trying not to be shy anymore


Really Really Experienced
Jun 17, 2013
so after about 18 hours of no sleep i decided to post some new pics

Sorry about the dead links in the thread I am going to be cleaning them up and hopefully return to posting pics again tonight but until then here are a few to tide you guys and gals over with.

https://www.***********/s/ek1rpmiynkp597a/DSCN2043.JPG relaxing on the bed

https://www.***********/s/7re9a7pgaol1ykr/DSCN2042.JPG relaxing in the tub.

https://www.***********/s/8dmjh5fq6bn4pzz/just for fun (40).jpg
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Friendly mid day bump. I should be posting new pics here in a couple of hours
Glad you decided to post!! These pics are definitely worth attention ;)
thank you to both of you for swinging by and fawn always a pleasure to chat with you sweetie as for wantatoy I have yet to have the pleasure to chat with you maybe one day I will see a new Pm in my inbox
It's a pleasure to chat with you, and always a pleasure to see photos of you! ;)
It's a pleasure to chat with you, and always a pleasure to see photos of you! ;)

well keep an eye on this thread I should be posting a few two maybe three later today when I get back from town
oh I do believe i can handle the two of you but you should be asking yourselfs do you think you can handle me once you get me all wound up?:rose::devil:

I have never met a man I couldn't 'handle'...or lick ;)
this one is from early this morning after being up almost 24 hours i needed a nice cold shower

and this one is for fawn and evil hope you two like best I can do atm with company
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hope your feeling better now. i was feeling better after seeing you in the shower x