feel Belle Bonny's breath as she spoke.

Listening to her go through the positions that she knew that she could not offer him, because he would never accept them, Billy remained focused completely on her. His eyes moved from her eyes to her lips and then back again; each movement of his eyes was slow and deliberate.

When she got to the position that she was offering, Billy was quite shocked. This was certainly something that he was not expecting. Captain of a pirate ship? As Belle Bonny talked about the French trading post and the two ships docked there with minimal security, Billy's mind raced.

He started to respond to her question of whether or not he was interested, but before he could get any words out, she interrupted him and mentioned that him being on a different ship would allow them to become lovers.

Standing quietly for a moment, Billy contemplated the offer on the table. Belle Bonny was offering herself as his lover if he was on another pirate ship as the Captain. His eyes wandered down her perfect form as he took it all in.

"Captain, the offer you are making is truly an incredible one, but I must say, I do have some reservations. My reservations were reduced a bit by the thought of becoming your lover, but I must share with you my concerns."

Billy noticed the surprised look on Belle Bonny's face as he shared that. "As you know Captain, being a captain is more than just being given a title. Being a Captain is a position that is earned. Your crew has to respect you. They have to trust you. They have to know you."

He paused, his eyes once again fixed on Bonny's. "I do not have a crew. The men of the Swan are merchant sailors and would never make it as pirates. Your men are loyal to you. They owe me nothing, and, moving them to my ship, would only weaken yours. So, you can see Captain why I hesitate to accept your generous offer. The thought of sharing a bed with you is the one reason I am still standing in front of you, however."
As she waited for Billy's response to her offer -- of a ship and of her body, both -- Bonny couldn't help but notice that her nipples hurt; they'd swollen to their fullest at the thought of having the young, handsome, fit, and -- as important or more so -- brave, courageous, and possibly very beneficial sailor as part of her growing force of pirates. She knew she wanted him; she knew that -- after the death of her husband more than a year ago -- he would be the first man to put his cock inside her and drive her to a form of heaven she'd been so long missing.

And then he said what he said...

"Captain, the offer you are making is truly an incredible one, but I must say, I do have some reservations."

Coming immediately upon the heels of her offering him her body, Billy's response was … well … not something Bonny would have expected. No man had ever turned down an opportunity to lay between her thighs and find bliss. To be precise, the only man who had enjoyed that bliss had been her husband, of course, but Bonny had offered many men the opportunity in the past as a way to further her career, not that any had actually gotten it … because Bonny had never intended to go through with the offer.

With Billy, though, Bonny was ready to shed her clothes, take the position, and follow through. She'd been imagining her and Billy's futures together since the moment he conducted the starboard broadside on the Spanish warship, and now -- after all through which they'd been in such a short time -- she was, without Billy knowing, standing here quite literally wet in anticipation of very soon feeling him inside of her.

That disappointment of him not wanting to be her lover was tempered very quickly though as Billy went on, "My reservations were reduced a bit by the thought of becoming your lover, but I must share with you my concerns."

"Please..." Bonny said, realizing that her heart and begun beating a bit faster at the man's shocking response. "Share, if you don't mind, Captain."

He spoke of what it meant to be a Captain of a sailing vessel, whether it be a merchant ship or a pirate vessel. And Bonny understood fully -- and, unfortunately, agreed with -- all that Billy had to say.

"So, you can see Captain why I hesitate to accept your generous offer.".

She did, again unfortunately.

"The thought of sharing a bed with you is the one reason I am still standing in front of you, however."

Bonny couldn't stop her smile from spreading just enough to show Billy her delight at hearing him say that last. She casually turned away from him and began a slow, circular pace around her quarters as she contemplated a response. In the end … she didn't have one.

"So, Captain..." she began slowly, still ever so slowly encircling the map table, the dinner table and its chairs … Billy himself. When next she spoke she was heading in the direction of her bed at the aft of the stateroom. She looked to it, then to Billy -- with that devilish smirk he was surely getting to recognize as a result of her brain's wheels a'turning. She asked Billy, "...how do you propose that we get you…"

She looked to and nodded at her bed suggestively before looking back to him, "...into that … and into me … if we don't have the requisite elements to achieve my aim … meaning, of course, the aim of having you as my pirate lover?"

She was at her bed by now. Bonny turned, sat, and leaned back on extended arms; the pose emphasized her bodies curves even more generously than before. She continued, "I am only one of many, many women in this world … even in this port. You can have any of them for a silver coin. Hell, a man like you … there're some who will pay you a handful of silver for the opportunity to mount your cock."

Bonny's smile widened at her graphic description. She went on, "I, however … I have requisites. I'll tell you something no man knows, Captain Billy Murray. No man has lain with me since I killed my husband and tossed him over the railing of the ship we'd stolen from the pirate king Blackbeard far more than a year ago..."

She hesitated just a short moment to gauge Billy's reaction to all three of her confessions then immediately continued, "...and I want … so badly to rectify that situation. But … so far … I've never met a man I thought worthy of ending that … hell."

She stood slowly and began a slow walk directly at the merchant captain. She said in a softer, sincere tone, "Billy … I want you to be the man who lays with me … but … to be that man … we first have to make a heroic pirate out of you."

Bonny was standing up so close to Billy by now that her breasts were very nearly touching his lower chest. She looked up into his eyes from her head-shorter height and almost pleaded, "Billy … I'm open to suggestions."
Billy watches as Belle Bonny moved around her quarters. The more she talked, the more he wanted her. She was worth just about any risk that he would have to take, except for putting his life in eminent danger.

Becoming a Captain of a pirate ship right away without earning the trust of his crew would mean one of two things..... he would die at the hands of the crew of a ship they were attacking, or he would die at the hands of his own crew, which didn't trust him.

He licked his lips as she watched her move. There was no doubt that she was using her body to entice him to join her.. both in her bed and in her pirate adventures. His mind raced. How could he accomplish this?

"Captain, let there be no doubt that I want you. I want to lay with you in your bed and give you all of the pleasure that you want and desire. Also, let there be no doubt that I would like to join you in your adventures.. the former being the most appealing."

Billy looked into her eyes as she moved so very close to him. Oh, how he wanted to take her in his arms and carry her to her bed, and spend days pleasuring her. He didn't dare touch her, though. Touching her without the approval of the Captain could lead to him with his cock being in a bag around his neck.

"Captain, taking command of a ship requires trust to be built with the crew. Just as you and I being lovers would require us to trust one another. We need to find a way for me to earn the trust of those who would be my crew, and at the same time, provide me with opportunities to earn your trust in my ability to be the lover you need."
"Captain, let there be no doubt that I want you."

This made Bonny's lips spread in a devilishly pleased smirk. There had been no doubt; that had been obvious.

He continued, finishing, "We need to find a way for me to earn the trust of those who would be my crew, and at the same time, provide me with opportunities to earn your trust in my ability to be the lover you need."

"Serve under me then, Billy," Bonny said without hesitation. She half glanced over her shoulder toward her bed, then looked back with a smile and clarified, "And I don't mean over there … at least … not yet. Serve under me aboard Andrea. Man the helm as Third Mate. Sail with me to Beira … help me take the French schooner. I will put Connor in charge of that boat and make you his First Mate. Serve under him--"

She couldn't help but laugh, adding, "Again, not in his bed … serve as his First Mate and gain the trust and loyalty of the crew. Within a year, after we have captured yet another fine vessel, you will have the loyalty of the men … and … you will have earned the right to claim a treasure upon which no other man will ever lay his hands."

Even though she had stated it would take a year to rise to pirate Captain, Bonny knew it would take Billy far less than that, perhaps only six months or even four, depending upon how active their piracy was. She also knew that -- once he began his new career -- she wouldn't be able to keep herself from him.
Listening to Belle Bonny talk, Billy's eyes wandered slowly over her wonderful body. He cherished the idea of becoming her lover. He had no doubt that she would provide him with an incredible amount of pleasure, and he knew he would give Bonny everything she wanted and needed.

He loved the thought of being under her... whether in the bed or not. Billy heard her talking about him being Third Mate, and then being First Mate under Connor. He chuckled when she said he wouldn't have to be under Connor in the bed.

"The treasure I seek is unlike anything any man but one has seen or enjoyed. I plan on doing everything necessary to make sure that treasure is mine. I am certain also that the treasure I seek will welcome being in my company."

He thought about the time it would take him to get his hands on that treasure, and it was a bit of a disappointment, however, to be with Bonny would no doubt be worth the wait.

"Captain, I make one request, there may be one or two men on the Swan who would be worthy of bringing into your ranks. I would recommend them to be on your ship, that way, nobody would think they were ever getting special treatment from me. If they don't work out, I will take all of the blame."
Bonny couldn't suppress -- and wouldn't have suppressed -- the smile that resulted from Billy's further confirmation that he wanted to be inside her just as much as she wanted him there.

"Captain, I make one request..." be began, speaking of some of his men who might be pirate material.

"You may recruit as many of your men as you wish, Captain," she said, this time using his current title. "You may believe you only have a few who are suitable … but after a few day in Nuevo Nassau, you may find that you have more than you could possibly have imagined. Soalala has a great deal to offer sailing men, whether merchant or pirate."

Bonny reached a hand out to Billy's chest, then -- more simply to feel his body than to actually view it again -- she pulled his collar open again to view the scar upon his upper chest. She played a fingertip over it for a moment, then stepped back away from him.

"Now, sailor … Third Mate," she said with a mocked tone of dismissal for his now lowered rank, "It isn't proper for you to be in your captain's private quarters unescorted … particularly when she is feeling so warm inside that she's about to forget her requisites and jump you, here and now. Out."

Bonny playfully gestured him away, but as he was about to close the door, she called to him, "Once the last of the cargo has been transferred to shore or to Andrea, you will cease to be captain of Swan and will instead be working for Mister Wilkens. We'll work out what to do about your ship and your crew over the next few days, but I assure you that my deal with you regarding your ship and the men upon her stands … they are safe and will be free to sail away unharmed … but … that won't happen soon, because once they get a taste of Nuevo Nassau, few of them will be in a hurry to leave."

Her lips then spread in the most devilish smirk he'd seen upon her mouth yet. She told Billy, "Report to Mister Wilkens and remind him that Lady Blackman has been holding three replacement portholes for me and I would like to take delivery of them. Go with him. He'll need your assistance. Now … get out."

She gave him a last smile before he departed.


The sun was falling into the eastern waters west of the still anchored Swan and Andrea before the launch left for the docks on the far side of Soalala Bay. Two pirates, three merchant sailors, and the former Captain of Swan rowed while Mister Wilkens and Pinch sat back and smirked; Wilkens had told the newly assigned Third Mate as they all loaded aboard, "Lowest ranked men work the oars, sailor. I'm sure that was a rule aboard your vessel, too, wasn't it?"

They continued to tease their newest fellow pirate mercilessly during the 15 minute transit from the deep water outside the mouth of the bay up to the main dock at Nuevo Nassau. The two pirates rowing joined in to a certain degree, keeping in mind that even though Billy was only the Third Mate, he would still be outranking them once they were out to sea once more. The merchant sailors, though, all treated the situation in their own way, with one joining the teasing, one sitting cautiously quiet, and one doing his best to support his former Captain.

Reaching their destination, the eight men leaped out and -- with help from others already on the dock -- unloaded the cargo that was intended specifically for Lady Blackman. Clara, Mister Wilkens had explained to Billy, was the owner of several of Nuevo Nassau's key businesses, including the mercantile to which the majority of the Madagascar pirates sold their pillaged goods. Clara had legitimate connections up and down the shores of both Madagascar and Eastern Africa and -- when the money was big or the loot too hot for this region -- sold to customers as far away as Persia and India.

But the business of Clara's to which Wilkens was taking Billy tonight was called The Hungry Lemur. Downstairs it was a tavern that featured ale, wine, and other alcoholic beverages from all over the known world; upstairs it was a brothel that featured women -- and even men -- who had come here, by choice or not, from even farther away than the booze.

Wilkens got Billy and the others an ale on the ship's tab while they waited for Clara to find time for them. As they waited, the biggest, meanest, strongest, blackest looking man that most of the known world had ever encountered stepped up behind the Andrea crew members, gave Wilkens the meanest you're about to get your head ripped off growl … then bellowed in joyous laughter and lifted the pirate off the ground in a bear hug that had the man's face turning red.

"This is Blackman," Wilkens explained to Billy once he'd managed to gain air in his lungs. As if feeling more clarification was needed, he explained, "Blackman, as in black … man."

The huge man who spoke in English but had a serious Bantu accent explained took over from there, explaining that all his life he'd only been called that black man. In his preteens, he'd been taken as a slave from a Western Africa country he couldn't name; he'd worked on a plantation in Haiti until his early twenties; while there, he'd met and fallen in love with the beautiful young daughter of his master; that French girl, his wife, had used her father's own money and connections to sneak Blackman off the island; and after spending the next decade fleeing from one location to another they'd ended up here in Soalala.

"When my Clara's father died, despite having fled with me, she inherited his businesses and estate in Haiti," Blackman explained. "We bought the mercantile here, made some friends amongst these blood thirsty pirates, and … here we are."

Just about then a beautiful redheaded woman emerged from behind a decorated screen and came to join them. She sidled up close to Blackman, who made her look like a little China doll. Wilkens introduced her as none other than Lady Clara Blackman, and once they'd all traded greetings, she looked directly at Billy and asked, "Are you the man here to collect the portholes?"

She excused herself from the others, ordered them another round on her this time around, directed some of the available whores to keep Wilkens and the still-lonely pirates company, then took Billy by the hand and began leading him away. She complained, "I've been waiting quite a while for your Captain to come deal with these portholes. I'm glad to see she sent a man who looks strong enough to handle them all."

Once upstairs, Clara led Billy into a room that was all to easy to recognize was for intended for the business of fulfilling the sexual needs of Nuevo Nassau's menfolk: on the bed were three very naked women -- one very white, one very black, and one somewhere in between -- who were awaiting Billy on their parted knees ... the fingers of each hand parting the out labia of their shaven or bushy pussies.

"Three portholes to deal with, sailor," Clara said, turning back toward the door, her work here done. "Mister Wilkens says your captain wants you to put your best effort forward."

And with that, she was gone.
If the pirates giving him the ribbing thought that it would bother Billy as they made fun of him while he was rowing, they couldn't have been farther off base. As a 12 year old on a merchant ship, he had to do every dirty job there was, and he had been humiliated as he did those jobs.

That did not change as Billy grew up on the numerous merchant ships he had been on. He did everything from swab the deck to empty the muck buckets and everything in between. There was nothing on a ship that Billy had not been subjected to, so, rowing a boat to shore was nothing to him.

The one thing that bothered Billy, however, was the merchant sailor who joined in the teasing of his Captain. Billy had chosen that man as a possibility of joining the pirates. Right now, Billy was thinking of slitting his throat. Billy smiled... he was already thinking like a pirate.

The one who sat quiet Billy was having second thoughts about also. One thing that he knew about pirates, you couldn't be passive. Sitting there quietly told Billy that man was not going to work as a pirate.

The third man would work out well. He continued to support Billy despite being in a position that was tenable. His loyalty shone through and Billy was convinced he should be allowed to join Belle Bonny's group.


When they entered the Hungry Lemur, Billy chuckled. This looked exactly the way he pictured a tavern in a pirate town would look. There was a bar with women in various states of undress, and there was an upstairs where, no doubt, the women conducted business.

When Billy saw the large man, his first thought was they were all dead. It did not matter how many of them there were, this man would destroy them all. It was a great relief when he say the man smile and hug Wilkins.

Listening to the story, Billy was amazed that they would have taken the Lady's fortune and moved to such a remote location, however, that was probably just Billy's inbred British bias coming through.

When Lady Clara asked if he was the one that was sent for the portholes, Billy nodded, "Yes ma'am." She looked at him when he called her ma'am and smiled, and then told him to follow her.

When she led him into the dark room, it only took a moment for his eyes to adjust and for him to see the three naked women on the bed. He looked at Lady Clara and back to the women. He understood about the portholes now. At that moment there was a little disappointment. Belle Bonny had sent him to be with 3 whores. His desire had been to be with Belle Bonny.


Billy's disappointment did not last long. It was going to be some time before he got to lay with Belle Bonny, if ever, so, why not enjoy what knelt in front of him. He moved toward the bed and as he approached the three women began pulling at his clothes.

He was naked in no time and the three women were all over him. There were hands and mouths on every part of his fit body. In no time, thoughts of Belle Bonny had escaped from his head and all he cared about was what the three women he was with could do to please him.

When he awoke the next morning, it was to the mouth of the mixed woman sucking on his cock. It appeared that the marathon from the night before had not been enough for her. She looked up at him as her mouth came off his shaft and her tongue circled slowly around his bulbous head before swallowing his shaft again.

The movement on the bed, disturbed the two sleeping women and before Billy knew it, they were taking turns sucking his cock. They were attacking his shaft wildly, like they couldn't get enough, and Billy soon found out why.

There was banging on the door. It was Wilkins and he was now shouting that it was time to return to the ship. "Put it away and let's get going," he yelled as he once again banged on the door.

"You three keep doing what you are doing until you finish. I will take care of him." The three women looked at him and went back to work on his cock; sucking, nibbling, deep-throating him until he shot ropes of cum over their faces and tits.

When he was finished, he dressed quickly and left the room; saying nothing at all to the women. He hurried down to the dock where he assumed his position and began to row again, as the teasing once again commenced, this time with the added ribbing about being with a whore.
The evening before:

With a pale skinned woman sitting on one of his knees and her totally opposite colored friend on the other, Mister Wilkens watched from the bar as Lady Clara led Billy up the stairs toward the portholes Bonny had rented him. After Andrea's new Third Mate had entered the room, her 2nd Mate thanked but dismissed the girls, then made his way up the stairs as well. Clara was awaiting him; she led him around one, then another corner into a small room that sat dead center between all of the Service Rooms. After they entered and she closed the door behind them, the room was nearly black as night, with only a tiny, almost none existent candle near the door providing any illumination at all.

"Give it a moment," she whispered to him. Once their eyes had adjusted, she took his arm and led him through the darkness. She reached to the wall with years of knowledge and easily found a little flap over a hole. Pulling it aside, she told him, "There's your man."

Wilkens leaned forward and found that the hole was directly over the bed in which the three whores were servicing the already naked Billy Murray. Wilkens watched for a minutes or so, admiring the delicious bodies before him, including -- because of his own liberal thinkings -- even the male one laying flat on its back with its hardened cock sticking straight up in the air.

When the Second Mate was again out in the hallway with Clara, he told her, "The bolt of red silk with the gold flowers … Captain Bonny wanted you to have that for yourself … for the use of your portholes. The rest of the cargo I assume you'll add to Andrea's tab to cover all the food, drink, and companionship for the men."

"Of course, Mister Wilkens," Clara said with a pleased smile and tone. She took him by a crooked elbow and turned him down the hall toward another door as she said with her hostess voice, "And I have your room ready for you on the third floor."

They ascended another level to a door through which Clara led Wilkens. Inside were what appeared to be the varied tools, devices, and fixtures of a torture dungeon. Three men of colors and body types as varied as the women servicing Billy -- all three of whom were naked -- were standing along the wall in anticipation; Wilkens picked two, telling the first and then the second, "You'll do me … and then I'll do you."

Clara took the third man to a second door through which he sent him away, then smiled back to the pirate as he was undressing. "Enjoy your evening, Mister Wilkens, and you can trust me when I say I will ensure the rest of you men will enjoy their evenings as well."


The next morning, with the second of his own portholes still asleep in the rented bed, Mister Wilkens headed downstairs and -- after being cleared by the guard stationed there -- reentered the Peeping Room to check on Billy again. Two of the naked women, hidden by bedding or the limbs of the others to varying degrees, were passed out, while the third was slowly but fully taking Billy's once-again hardened cock in and out of her very skilled mouth.

"Put it away and let's get going," Wilkens hollered out after he'd circled around to the room's entrance. The response from Billy was pretty much as Wilkens expected, making him laugh. He pounded again, repeated his demand -- reminding Billy that he was now a subordinate -- and when he got a varied response similar to the previous one, he instead informed the virgin pirate, "Launch leaves in one hour, with or without you. It's a long swim, and I don't think after last night, that that oar on which the girls are working is gonna be stiff enough to paddle you all the way out to Andrea."


The teasing recommenced even before the launch pushed away from the dock, only this time with the added jokes about portholes, having one's work cut out for them, and whether it was easier or more difficult to find a pink pussy in the midst of white meat or dark. Regarding that last question, Mister Wilkens leaned slowly toward the pirate who'd made the inquiry and punched him directly in the nose, causing the man to scream out in pain, curse, then apologize. Wilkens saw the reaction on Billy's face; he didn't explain his feelings about racial jokes but instead only looked back to Nuevo Nassau as it was slipping away with each stroke.

Billy had noticed early that on this trip in the launch he was the only Swan crewman aboard. Wilkens just shrugged it off, telling him, "Captain Belle Bonny paid a few extra coins to have your men enjoy their morning, if you get my drift. She wants as many of them as possible to lean toward joining Andrea's crew."

As the launch neared the pirate ship, the joking, teasing, and general jovial attitude amongst the pirates began to lessen until finally, for several minutes, there was nothing from them but exchanges stares and glances. Wilkens finally broke the silence with a story of his Captain and how she'd become Captain of the Retribution.

"Captain Teach … Blackbeard … he'd learned that Woodes Rogers was on his way from England to Nassau, to rid New Providence and the rest of the English territories of pirates once and for all," he began. It was obvious from Billy's reaction that he already knew some of this story. "Teach decided he was going to take the pardon offered him by the Governor of Virginia on behalf of the Crown. He was going to abandon piracy, once and for all. Most of us pirates had no problem with this. Many pirates had already taken the pardon and many more would once Rogers reached Nassau."

Wilkens hesitated for a moment; his face was tightening with obvious disappointment in the old tale about which he was talking. "What we could not accept, though … would not accept … was that Blackbeard … the most feared pirate of the day and the most honored … dishonored the Oath and betrayed his men, from his own boat and from the other boats whose Captains had pledged loyalty to him. He abandoned dozens of sailors at Charles Town, denying them their share of the treasure he had stolen and transferred to Retribution without their knowledge. Then, after he'd fled Charles Town for Ocracoke Island, he again cut out another dozen crew members, even having an equal amount of them murdered … only so that he wouldn't have to share his treasure with them."

From his place in the stern of the launch, looking forward to the new Third Mate at one of the oars, Wilkens glanced past Billy to gauge how much time he had to finish his story on the water. He continued, "Only two members of the crew aside from myself knew the truth of what Blackbeard had done and was going to do … again. When he heard that the Governor of Virginia was sending two ships full of Marines to Ocracoke to take him into custody, Blackbeard ordered those three people -- me, Belle Bonny, and Robert Hastings -- to gather a list of specified crew … men who Blackbeard knew he could control and manipulate to his own aims."

He looked past Billy to the ever nearing Andrea again. "We loaded Blackbeard's treasure onto Retribution in the dark of night and sailed her out of Ocracoke, heading for the other side of the island. Blackbeard was going to meet us there, rowing out in a launch. He was going to sail away with a small number of men who -- once we reached out final destination -- he would murder to prevent having to pay them for their services."

Suddenly, Wilkens eyes seemed as though they were glazing over with threatening tears. He blinked them away, then added, "After he killed these men … after he made Belle Bonny and Robert and me kill these men … what was going to keep him from killing me and Belle Bonny as well?"

Wilkens didn't know whether or not Billy had noticed that he hadn't included Robert Hastings amongst those whose lives were endangered by Blackbeard's treachery before he explained why this was true. "And the greatest treachery of all wasn't even from Blackbeard. It was from Robert Hastings. We'd learned and confirmed that while in Ocracoke, he'd taken a new lover and vowed to marry her … as soon as he killed his current wife … Belle Bonny. The little slut was to travel with Blackbeard to meet Retribution on the other side of the island. That gave Belle Bonny -- with my assistance, obviously -- less than 3 hours to deal with the situation."

A smile spread Wilkens' lips. "We were barely out of Ocracoke Bay before Belle Bonny slipped up behind her treacherous husband and slit his throat so deeply that his head very nearly fell from his body. She explained Blackbeard's planned treachery to the crew and demanded then and there that a vote be conducted for a new captain of Retribution. Despite her gender … despite not having a swinging cock between her thighs … Belle Bonny was chosen Captain … unanimously. She took us out of the Caribbean, brought us here, and never looked back. She has continued to be Captain for two reasons, the same two reasons that keep any pirate Captain in power: loyalty to her crew … and pillage."

Suddenly, the five rowing pirates other than Billy skillfully stored away their oars … and set upon the unsuspecting Third Mate. In a short scuffle, they had him expertly gagged and bound. As those men worked on that, Wilkens threw back a canvas tarp to reveal a midsized anchor attached to a heavy line ... which -- with help from the other men -- he then tied around Billy's ankle.

Wilkens and a second man lifted the heavy anchor and threw it overboard at the same time that the other men were lifting Billy's bound legs over the side of the launch. The long rope attached to it began running out and down into the deep water at an incredible speed, and when it appeared that Billy was literally at the end of his rope, the pirates all moved away from him as to not accidentally be caught up in the rigging.

The anchor line was depleted, the last of it shooting over the side...

...but … Billy was still right where the pirates had abandoned him … as the line that Wilkens had tied to the Third Mate's ankles hadn't been the one tied to the anchor at all. The Second Mate looked into the eyes of his Captain's future lover and, with a soft but serious voice, explained, "The crew of Andrea will not have their beloved Captain betrayed again. Last night … Belle Bonny arranged that for you, because she knows men ... and she respects you. She wanted you to know what this life had to offer you … what she had to offer you … which, essentially, is anything she wants you to have. Last night, she wanted you to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, to not have to imagine the feel of a woman but to actually enjoy the pleasures of the flesh ... perhaps to imagine you were enjoying the pleasures of her flesh … just as she had told me she imagines the pleasures of yours."

Wilkens leaned forward, pulling the dagger from his belt and holding it before Billy threateningly. But then, he lowered the blade and cut the Third Mate's hands loose. "You are a great sailor, Captain Billy … and the men like you. You will earn their loyalty and respect quickly and completely, and in doing so you will earn the loyalty and respect of your Captain. But are you a great man, Billy? Will you earn the right to partake of our Captain in the way you partook of the portholes?"

The pirate flipped the dagger before him, catching it by the blade, and offering it handle first to Billy to finish cutting himself free. He finished, "...any treachery toward Captain Belle Bonny will result in … well … you've met Rolly haven't you."

The pirates by now had returned their oars to the water. The last thing Wilkens had to say on the incident that had just played out was, "Man your oar, Mister Murry."
Billy rowed back toward the Andrea, listening to what Wilkins shared with him about the way Belle Bonny became the Captain. Many of the details were already known to Billy, but he allowed Wilkins to continue anyway.

Being jumped by Wilkins and his men was a surprise to Billy. He started to struggle but found it futile. He felt the rope go around his ankles after the hood went over his head. He prepared for what would happen when he was dragged into the water.

His arms were not bound, so, once pulled into the water he would begin to try to work the ropes off his ankles. He knew that if he panicked, he would die. Remaining calm is what would give him a chance to survive.

When the rope stopped and his hood was removed, Billy stared into Wilkins' eyes defiantly. He listened as Wilkins talked about loyalty and what was expected of Billy toward Belle Bonny.

With the knife in front of him, Billy continued to stare straight into Wilkins' eyes. He was not going to be intimidated; not by Wilkins, not by anybody... well, maybe by Belle Bonny, because he knew what she was capable of.

Wilkins mentioned Rolly and how any treachery toward Belle Bonny would be treated. Billy looked at Wilkins. "Trust me, I have no intention of doing anything treacherous against the Captain. Also know, that since the Captain is the reason I am making the switch that I am, I will deal with treachery in my own way."

He joined the pirates in rowing back to the Andrea. Once back aboard the ship, Billy asked Mr. Wilkins what he wanted him to do, and to direct him to the regular quarters for the sailors. He made no inquiries into the presence or location of Captain Belle Bonny. He was no longer a Captain.. he was just a member of the crew.
Mister Wilkens was impressed with the way Billy handled the warning, even patting him roughly on the foreleg after it was all over and saying simply, "Good man."

As they were all climbing the ladder back onto Andrea, Wilkens asked the OOD where Belle Bonny was, getting only a shrug in return. "Did a boat come for her in the night … and did Mister Read go with her?"

When the man acknowledged in the affirmative about Bonny and Connor, Wilkens knew exactly to where they gone off … while at the same time he knew no such thing. Even before the Captain had traded Retribution for the boat that would become Andrea, Belle Bonny and her First Mate had taken to disappearing in the night -- usually on a small sloop but sometimes in a simple rowing boat -- and sometimes not returning until the next morning or sometimes for a morning days into the future.

It was only after she'd made half a dozen of these mysterious ventures that Wilkens was informed that the Captain had been hiding Blackbeard's Treasure. She announced to the crew what she had done, which initially looked like a mistake when they questioned whether they themselves still retained shares to it.

"What if you get killed?" had been one of the first questions. "Who the fuck knows where the gold is?"

Bonny pointed out that Connor knew of the location of each cache, which resulted in the next question, "What keeps Mister Read from just sailing off in the middle of the night to claim it for himself."

That inquiry had resulted in Bonny suddenly, unexpectedly, and precisely throwing a dagger through the air that sunk into the questioning man's shoulder. It didn't kill him or even do serious damage, but it was followed by silence when Bonny asked, "I'm sorry, I don't think I understood your question. Would you like to repeat it?"

There had been legitimate concern that both Bonny and Connor might get killed in a piratical engagement. Bonny explained that she would be giving clues to each of the caches to multiple loyal sailors in the near future. "No one man or even two or three or four men will be able to figure out where these treasures are located without the help of a fifth or sixth or seventh. I would like to believe that there aren't seven men in my crew who would simultaneously be disloyal enough to me to venture off together to steal a treasure that I have already vowed will be shared by all."

And Bonny had been correct. While they'd been idle chat and curiosity about the hiding locations, no one had ever seriously attempted to match up enough clues to actually find one. In the mean time, Bonny and/or Connor occasionally ventured out to retrieve some of the treasure; they dispersed most of it to the men to allow them to maintain a higher standard of living -- more food, more ale, and more pussy -- than any pirate since Blackbeard himself had likely enjoyed.

Mister Wilkens wasn't shy about putting Billy to work doing the most common of laborious tasks: scrubbing the decks, packing in food replenishments, mending the sails, and more became the former Captain's daily grind. Yet at the same time, Billy was allowed to return to Swan just before sunset each day to return to his duties there … as the Captain he truly was. Wilkens could see that the extra work was beginning to take a toll on Billy. But the respect that the man was gaining from the pirates -- and from Wilkens himself -- was, he hoped, worth all the work.

Andrea would normally have been maneuvered into Soalala Bay, but Bonny had ordered it to remain anchored a hundred yards from the merchant ship she'd captured. She'd promised Billy that his ship and his crew would be allowed to sail away unharmed; it wouldn't have been good for a warship to slip up in the dark and capture the already-captured ship before Andrea could get back out to sea to protect her.

It was four days before Belle Bonny and Connor Read returned to the pirate ship, again in the night just as when it had left. Before dawn while the skies were still black, the Signalman sent a lantern message to Swan requesting that Billy be aboard Andrea before sunup. When he arrived, Bonny was sitting at her stateroom's table with a full breakfast, provided by a very happy-to-see-her Rolly.

"Please sit, Captain Billy," Bonny said, smirking as she corrected, "Sorry. Here I guess you're just Mister Murray."

Once he was seated and Rolly had helped him prepare a platter before leaving himself, Bonny set a heavy purse of coin on the table next to him. "This is for the men of Swan who will aid us in taking the French schooner. If any man wishes to help in the capture of the ship … which, for an English merchant man, is not an act of piracy but is instead an act of privateering as England and France are currently at war … he will be granted his share of the money while still being able to return to his life as a merchantman. This is not an attempt by me to bribe men not suited for the life into it. Well … maybe … a little bit. It is payment for services rendered in the name of the King … even if the King didn't ask for said service or pay for it either."

She listened to what Billy had to say about her offer, then when a lull in the conversation arrived, she said simply, "I missed you while I was gone."
"It is good to see that you are doing well Captain. I assume that your wound is healing well, considering the fact that you were off on a mission of some type for several days." His eyes moved over her slowly.

"I missed you as well, Captain. I worried about you. I was concerned that you were not doing well. Now that I see you Captain, I see that you are doing very well. You look as good as ever."

"I will find several men who will help capture the French ship. Several of them would probably do it for free. Anything to help weaken or take from the French is reward enough for an Englishman."
"I trust that you enjoyed my gift, Mister Murray," she asked, changing the subject. She studied his reaction to ensure that he knew she was speaking of the portholes he'd plug, then told him, "Until you and I become lovers, you are free to partake of other women at your leisure, as I am free to partake of men as well."

She'd already admitted to Billy that she hadn't been with a man since her husband, -- hadn't she? -- so the likelihood that she was going to begin parting her thighs for one now was pretty small. But the point of telling Billy this was to let him know that so long as they hadn't made a commitment to one another, he was free to put his cock inside any woman he met.
"I appreciate your gift Captain, it was very generous of you to offer them to me. The portholes were truly professional in their craft." He kept a straight face as they spoke about his night with the three whores.

"Thank you for your permission Captain to partake of other women. I must tell you however, that there is no other woman that I find as desirable as I find you." He knew he was pushing things. He knew that it may never happen between them, however, if he had anything to say about it, they would be entangled in one another in her bed.... soon.