Trump held in contempt, faces $10K-per-day fine in New York AG’s probe

The man has millions.

Your idea of what happened here is exaggerated
Just another malicious political prosecution.
He could have stayed out of politics and continued to get away with his business shenanigans -- they were prosecutable pre-presidency, he just didn't seem so important then.
The contempt order could be short-lived. If Alina Habba, one of Mr. Trump’s lawyers, files a sworn statement detailing every step that was taken to locate potential documents, the judge might be satisfied, lawyers close to the case said. Ms. Habba said after the hearing ended that she intended to file such a statement, potentially by the end of the day.
“All documents responsive to the subpoena were produced to the attorney general months ago,” Ms. Habba said. “This does not even come close to meeting the standard on a motion for contempt.”
At the hearing, Justice Engoron objected to an earlier statement from Mr. Trump’s lawyers regarding their efforts to search for documents, calling it “woefully insufficient” and “boilerplate.”
It failed, he said, to outline “what, who, where, when and how any search was conducted.”
time will tell, but the actual initial move to announce a 10K a day fine is a comment-worthy step by the judge and a shot over t's bows
Big deal. Its a civil case so he's probably as worried about it as I am about the OPs racism and sense of self importance. That is to say its annoying but doesn't change my life one iota.
The man has millions.

Your idea of what happened here is exaggerated
$10k a day fine (especially when it most probably will be reduced or repealed when (if) he complies) means jack. It's like fining me $1.00 a day. Jack it to $100K with assurances it will be collected no matter what, and it might, maybe make a difference. I've said it before and it bears repeating: The divide in this country isn't about black/white, Democrat/Republican, it's about how many $ you have. Those who have it in the amount the donald has, get to play the system, while the rest of us gotta go by the rules. Figuratively speaking, I hope he gets his dick slapped into the dirt.

In a two-paragraph affidavit, Trump argued he did not have the requested documents and should not have to pay the fine.

“To the best of my knowledge, I do not have any of the documents requested in the subpoena dated December 1, 2021 in my personal possession,” and that they were likely in the possession of the Trump Organization.
Justice Arthur Engoron rejected that argument, saying the former president’s affidavit was “devoid of any useful detail.”

"Notably, it fails to state where he kept his files, how his files were stored in the regular course of business, who had access to such files, what, if any, the retention policy was for such files, and, importantly, where he believes such files are currently located," the judge wrote. Trump also failed to note if he'd turned over "his personal electronic devices for imaging and searching," the judge said.
He ordered Trump to provide a detailed affidavit answering all those of questions “in order to purge his contempt.”