Two Private Vasquez!?



Before everything starts caving in, let's have a little fun with these libidinous tidbits culled from the latest print issue of Fortean Times:
First comes the tale of a Peruvian radio announcer, Jose Vasquez, 25, who was born with two penises. Refusing to let doctors remove one because "both are a gift from God," his radio ratings have sprung up since he told his listeners about his special endowment. (Sunday Express 4/26/96)
No hit with google except this one. Fortean Times search didn't find the article.

I've just watched a clip from a German TV program. I can tell you it/they? looked ew. But what do I know. I'm not a woman.

Are you into double penetration? LOL
That's good to hear. Happy NY to Minky and everybody else!

Fire works have already started in this part of the world.

Tee minus 30 minutes or so.
