Trump says people "will revolt" if he's impeached. How would they revolt?

So you don't have a fucking clue then???

Aw. Someone is getting triggered over this.

A violent protest by deplorables would amount to them getting their asses kicked and embarrassed - and that's it. But don't worry; you wouldn't take part in civil disobedience of any kind anyhow, computer warrior. ;)
Highly unlikely that Pious Pence would pardon the heathen Pussy-Grabber. It would screw up his base and any possible support from moderates.

Pence is so embroiled in "what did he know and when did his know it" anyway (Rachel Maddow established how that works in her TV show tonight) that if Trump is swept away, Pence is likely to go too. Guess who's in the line of succession after the VP. :D
Um, no. You're pretending you haven't already ranted on this from the other side.


Here we go making shit up to back our shit talk again :rolleyes:

You certainly aren't going to do anything but irrelevantly and impotently rant on a porn discussion board. :D

As long as everything is legal and above board sure.
Did someone mention triggered? :D (I didn't even read BB's last two posts and I know BB is triggered.)
Aw. Someone is getting triggered over this.

Fantasy and projection.

A violent protest by deplorables would amount to them getting their asses kicked and embarrassed - and that's it. But don't worry; you wouldn't take part in civil disobedience of any kind anyhow, computer warrior. ;)

A protest sure.

But again, I wasn't talking about just a protest....learn to read and do try to keep up.

Better luck next time Rory!:D
Did someone mention triggered? :D (I didn't even read BB's last two posts and I know BB is triggered.)

Ad hominem NOT..... an argument. ;)

Poor thing can't get more than a post or two in before he starts floundering all over the place with that shit.
No one has to worry about Bot.

  • He doesn't vote
  • He doesn't partake in community workshops
  • He doesn't interact with anyone of significance in real life
  • He's basically the Unabomber without the stones to light the fuse

I wasn't talking about a gang.

I was talking about the worst case scenario of open subversion of American democracy by the left to get rid of Trump or even an outright illegal coup.

That's going to do more than rile up a couple thousand alt-righters in Nawf Carolina or a rancher occupying a bird hut in Oregon.

There is no illegal "coup" in the works by the left wing. They learned that lesson in 1960s. It is uncertain the so-called left would even push for impeachment if they know they lack the votes to convict in the Senate.

So set the paranoid crap about a left-wing coup aside. The question in this thread really has to do with the right-wing reaction to impeachment on grounds that are strong enough to possibly lead to bipartisan conviction in the Senate.

If Trump gets impeached, but not convicted, the right wing won't do much at all except declare victory. But if he gets impeached and convicted, then the "revolt" question becomes more relevant.
No one has to worry about Bot.

  • He doesn't vote
  • He doesn't partake in community workshops
  • He doesn't interact with anyone of significance in real life
  • He's basically the Unabomber without the stones to light the fuse


Jesus Christ, luk is on LSD again :rolleyes:
Pence is so embroiled in "what did he know and when did his know it" anyway (Rachel Maddow established how that works in her TV show tonight) that if Trump is swept away, Pence is likely to go too. Guess who's in the line of succession after the VP. :D

I disagree. Trump can't stand Pence, so he just uses him and keeps him at a distance. I don't think Pence is close enough to Trump's inner circle to be swept away. They treated him like a useful idiot during the election.
There is no illegal "coup" in the works by the left wing.

I didn't say there was, I said that would be the worst case scenario for getting DJT out of the WH.

The question in this thread really has to do with the right-wing reaction to impeachment on grounds that are strong enough to possibly lead to bipartisan conviction in the Senate.

And like I said, it better be something good...."We don't like him!" could easily be seen as not a good enough reason by the people and openly regarded as the direct subversion of american democracy by a whole lot more than the alt-right.

If congress wants to take POTUS out without looking like a bunch of shady fuckers they are going to need least make up some shit to keep up appearances.

If Trump gets impeached, but not convicted, the right wing won't do much at all except declare victory. But if he gets impeached and convicted, then the "revolt" question becomes more relevant.

Again, I think that's highly dependent upon how the impeachments go.
If Pence learned anything from the Gerald Ford experience, he would not pardon Trump unless he has no interest in running for an additional term. When Ford pardoned Nixon, it paved the road for Carter's victory.

Highly unlikely that Pious Pence would pardon the heathen Pussy-Grabber. It would screw up his base and any possible support from moderates.

"“He risks being prosecuted after he leaves office,” she said. “I would predict here on MSNBC that when Trump leaves office he will resign the presidency 10 minutes before [Vice President] Mike Pence leaves office, allowing Pence to pardon him if there is not a Republican president to follow him.”

Her comments came after a number of politicians and analysts predicted that Trump could be indicted after he leaves office, following a new court filing in which prosecutors indicated that Trump directed his former lawyer Michael Cohen to make illegal payments during the campaign.""
I disagree. Trump can't stand Pence, so he just uses him and keeps him at a distance. I don't think Pence is close enough to Trump's inner circle to be swept away. They treated him like a useful idiot during the election.

There's a whole list of Trump folks who knew what Flynn was doing when he was doing it and did nothing about it and he's been convicted for doing it. There's also a lot of "we told the transition team" claims, especially about what Flynn's son was doing that was mixed up with what his father was doing. Pence made a whole lot of denial statements in the public record when, as head of the transition team, there will be a lot of dancing he's going to have to do to avoid the charge that he was part of the crime, knowledge of the crime, and coverup of the crime.
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Ammon Bundy is casting his lot and arsenal with the migrants, and opposing Trump. Maybe he can help stave off The Revolt of the Deplorables.
The Revolt of the Deplorables


The subversion of democracy going on right now is by the Rs in NC, WI & MI.

There's nothing subversive about impeachment. Perfectly legal. In fact its in the Constitution. In fact, no Dem ran on impeachment and they've been totally restrained given all tbe Shithead's impeachable actions.

Typical b.s. from you. Ascribing total fantasies to the Left while ignoring the actual stuff going on every day by Trump and Republican pigs in office.

I wasn't talking about a gang.

I was talking about the worst case scenario of open subversion of American democracy by the left to get rid of Trump or even an outright illegal coup.

That's going to do more than rile up a couple thousand alt-righters in Nawf Carolina or a rancher occupying a bird hut in Oregon.
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"“He risks being prosecuted after he leaves office,” she said. “I would predict here on MSNBC that when Trump leaves office he will resign the presidency 10 minutes before [Vice President] Mike Pence leaves office, allowing Pence to pardon him if there is not a Republican president to follow him.”

Her comments came after a number of politicians and analysts predicted that Trump could be indicted after he leaves office, following a new court filing in which prosecutors indicated that Trump directed his former lawyer Michael Cohen to make illegal payments during the campaign.""

^^^This is really a post-2020-election scenario, not a 2019 impeachment/conviction scenario.

If a House impeachment scenario is followed by bipartisan conviction in the Senate, Republican votes for conviction would almost certainly hinge on preserving a Republican presidency through the ultra-white and ultra-right vice president from Indiana.

At that point, Pious Pence would have a Gerald Ford decision to make about a pardon for the dethroned Pussy Grabber. Pardon the heathen and risk his chances in 2020, or condemn the orange man to the orange jump suit?

I suspect Pence would cloak himself in righteousness, and be the "good Christian" who delivers the country from lawlessness by stating, "No person is above the law".
I suspect Pence would cloak himself in righteousness, and be the "good Christian" who delivers the country from lawlessness by stating, "No person is above the law".

Or, would he be the "good Christian" who preaches the fundamental Christian ethic of forgiveness, and therefore pardons him?
I didn't say there was, I said that would be the worst case scenario for getting DJT out of the WH.

And like I said, it better be something good...."We don't like him!" could easily be seen as not a good enough reason by the people and openly regarded as the direct subversion of american democracy by a whole lot more than the alt-right.

If congress wants to take POTUS out without looking like a bunch of shady fuckers they are going to need least make up some shit to keep up appearances.

Again, I think that's highly dependent upon how the impeachments go.

I actually think the Left doesn't have a clue about how serious things will get if they impeach and remove Trump for some shaky reason.

There may not be all out "war" but, in the event that any impeachment is not seen as legitimate, those in power who are viewed as being the "leaders" of what the Conservatives believe to be subversion of American values to political expedience will be the first targets of unrestrained anger.

What that will actually result in is anyone's guess, but I'm sure it won't be pretty.

"And what will happen if Trump is impeached?"

"Deplorables will riot and hurt people - because the LEFT is VIOLENT!"

:D :rose:
Or, would he be the "good Christian" who preaches the fundamental Christian ethic of forgiveness, and therefore pardons him?

Hell no. Pence would want to be elected after Trump's impeachment.

Forget that Christian forgiveness crap. He would not do anything to jeopardize his own rise to power. He's been playing "clean" for a long time, just waiting in the wings...

"And what will happen if Trump is impeached?"

"Deplorables will riot and hurt people - because the LEFT is VIOLENT!"

:D :rose:

So, do you believe that an impeachment on false grounds doesn't do "violence" to the Constitution? Or to our standard of justice? Or to the fabric of our society?

And, if/when that happens, any defense against same is the only "violence" you claim to see?

Your eyes are blind.
There's nothing subversive about impeachment. Perfectly legal.

IF it's legal. But once again that wasn't what I was talking about.....

Typical b.s. from you. Ascribing total fantasies to the Left while ignoring the actual stuff going on every day by Trump and Republican pigs in office.

I didn't ascribe anything.

It's called a hypothetical can pull you head out and try paying attention now.

I actually think the Left doesn't have a clue about how serious things will get if they impeach and remove Trump for some shaky reason.

In general you're probably right.

There may not be all out "war" but, in the event that any impeachment is not seen as legitimate, those in power who are viewed as being the "leaders" of what the Conservatives believe to be subversion of American values to political expedience will be the first targets of unrestrained anger.

What that will actually result in is anyone's guess, but I'm sure it won't be pretty.

I think a war is rather unlikely, just a possible outcome of a blatantly shady breakdown in DC.

If everything at least looks legal and above board? Nothing will happen....Pence will be POTUS and hopefully not a total puppet for congress.

Now if they take him out for having dinner with his wife so they can bring POTUS Pelosi in? THAT just might start some shit. The house of cards would come crashing down.

So, do you believe that an impeachment on false grounds doesn't do "violence" to the Constitution? Or to our standard of justice? Or to the fabric of our society?

Probably not considering those on the left find those things outdated and deplorable.
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