TSCLT 4.0: Bitchy Malevolent Baby Ducks

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Sorry, I used to live southeast of Detroit but the wrong side of the border. There are still some really bad areas there though, and let's face it, reality shows do best when they show the worst parts of humanity.
The dryer is defying repair.

The good news is, the local parts place checked my heating coil and determined that they didn't need to sell me a replacement.

I may actually look into doing business with them in the future for not fucking me today.

Off to run a different errand.

Home. The different errand sucked, but it's done and the asker is really grateful. The woman I delivered the stuff (half boxes of medical supplies from a dead guy) to is pretty much batshit crazy. She decided to talk my ear off. I cut that very short, but politely.

Dumbass the becoming-the-ex-housemate brought some weasely looking guy to help her move. They're nearly done, thanks be to Allah.

And thus ends another chapter of Wat having to put someone out of his life. He finds preservation of his sanity to be . . . crucial.

Oh, and I stopped and got a really good sammidge on the way home. Tastes great!!! Less filling!!!

I will give a speaking to Allah.

Hope you are feeling well today.

I am. Moving head. Heading out to see some folks in a bit to gather, chat, and eat. My vote is for Chinese tonight.

Leftovers fit better in the bike's wee luggae bag.



Today was the second funeral in 3 weeks. I do hope we are done with that for a while.

Yeah, I hope so, too. That sounds like a considerable drag.

I had a spate in the fall of 2016.

Never fun.

Staying home tonight, no company, no noise, just relaxation introvert style.

Wat forget the Greek gods, they are busy with incest. Go Norse, they had some integrity and didn't give a shit about most things unless it was a good party.

A stitch in time, helps to unfold me
Circus starts at eight so don't be late
Please be so kind not to wake me
I think I'll just sit this one out . . . .

I don't always listen to Robin Trower, but when I do, so do the neighbors.


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Beneficent Buddha has blessed us with very moderate weather for the rest of the week. The last of the ice and snow should disappear today. I just realized that it is college basketball season again and spent the better part of a very gloomy day chilling and watching some games.
A stitch in time, helps to unfold me
Circus starts at eight so don't be late
Please be so kind not to wake me
I think I'll just sit this one out . . . .

I don't always listen to Robin Trower, but when I do, so do the neighbors.



I learned to appreciate Robin Tower's over the years. They don't make music like that anymore.

And the pic? - "Houston, do you have a visual on this?"
Happy Sunday!!!

I have decided to give Allah one more chance, so I will bless him with prayers of thanksgiving for the lovely weather this wee coming. We get a break from snow and ice as well. If I were working local, I'd say we'd even have some bike weather.

The ex-housemate gave a bit of chaos on her departure, claiming to have left three boxes that she had packed first. It must be hard to be that addled and to think that waking and baking is not an issue. So now I have a bit if residue to clean up, but nothing the vacuum with a clean bag won't take care of in spades.

And Life moves inexorably onward . . . .

I learned to appreciate Robin Trower's over the years. They don't make music like that anymore.

And the pic? - "Houston, do you have a visual on this?"

I don't listen to Trower as often as I used to, but I'll still pull the old boy up and crank some sometimes.

I saw recently that ELP is down to P. How sad.

I guess it's going to be a lonely business outliving all of you.

I'd send the picture to in order to help the memory fade and to not let her and Mr. Shady think they have legitimate reason for a home invasion while you are away to "retrieve" her things.
I really don't think she'd try shit. She more like the walk-in-an-unlocked door type. Anything else is too much like effort.

I always wondered about people who worked on houses all their careers and really know very little about how one is put together.

I guess they don't usually lock the door at the crackhouse, so . . . .

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