Trump just curtsied to the Saudi King.


Brilliant .
I know nothing should surprise me when it comes to Trump's yahoo supporters, but...

These idiots think they're patriots so the hell do you cheer your president sucking ass with a nation who has spawned as many if not more terrorists than any country on the travel ban list they cheered for?

How do they sit there and accuse liberals of kissing the ass of Muslims who rape women and kill gays and are responsible for all terrorism, but now that Donald is giving blow jobs in the desert, the saudi's are great?

Amazing that his supporters invariably see themselves as some sort of 'tough guys' and everyone else is a snowflake. Yet they are the most waffling, spineless slime out there?
I know nothing should surprise me when it comes to Trump's yahoo supporters, but...

These idiots think they're patriots so the hell do you cheer your president sucking ass with a nation who has spawned as many if not more terrorists than any country on the travel ban list they cheered for?

How do they sit there and accuse liberals of kissing the ass of Muslims who rape women and kill gays and are responsible for all terrorism, but now that Donald is giving blow jobs in the desert, the saudi's are great?

Amazing that his supporters invariably see themselves as some sort of 'tough guys' and everyone else is a snowflake. Yet they are the most waffling, spineless slime out there?

They may have a better grasp on the realization that it is money not principles which drive international relations. If Saudi Arabia did not have oil and was a bulwark against revolutionary Iran it would be an 'unpopulated' wasteland after 9/11. Bleeding heart liberals will stand on principle. Trump and his kind (Many Democrats and Liberals too) follow the money.
Right, because you're one of these freaks who thinks people blithering on chat boards are more of a threat to the Republic than the POTUS

I don't think that at all.

You're also one of these idiots so freaked out about ISLAM

I'm not at all freaked out about Islam.

they don't see the radical Fundies taking over our government.

There are no radical fundies taking over our government, you can't point to a single one.

That's all this bogus Islamophobia is about.

Pointing out the fact that it's violently misogynistic to the idiot feminist who love it, isn't Islamophobia.

the alt right cheerleader will accept no criticism of his of his daddy Princess Snowflake Trump

Laughing at people who only have issues with behaviors when (R)'s do it doesn't make me alt-right nor a Trump supporter.

The fact you're trying to push such a lie says much more about you than it does me ;)
The bin Laden family, also spelled bin Ladin, is a wealthy family intimately connected with the innermost circles of the Saudi royal family.The family was thrown into the media spotlight through the activities of one of its members, Osama bin Laden, the former head of Al Qaeda. The financial interests of the bin Laden family are represented by the Saudi Binladin Group, a global oil and equity management conglomerate grossing US$2 billion annually, and the largest construction firm in the world, with offices in London, Dubai, and Geneva.
That's right....your team LOVES the Saudis and Islamic terrorist.

Dude, I don't have a team. I'm a sole proprietor and if I ever got in the WH, I shake shit to the core worse than 'Rump. But I'd do it with integrity and I wouldn't waffle.

There'd be a whole passel of folks headed to the pokey including Holder.

And Saudi would be declared a terror sponsor. Maybe Turkey too.
Yes, you do. Otherwise you'd spend more time on Trump's hypocrisy than anyone else's, but you don't.

Bitter Boy number of posts on Trump's lies and bullshit: zero

Number of posts on "D" posters lies and bullshit: 10,000,000

I don't think that at all.

Your previous post and rants about Islamic misogyny say otherwise.

I'm not at all freaked out about Islam.

Betsy Devos

To name three

There are no radical fundies taking over our government, you can't point to a single one.

Islam isn't any more violently misogynistic than Christianity or, basically, everything. There are plenty of devout Muslim women who are also feminists. You're spouting the right-y talking point, nothing more

Pointing out the fact that it's violently misogynistic to the idiot feminist who love it, isn't Islamophobia.

Well then it's time to start laughing at yourself.

You only have issues with certain groups hypocrisy, lies and bullshit. It has nothing to do with some moral stand against hypocrisy, only with your pathological fixation on Ds.

No, that doesn't make you alt-righty or a Trump supporter, but giving Trump and the alt-right a pass on the same things you rag Ds for does. Also makes you a Super Hypocrite.

Laughing at people who only have issues with behaviors when (R)'s do it doesn't make me alt-right nor a Trump supporter.
Yes, you do.

Your previous post and rants about Islamic misogyny say otherwise.

No I don't, that's just your ascription.

Betsy Devos

To name three

Are not radical or fundies....they just aren't team (D) and the hysteria brigade (media) have you thinking they are out ta GETCHYA!!! OHhhhhHHHHhhh better watch out for the boogeyman (R)'s~!!!


Islam isn't any more violently misogynistic than Christianity

LMFAO!! Yea that must be why the worst womens rights violators are white western democratic nations where they regularly stone, subjugate, rape and beat women for the fun of it??

Oh those are all Islamic countries.

Cultures and religions are not equal, some are better than others.

You only have issues with certain groups hypocrisy, lies and bullshit.

Totally untrue.

No, that doesn't make you alt-righty or a Trump supporter, but giving Trump and the alt-right a pass on the same things you rag Ds for does. Also makes you a Super Hypocrite.

No it makes you a newb.

See up until the last presidential race started getting really heated (post primaries really) and the hypocrisy started being slung about in mass I spent several years here trashing all the "The Kenyan Commies are coming for GRANDMA!!" idiots just as I'm trashing all the "Trump is HITLER~!!" idiots now. ;)

Go ahead....ask Boxlicker, Ishmale or Contrifrain how Republican I am LOL
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I don't think that at all.

I'm not at all freaked out about Islam.

There are no radical fundies taking over our government, you can't point to a single one.

Pointing out the fact that it's violently misogynistic to the idiot feminist who love it, isn't Islamophobia.

Laughing at people who only have issues with behaviors when (R)'s do it doesn't make me alt-right nor a Trump supporter.

The fact you're trying to push such a lie says much more about you than it does me ;)
You're bordering on hashtag levels of OCD/ tourettes, dumbfuckery.
Obama was black. Blacks are actually referred to as 'slave' in that country regularly. Have a buddy who is black and from Saudi Arabia. Not only very misogynist but racist too.

This is actually interesting.

I'd be keen on hearing the GB' opinion on this.
and then

followed by

so what happened years ago isnt important, but only when you're being such a huge hypocrite about it?

and of course the Alt right cheerleader follwed up with

which leads to

which of of course daddy's girl Botany Boy followed up with

the alt right cheerleader will accept no criticism of his of his daddy Princess Snowflake Trump

I'm just here for the snacks and free drinks.

Like you ascribing that I only think Pence, DeVos and Gorsuch are radical fundies because they're not D

No I don't, that's just your ascription.

Yes, they are, openly fundies and openly radical.

Gay conversion therapy, Focus on the Family, blah blah blah. It's not like it's a secret. If you're denying it, I don't know what to say. Learn how to read.

Ryan, McConnell, most of his cabinet are just your run of the mill Rs. These guys are crazy fundies and everyone knows it, except you apparently.

Are not radical or fundies....they just aren't team (D) and the hysteria brigade (media) have you thinking they are out ta GETCHYA!!! OHhhhhHHHHhhh better watch out for the boogeyman (R)'s~!!!

Nothing but blather tossed up by the Right.

Misogyny is different from violating women's rights, and Islam is no more violently misgynistic than the US, and definitely no more than Christians.

LMFAO!! Yea that must be why the worst womens rights violators are white western democratic nations where they regularly stone, subjugate, rape and beat women for the fun of it??

Oh those are all Islamic countries.

Cultures and religions are not equal, some are better than others.

Totally untrue.

No it makes you a newb.

See up until the last presidential race started getting really heated (post primaries really) and the hypocrisy started being slung about in mass I spent several years here trashing all the "The Kenyan Commies are coming for GRANDMA!!" idiots just as I'm trashing all the "Trump is HITLER~!!" idiots now. ;)

Go ahead....ask Boxlicker, Ishmale or Contrifrain how Republican I am LOL[/QUOTE]
In theory or theology Islam is no worse than Christianity. And some American fundies do push the limits. Islam is followed in may of the world's developing nations and pure outright 3rd world countries. Conditions in those states which has little to do with Islam give Islam a bad name. In Burma/Myanmar the Buddhist, who are the most peaceable folk in the west, kill Muslims. Nothing to do with Buddhism or Islam. Just shitty social conditions by our western standards.

One could just as well blame Christianity for pornography, drug addiction and violence. Which I am sure many others in other countries may do.

I bet you could put together videos, articles and propaganda pieces that would show Christianity as quite murderous and two-faced.

Ay one point in time Islamic nations were the most advanced on the planet. Much of that actually due to Islam. I doubt it was the theology of Islam which contributed to their decline. Various men's interpretations perhaps along with colonialism and Imperialism.

see my link in another thread about Saudi Wahhabis as an example.
In theory or theology Islam is no worse than Christianity. And some American fundies do push the limits. Islam is followed in may of the world's developing nations and pure outright 3rd world countries. Conditions in those states which has little to do with Islam give Islam a bad name. In Burma/Myanmar the Buddhist, who are the most peaceable folk in the west, kill Muslims. Nothing to do with Buddhism or Islam. Just shitty social conditions by our western standards.

One could just as well blame Christianity for pornography, drug addiction and violence. Which I am sure many others in other countries may do.

I bet you could put together videos, articles and propaganda pieces that would show Christianity as quite murderous and two-faced.

Ay one point in time Islamic nations were the most advanced on the planet. Much of that actually due to Islam. I doubt it was the theology of Islam which contributed to their decline. Various men's interpretations perhaps along with colonialism and Imperialism.

see my link in another thread about Saudi Wahhabis as an example.

That's an excellent thread, and I read some things that I didn't know.

It's just that, re Carnal_Flower's and other GB liberals' comments:

I never saw anyone being so disparaging of their own culture and heritage, as some of the GB american liberals are. While idealising someone else's culture.
-- While constructive criticism is always good, and Christianity was guilty of many things too, they've pushed it too far and it's morphed into self- denigation and a cult of Islam.

Middle Easterners don't do it, europeans don't do it.
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