Trump is living in a magical land, where coronavirus does not exist

No, he''s not. He knows that Covid is a real threat that will not magically disappear.

Trump knows the same thing ;) that's what pissed everyone off.

He also knows the outright execution of the economy won't stop it either....that got "progressives" ULTRA pissed, totally fucking insane with rage.

But the people feel differently so we elected (D)'s to see if the total destruction of the US economy by god king Joe will stop it.

Good luck in the courts when all the red states give him the finger. :D
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Trump knows the same thing ;)

He also knows the outright execution of the economy won't stop it either.

But the people feel differently so we elected (D)'s to see if starving millions will save thousands from COVID.

That's NOT what he is on record as saying.
Oh I'm sure.

The triggering was both phenomenal and delicious, shit, bitches are STILL enraged.

Still...he knows it isn't going away and the shutdowns are fucking retarded.

Lol. You're the bitch who is enraged about something that wasn't said. Enjoy the next 8 years, Trumplitard! :D
Oh I'm sure.

The triggering was both phenomenal and delicious, shit, bitches are STILL enraged.

Still...he knows it isn't going away and the shutdowns are fucking retarded.

He knows?

He ignores ALL the scientific advice and pontificates with no knowledge at all. And threatens to sack Fauci for telling the truth. Four months ago Fauci predicted 100,000 cases a day. Now the US is there.
America has just become the First country to reach TEN MILLION infected people!

Great job Trump! You finally got the massive crowd size you wanted!
America has just become the First country to reach TEN MILLION infected people!

Great job Trump! You finally got the massive crowd size you wanted!

China was probably the first. They lie. That's how we ended up where we are.
Next time, use the metric "percentage of population"
and perhaps an examination of mortality rate...
Oh I'm sure.

The triggering was both phenomenal and delicious, shit, bitches are STILL enraged.

Still...he knows it isn't going away and the shutdowns are fucking retarded.

You might be banned but you’ll check in. :)

Point is trump, as the leader of the nation, abdicated actually leading on the pandemic and is pretending it’s not a thing even after he got the best medical treatment for it himself.

I’m not at all for the green new deal or AOC on the cabinet but given your latest hysteria if it puts you over the edge I’m all in! :D
Trump never gave a crap about controlling transmission, and now things are spiraling out of control while he pouts in his bunker about losing the election.

This is the first time in my lifetime where the President-elect had to take over the main leadership role of the nation within two weeks following the election, simply because the outgoing President is too emotionally damaged to fulfill his duties during a national emergency.

This situation is made worse because Trump's vice-President, cabinet, and Republican Senatorial delegation are too intimidated by Trump's tantrum to take much-needed leadership action themselves.

We are experiencing a total Republican leadership meltdown. This is not limited to Trump alone. This crisis is much greater than the one left by the G.W. Bush administration.
Ever notice the older he becomes, the dumber he gets?

That man lost his marbles a long time ago, should have stayed a fraud businessman on the TV and never ever enter politics.
“It’s gonna go. It’s gonna leave. It’s gonna be gone. It’s gonna be eradicated. It might take longer, it might be in smaller sections. It won’t be what we had. If you have a flare-up in a certain area—I call them burning embers—boom, we put it out. We know how to put it out now.”

April 29, 2020
Ever notice the older he becomes, the dumber he gets?

That man lost his marbles a long time ago, should have stayed a fraud businessman on the TV and never ever enter politics.

But stupid people need someone racist to look up to.
Trump never gave a crap about controlling transmission, and now things are spiraling out of control while he pouts in his bunker about losing the election.

This is the first time in my lifetime where the President-elect had to take over the main leadership role of the nation within two weeks following the election, simply because the outgoing President is too emotionally damaged to fulfill his duties during a national emergency.

This situation is made worse because Trump's vice-President, cabinet, and Republican Senatorial delegation are too intimidated by Trump's tantrum to take much-needed leadership action themselves.

We are experiencing a total Republican leadership meltdown. This is not limited to Trump alone. This crisis is much greater than the one left by the G.W. Bush administration.

LOL Coati laments the lack of totalitarianism and authoritarianism in the USA.....LOL

But stupid people need someone racist to look up to.

and Fascists needed a Fascist leader.

Still don't know what "racism" and "fascism" are do you??

You REALLY ought to look those terms up.
A Nurse writes of Dying COVID-19 Patients who still claim that COVID-19 is a hoax

“The ones that stick out are those who still don’t believe the virus is real. The ones who scream at you for a magic medicine and that Joe Biden is going to ruin the USA. All while gasping for breath on 100% Vapotherm.

“They tell you there must be another reason they are sick. They call you names and ask why you have to wear all that ‘stuff’ because they don’t have COVID because it’s not real. Yes. This really happens,” she wrote.

The scene is like a horror movie that never ends, Doering wrote.

“There are no credits that roll. You just go back and do it all over again,” Doering wrote.

Following her viral tweet, Doering was interviewed Monday on CNN. “Their last dying words are, ‘This can’t be happening to me, it’s not real,’” Doering said, according to an account on The Poynter Report, a daily email newsletter.

In a reply to Doering’s tweet, a doctor in the state of Washington tweeted screenshots of social media postings by Richard Rose III, who wrote, “I’m not buying a fucking mask. I’ve made it this far by not buying into that damn hype.” Rose also posted a photo of his visit to a crowded location in Put-in-Bay.

His obituary posted online on July 5 noted that he died of COVID-19 complications.
A big plus politically, and a big interest re discipline by a wicked (yet strangely affectionate) authority figure.

‘I cried and cried’: Unvaccinated Republican assumed COVID-19 ‘wouldn’t be that bad’ – then came perilously close to dying

A whopping 99.2 percent of the people who died of COVID-19 in May were people who weren't vaccinated, Forbes reported, citing data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It showed that only 150 out of 18,000 COVID deaths in May were "breakthrough" infections of fully vaccinated people.

One of those people who survived was Republican Party of Lakeland chairman James Ring, who says now that he "certainly was dying," when he contracted the virus at a volleyball tournament where his daughters played in Orlando,

"I haven't shared this with many people, but I just spent the last few days confined to a small room in the COVID unit at Lakeland Regional Health with COVID pneumonia in both my lungs," Ring said in a Facebook post.

Because of his good health, he "always haphazardly assumed it wouldn't be that bad if I caught the virus," Ring explained in a Facebook post.

Still, the virus took him down. He described it as if he couldn't catch his breath. He actually drove himself to the hospital, but he was afraid that he was going to die on the way there.

"My temperature spiked, I couldn't breathe and my blood oxygen levels crashed. I went to the ER on the 10th night and was given an IV with an experimental antiviral antibody medicine for high-risk patients (I technically didn't meet the definition for high-risk patient, but the doctor could see my body wasn't handling the virus well and he showed me some grace)," the Facebook post continued. "I was then sent home from the ER, only to return later the following evening when my temperature once again spiked, I was shaking uncontrollably, and my blood oxygen levels dropped dangerously low to 78. I couldn't catch my breath and was certain I was dying."
During the meanwhile, Covid-19 has plenty of unvaccinated hosts to nurture
and evolve ever more dealdy versions for science to cope with.