

Jul 24, 2001
Do you trust others easily?

Or for you, is it something others have to earn?

For me personally...I give my trust away as a gift.
It's relative. You could trust anyone with some things. There are some things I wouldn't trust my best friends with,
I dont' trust easily.

I seldom offer my complete trust.

I believe it is a self defense mechanism which allows me to say. "I am not surprised" everytime I get screwed over.
Ahh yes.

I am surprised everytime I find out I have been screwed over once again.

And I must add...I don't easily let people in. But once I have let them inside...they have my complete trust.
I tend to trust people a little and then my trust goes. It never fails to amaze me that by the time I give them my complete trust shortly after that they will blow it all. There are some people you will never know in any lifetime. I have found more than my share lately.
No I do not trust easily.

I have up huge walls that I hide behind and rarely let anyone in. I have friends, I may share parts of my life with them, bits of pieces of my feelings and thoughts with, but I don't fully trust them all. It is my defense mechanism, my way of not getting hurt and disappointed. But I also recognize that by doing this, that I am hurting myself.

Sometimes we just need to take a chance and trust freely, but that does not mean we shouldn't choose that person wisely. :)
Trust is a complex term...

We all place different values and boundaries upon it.

I would like to think I give my trust openly. I am an honest soul and expect honesty in return. I have learned a lot about the whole trust issue within this forum over the years. Some people come in as one person and then for whatever reason enter as another. Some say they are single but then married or vice versa. Some say they love you but yet move on to another. So many elements and scenerios I have seen first handed and the woes of friends. I do know that once I loose that trust it is not easy for that person to gain it back from me. It is like a little warning signal goes off in my mind.

I think it is better to give your trust first and if anything arises to loose it be cautious. Re-evaluate the situation and such. If you say you trust then you have to be willing to give a part of yourself to another.

I can relate to what others have said here. Hatara I have been there, done that and have many t-shirts relating to your words in your posts.

Hello and hugs for those I know.

What gets me is that it isn't the ones that are romantic the hurt me the worst. It is the ones I trusted and considered my friends.
I am easy to trust. I believe in the inherent goodness of people. I have been taken advantage of, and stepped on, but still I cannot help but to trust others at least on some level.

Trust with my heart? Hmmm now that is a different story all together. I have only given my heart to a very very small number of people. In love or friendship. And when I give my trust and heart I give it fully. A lesson I had to learn the hard way, by not giving it fully, and loosing that love. Not because I didn't trust the other person, but because I didn't trust myself. That is the one thing in my life that I wish I had a Mulligan to do that shot over. Maybe this time I wouldn't slice it off into the woods. ;)
MorgaineLaFay said:
Do you trust others easily?

Or for you, is it something others have to earn?

For me personally...I give my trust away as a gift.

I trust quickly, those I feel I can give my trust to. If I don't feel I can trust you quickly I'm unlikely ever to trust you.

I'm glad to say I've only been proved wrong once.
Trust is an interesting topic. I believe there are a number of levels to trust. One is where you trust someone else...what they say, do, feel etc. You place a trust in everything that they are, also in how they will treat you. Another is where you trust someone to open up your heart and mind to them. What you give will be received and returned in like manner.

I think trust in many ways coincides with respect. If I respect you, I will more than likely trust you. Give me reason to no longer respect you and the trust level decreases immensely.

With me you have a certain amount trust to begin grows and grows...unless you destroy it. I will give you a chance to build it up again but screw me over again and you have nothing with me anymore.
Ive been told that I trust people too easily. I don't know. I am not the type to play games with other people's emotions and trust, so I don't really look for it in others. I have been burned many times in my past and will get hurt again, but I would rather trust someone, than look for reasons not to trust. Once someone loses my trust it is hard to get it back, but not impossible.
MissTaken said:
I dont' trust easily.

I seldom offer my complete trust.

I believe it is a self defense mechanism which allows me to say. "I am not surprised" everytime I get screwed over.

Yep, this is me. I don't trust easily at all. All the times that I have, I've gotten too comfortable I guess, I get fucked, and not in a good way either.
I trust as a matter of course. Without thought. I believe there is good in everyone, and I live my life that way. So I trust you until you prove untrustworthy. Then I trust you a little more, because I'm a sucker.
Trust is a complicated issue for me.

Trust is earned. I expect that I have to earn someone's trust and they have to earn mine. As a consequence, rare is the person I trust implicitly.

Once they've earned it, by deeds or by actions, however, its there to stay. Until they give me reason to think otherwise.

See what I mean?

I'm getting better at this as I get older.
usually i am very trusting, sometimes to a fault...if i get a unsure feeling about an individual then i tend to be cautious, but other than that i trust people until they give me a reason not to!:)
I'm very trusting, but as someone said earlier, once you break it, it's gone. I have a hard time giving it back.
I've been told I am too trusting. I give my heart away easily, heck I love everyone. But on the rare occasion that someone has abused my loving and trusting nature I don't get angry, they just cease to exist.
I tend to trust very few people up front. Usually, when I meet someone, I can decide with 5 or 10 minutes whether I want to know them or not but there is still no trust for weeks or months. For me, actions speak louder than words. Iwant to see that they "walk the walk". If they don't follow though then they're gone.

I don't think I've ever trusted anyone completely - not even my ex-wife while we were married (maybe that is part of the reason she's an "ex"?). I trusted her more than anyone else but never completely.

For most of my adult life I've been described as "cold" and "standoff-ish" but neither description fits me well IMO. It's all related to the lack of trust. People get back what they give and I don't waste my time playing nice with people I don't trust.
Soblue said:
I'm very trusting, but as someone said earlier, once you break it, it's gone. I have a hard time giving it back.

Giving it back is what i'm working on.

People make mistakes. Hard to remember that though when I feel like I've been betrayed.