Two ideas


Jan 1, 2024
Hello everyone! New member here. Been a visitor for awhile and really enjoy the excellent work everyone does.

I have a couple ideas for stories. Honestly not sure how good they are, but they’re things I’ve kind of searched for and haven’t found a close match yet, but I could have missed them for sure.

1) Son and mom/mom’s friends in the hot tub. Maybe something where mom is having friends over and 18 year old son is tasked with being D/D before being convinced to get in hot tub. After a drink or two, a game or truth or dare breaks out.
2) Mom/daughter - mom accompanies daughter and her friends on bachelor party. Some drinks and sexual innuendo have everyone excited for the night as it begins to end. Maybe mom and daughter are sharing a room and get steamy in the cab on the way back
Two fine ideas. I'm not all that into incest, so I'm gonna steer these another way.

1. Jason has been helping his mother's best friends, the Robinsons, get their house ready to sell. They are all invited over for a big dinner. Just as they are about to adjourn to the patio, his parents are called away on an urgent matter leaving twenty-one-year-old Jason there alone with the Robinsons. They thank him over and over for all his hard work, and after a couple of beers, the young man has got quite a buzz going.
The night progresses and at some point, he finds himself alone in the hot tub with Mrs. Robinson. Before he knows what's going on she's kissing him and his hands are full of her bug lovely tits. When Mr. Robinson appears, he's terrified. Until the man smiles and explains he'd like it very much if he would accompany the two of them to their bedroom and give Mrs. Robinson a night she'll never forget. You can make it a slow-burn story with some teasing beforehand while he's working there, maybe a peep at her when she's sunbathing. It culminates with Mrs. Robinson spit-roasted and thoroughly fucked by two virile men.

2. Bachelorette party, check. The evening goes by without a hitch and they all head to their hotel rooms. After showering, Mom hears a knock on the door. Outside stands two of her daughter's closest friends, and they need to talk to her about something. The girls confide in her that they have had a crush on her for years and before she can blink both girls are naked and in her arms. Mom has understood that she was bi for the longest time, but as a married woman, she just can't let that other part of herself free, now can she? But, when your arms are full of beautiful nubile bodies and their hands are caressing you everywhere, it seems that you can.
I agree both are fine ideas that could easily become short storeys. Why not take a stab at it.