Trust is what you need (open to one woman)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
Damian L. Cornwall
Age 23
Height 6'0"
Weight 145lbs
Hair crue cut dark brown
Eyes dark brown
Physical appearance: light build. Of mixed blood thus skin color is of a very light brown from a hispanic grandmother. Formerly a security guard. No tattoos or piercings. Square jaw, smooth cheeks, thin lips. Clean and straight white teeth. Never married and no children.

I was the security guard of a small Christian college in north-west washington, right along Puget sound. The job was great, nothing major happens, the pay was good and the girls were good looking and I get to carry a pistol. But, the country began to take a nose dive suddenly that I was called in to work by my frantic supervisor saying that people were going through the class rooms and stealing stuff. I hurried over and found the whole campus overrun with people, all sorts of people; men, women, children, all stealing stuff from desks to books, computers, everything not nailed down and they took off into the darkness. We rounded up a few of them and called the police, but they couldn't come and do anything because the whole city was facing the same problem. It seems the whole area had gone nuts to full fledge rioting, but for what we didn't know.

To ensure that it didn't happen again, my supervisor rounded twelve of us guards up, put the prisoners in a holding cell, and broke out our weapons, a couple of shotguns and pistols and had us secure the perimeter of the college. The entire campus only took up five acres, but when it's just thirteen of us total it was a real pain to go from place to place to ensure everything was locked on foot. Our job was to protect this place and the students and faculty here, but many of us wanted to leave and go see if our friends and family were alright, but seeing the destruction round us it was stupid to go out over the walls. Once all of the gates were locked we checked the rooms and rooftops to ensure that there were no one else.

The entire campus was enclosed by a twelve foot tall, two foot thick, red brick wall and the gates were equally as tall wrought iron bar gates that had to swing inward to open and they could only be done so by hand. There were twenty buildings on campus, a student union, cafeteria, fifteen large classrooms, faculty building with offices, a security building, and a lab building. Not as immpressive as the larger colleges in Kirkland. There were no on campus housing for students, they were down the road as the size of the peninsula couldn't provide enough room for all of the trailers and apartment style buildings.

After securing the area my supervisor, Sergeant Chuck Duncan, called me and my friend Oscar Van Holster over and told us to take a cruiser down the road and go check on the students and if the situation dictated their removal, to bring them back to the college.

About that time we started hearing gunshots outside and shrieks and screams. It was war out there, but why was somethign we couldn't grasp. Our radios were keyed on the emergency channels as well as the televisions, but we coulnd't find a good source of information. Some were saying it was an invasion, others that it was zombies and still others said it was a civil war. WE didn't know we just wanted to stay alive considering that our campus was already trashed by looters.

Oscar took to the wheel and we rolled out with our lights and sirens off so that it didn't betray our precense. Going out the south gate towards a t-intersection and turning left it was just a two hundred yard run to the housing. It was not walled off which left many people exposed to outsiders. We've arrested beggers and drunks that wondered inside looking for some fun and help and even an attempted rape, fortunately we got him before he could pull any tricks. I've been at this campus for four years now, and i've enjoyed it, it was my best job i've ever had and with that i've grown attached to the place, knew the staff and many students well and because of that trust they turned to the security more for helf. Trust is what is needed in dire situations.
Reaching the trailers and housing we came to a halt at the first ones and got out o fhte cruiser but left the engine running. Oscar kept a watch on it as I went up to the trailer and knocked on the door. Several heavy blows to the cheap wood door yielded no answers and going over to the window and trying to peak inside between the slats there were no lights on inside and no movement.

"I got nothing. Let's go to the next one" whispering to Oscar.

We were on edge as another eruption of distant gunfire caught our attention to the north. It seemed to be coming closer and closer to us.

"This whole world has gone to shit" Oscar mumbled as I walked to the next trailer and began knocking on the doors.

(PM me if interested.)
Going from trailer to trailer and knocking on the doors there was no answer and many of the student vehicles were gone. Guess during the night many of them split, but we still went to every single one and try to encourage them to come out.

The air out here was still and cold. It was very strange. usually this place was alive with lights and music and dancing with student activities playing sports in the nearby fields, now it was dead quiet. Oscar tuned the radio to see if any news was forthcoming. There was static then a faint voice from the Emergency Alert System but it kept cutting out so we couldn't get anything from it.

I was scared but kept myself going to ensure that my job was done. The whole area was coming apart. On the horizon there was the faint glowing showing the tips of the trees. Something big was burning. I first thought it was zombies, but then figured that wasn't the case. It could have been much worse than that. It could be the second civil war.