Before everything starts caving in, let's have a little fun with these libidinous tidbits culled from the latest print issue of Fortean Times:
First comes the tale of a Peruvian radio announcer, Jose Vasquez, 25, who was born with two penises. Refusing to let doctors remove one because "both are a gift from God," his radio ratings have sprung up since he told his listeners about his special endowment. (Sunday Express 4/26/96)
No hit with google except this one. Fortean Times search didn't find the article.
I've just watched a clip from a German TV program. I can tell you it/they? looked ew. But what do I know. I'm not a woman.
Are you into double penetration? LOL
First comes the tale of a Peruvian radio announcer, Jose Vasquez, 25, who was born with two penises. Refusing to let doctors remove one because "both are a gift from God," his radio ratings have sprung up since he told his listeners about his special endowment. (Sunday Express 4/26/96)
No hit with google except this one. Fortean Times search didn't find the article.
I've just watched a clip from a German TV program. I can tell you it/they? looked ew. But what do I know. I'm not a woman.
Are you into double penetration? LOL